
Evil Corpos Better Beware!

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"Corpos own everything: the streets, the schools, the Net. Fight them head-on, and Arasaka buries just you. But we're the undercurrent, the city's rhythm. A beat that gets in your head, burrows in like a worm. Kill the music, and the beat keeps going. That's us. A dark wire threaded through the fabric of Night City. Pull too hard, and the whole city unravels."

Darkwire isn't just a crew for hire. It's not just a revolution in the making. It's both. They take the jobs that pay and the gigs that hurt the right people. Its founder knows how to play the game, how to shake a Corpo's hand with one grip and pick their pocket with the other. They'll work with a suit if it means bleeding another one dry. They'll run jobs for the streets, too—sometimes dirty, sometimes desperate, but always theirs to call.

At its core, Darkwire moves with precision under the direction of Daiya Truman. A trusted Fixer keeps the wheels turning, feeding jobs and influence. Alongside them, four hand-picked Cutters, the specialists and leaders in the crew, set the pace for the rest. Beneath them, the Jammers, the heartbeat of Darkwire, are the ones who get the jobs done. And then there are the Listeners. The ones who move to the beat but haven't yet stepped into the streets.

Darkwire's reach is still quiet, whispered in the alleys, rumored in the slums. But those who know, know. If you want in, you start where the pulse is loudest. At the silent rave, a secret buried in bass, where the willing find their way in.

They're a crew today. Maybe something more tomorrow. But Corpos should watch their backs, Darkwire isn't staying small for long.

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