Recent content by Akane Sokolski

  1. Akane Sokolski

    PUBLIC Welcome to Arasaka Tower | OPEN TO CORPOS

    Corporate Plaza Suite, in view of Arasaka Tower Tags: None yet... The tower, obscuring the majority of the view of the Corporate Plaza, stood as a dark and brooding monument to the reach, wealth, and influence of Arasaka. Where a stroll through Watson might have someone battered with neon...
  2. Akane Sokolski

    Hey everyone!

    Hello! Looking forward to getting into some corpo shenanigans.
  3. Akane Sokolski

    WORK IN PROGRESS Akane Sokolski

    The Great Below Akane Sokolski G E N E R A L Full name: Akane Sokloski Alias: Age: 45 Ethnicity: Japanese/Polish Birthplace: Night City, Arasaka Estate Height: 5'-4" Build: Lithe, athletic B A C K G R O U N D Family Ranking: Corporate Manager - Enforcer Parents: Fathers is likely...