B B's latest activity

  • B B
    B B reacted to Xasha Callisto's post in the thread MISSION Echoes of the Past with Love Love.
    Active Location: Online Physical Location: Objective: wake up, engage Tags: @Balthazar Harris @B B There was no further response to...
  • B B
    B B replied to the thread MISSION Echoes of the Past.
    Tag: @Balthazar Harris @Xasha Callisto Location: Harris’ Apartment After his message, he got an error message, to the other ID...
  • B B
    B B reacted to Balthazar Harris's post in the thread MISSION Echoes of the Past with Love Love.
    Information Objective: Follow the clue Location: National Bank, Night City Equipment: Normal outfit Tags: @B B | @Xasha Callisto | Open...
  • B B
    B B reacted to Xasha Callisto's post in the thread MISSION Echoes of the Past with Love Love.
    Active Location: Online Physical Location: Objective: wake up, engage Tags: @B B @Balthazar Harris The Thai woman woke up in her...
  • B B
    B B replied to the thread LFG Echoes of the Past.
    Sorry for the slowly start, but RL... Here is the starter post.
  • B B
    Tag: @Balthazar Harris @Xasha Callisto Location: Harris' Apartment Bathazar wakes up from his dream in his bed, and a loud snoring...
  • B B
    B B replied to the thread LFG Echoes of the Past.
    Okay, I think I will start this adventure on this week Characters: Balthazar Harris - NCPD - MaxTac Xasha Callisto - Netrunner
  • B B
    B B reacted to Balthazar Harris's post in the thread CHARACTER Balthazar Harris with Love Love.
    Balthazar Harris Theme Fight As One Aliases Balty Agent Harris Hawkeye Clint Barton Agent Barton Ethnicity American Birthplace...
  • B B
    B B replied to the thread LFG Echoes of the Past.
    Here comes a little extra “Bait”, and maybe we can start in the near future, I just give a little time for others to decide whether they...
  • B B
    B B replied to the thread LFG Echoes of the Past.
    Nefadar - ? Xasha Callisto - Netrunner Okay, soo I have two victims, maybe some more will come too. Nefi know me as Storyteller, but I...
  • B B
    B B reacted to Xasha Callisto's post in the thread LFG Echoes of the Past with Like Like.
    I'd quite like a more structured mission style event as opposed to the more free for all things so if you need a netrunner Xasha could...
  • B B
    B B reacted to Nefadar's post in the thread LFG Echoes of the Past with Like Like.
    I'm interested, I don't know what character yet, but I'll definitely jump in with someone.
  • B B
    Hey everyone, Here is a good time to join a simple adventure. You will be part of a simple story, to enjoy a little fun times with...
  • B B
    B B reacted to Mercy's post in the thread CHARACTER Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy with Love Love.
    Keilara Kala'myr Theme Come Back Aliases Mercy Ziare Dyarron Ethnicity American Birthplace Night City Age Early twenties...
  • B B
    B B reacted to Ingrid Miller's post in the thread CHARACTER Ingrid Miller with Love Love.
    Ingrid Miller Theme Abracadavre Aliases Ingrid Stephanie Miller Red Witch Valeria Ragal Ethnicity Swedish-American Birthplace...