Recent content by Amadis

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    ENTRY Late Welcome, New Place, Old Face

    Very awesome :)
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    ART & CODE Amadis's Code Box'o'trouble n Tricks.

    Name: Adrian 'Ledger ' Parker Alias/Handle: Ledger Age: 21 Ethnicity: Caucasian Birthplace: Iron Divide, Santo Domingo, Night City Appearance: Standing at 5'10", Adrian is lean, with a clean-cut look as you'd expect from a corpo. His blond hair is kept short and slicked back. Pale blue...
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    ART & CODE Amadis's Code Box'o'trouble n Tricks.

    Name: Lukas Kade Alias/Handle: Ghost Age: 21 Ethnicity: Caucasian Birthplace: Iron Divide, Santo Domingo, Night City Appearance: Standing at 6'1", Lukas has a rugged, athletic, and toned build. His short, dark brown hair is usually shaved to a fade. His amber eyes show minor Kiroshi optical...
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    ART & CODE Amadis's Code Box'o'trouble n Tricks.

    Things will go here, many terrible things, most of which won't work.
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    SUGGESTION Many Suggestions.

    Hello, these were some of the features I was looking at having coded, along with some distortions or neon effects on names and glitching effects on a chat panel. And as they are fresh in my mind right now, I thought why not share them in case any were intreresting, in some form down the line...
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    ENTRY Hello

    I was about to pay to set up a forum much like this, so I'm VERY glad I found you first. i'd rather write with what's already going on rather than do it all myself. A few familiar faces, and a familiar faction no less. :D I have about a million ideas to pose, so let's start with something...