Amos's latest activity

  • Amos
    Amos replied to the thread PRIVATE House Call.
    He winced slightly as the needle jabbed into his side. Lips pressing to a thin line for a brief moment before he shifted slightly...
  • Amos
    Amos reacted to Nefadar's post in the thread Hello There! with Like Like.
    @Amos , welcome to CP, I hope you enjoy your stay here, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)
  • Amos
    Amos reacted to Queenie's post in the thread PRIVATE House Call with Wow Wow.
    Between the two of them they had enough history and connection with Militech for any of this to make sense. Somehow. Queenie was not...
  • Amos
    Amos replied to the thread PRIVATE House Call.
    He was more than sure that she was right about that. These guys might not have been complete professionals, but they'd moved like their...
  • Amos
    Amos reacted to Queenie's post in the thread PRIVATE House Call with Like Like.
    "It is not a quick fix either..." Queenie tutted him as she pulled out a secondary medical kit meant for flesh and not for tech. As for...
  • Amos
    Amos replied to the thread PRIVATE House Call.
    Amos frowned for a moment, glancing down at the stim wearily. He usually didn't like taking anything that dulled his mind too much...
  • Amos
    Amos posted the thread Hello There! in Welcome Wagon.
  • Amos
    Amos reacted to Queenie's post in the thread PRIVATE House Call with Ohyeah! Ohyeah!.
    Typically people of Amos' stature in the city were not her clientele. After years working beneath the boot that trod on those already...
  • Amos
    Amos replied to the thread PRIVATE House Call.
    "Details." He remarked softly, wincing slightly as he tried to reach to loosen the hem of his shirt. Frowning slightly as he looked up...
  • Amos
    Amos posted the thread PRIVATE House Call in Private Threads.
    Downtown It was a view that ten years he would have killed for now. Now it almost seemed droll. There was something about the old...
  • Amos
    Name: Amos Kerrith Alias/Handle: Kerrith, Kairos, The Man On 109 Age: 43 Ethnicity: German Birthplace: Germany Family...