Recent content by Beau Frost

  1. Beau Frost

    PRIVATE Organitskaya

    WATSON DISTRICT черная собака - THE BLACK DOG @Dmitri Antonov The hustle and bustle of the restaurant echoed all around. Many of the inhabitants of Russian origins usually came to mingle here with one another and have a good meal and a nice drink. A table in the back held three men. One many...
  2. Beau Frost

    PUBLIC Calling All Cars

    WESTBROOK - CHARTER HILL FIRST NATIONAL BANK Who: @Ryan Graves | @Vex Kiranova The sound of chaos. A symphony of destruction! A street down, Beau leant against a Thorton Mackinaw Larimore, cigarette between his fingers as he scrolled through one of his phones liking pictures of models and...
  3. Beau Frost

    PUBLIC City of Dreams // OPEN

    Watson District, Night City - Megabuilding H10 @Ryan Graves His footsteps were light...too light. Like a cat prowling the jungle for it's next victim within this sprawling concrete jungle. The neon lights of Night City reflected off of dark shades planted on the face of the male as he made his...
  4. Beau Frost

    Income Guide & Updates

    Name: @Beau Frost Reason: Monthly Income Thread Title: N/A Money Earned: 6,000 Link to Thread: Staff Approved: @GehennaUponUs
  5. Beau Frost

    CHARACTER Beau "Archangel" Frost

    BEAU FROST ThemeTemple Priest AliasesArchangel El Lobo Volk Ethnicityrussian-american Birthplacemoscow, russia Age26 Gendermale Height6'3" Weight190 Eyesblue Hairblack (dyes it white) Skinwhite Buildathletic and toned Language(s)english, russian and japanese...