Recent content by Benedict Cross

  1. Benedict Cross

    STAFF Rumors & Gigs Board

    Gig Name: Raiding The Garden of Eden Type of Gig: Target Elimination and Data Recovery Client: The Mongrels Details: Everyone knows the great "blippening" Night City just experienced, no? I imagine everyone from Netwatch to Arasaka is searching for some sort of answer. And while I don't...
  2. Benedict Cross

    FIRST REPLY Dog Eat Dog

    Benedict listened intently as Charlemagne gave his own soliloquy. He nodded slowly as he came to realise the Night City fixer agreed with his worldview. A grin came over his features. Fucking finally. A businessman worth his salt. Cross realised of course he was being flattered, but nevertheless...
  3. Benedict Cross

    GIG Culling The Herd | Gig

    Benedict looked confused as he pondered the question. ‘Could we have made this a frame up?’ The Englishman’s gaze turned to Twigg who stood stony faced, and giving nothing away. “You know…. I actually can’t say I really thought that far ahead about this.” His attentions turned to the Biker, “I...
  4. Benedict Cross

    GIG Culling The Herd | Gig

    "I understand if you must dispose of any scavs en route to your objective. But what is critical, is discretion." Benedict cast a glance to Minx too as he explained this. "Kill if you must, but make sure to hide the bodies, and not sound the alarm. Remember, there are eddies at stake." Benedict...
  5. Benedict Cross

    GIG Culling The Herd | Gig

    THE MOTH BAR Dogtown, Night City Time: 1327 The cool, musty air of the Moth bar felt refreshing after the humidity of walking through Dogtown. But the air of the bar was stale as the mercs were led through by the towering point of contact they’d met, Twigg. Attired in full Barghest combat gear...
  6. Benedict Cross

    FIRST REPLY Dog Eat Dog

    “Those elements cost, but my employers' opponents- my opponents are… well arrogant simpletons.” Benedict mused, leaning back in. He knew he had the Afterlife fixer’s attention. And the rifles were but bait. But seeing the man bite? Unnf. Reminded him of the Zetatech patent office back in the...
  7. Benedict Cross

    STAFF Rumors & Gigs Board

    Gig Name: Culling The Herd Type of Gig: Infiltration and Sabotage Client: The Mongrels on behalf of several concetned citizens and even more vengeful ones. Details: The Terra Cognita Scavs have become increasingly brazen in recent months and abducted a number of Dogtowners for their primary...
  8. Benedict Cross

    FIRST REPLY Dog Eat Dog

    "If I may, regale you with history for a time," Benedict began as he reached into his coat, "But after Colonel Hansen's unfortunate meet with the FIA, the leadership of Barghest has been naught but a contest between heavyweights." Cross retrieved the article he had been searching for. His eyes...
  9. Benedict Cross

    FIRST REPLY Dog Eat Dog

    Benedict sharply inhaled. This was it. This was his moment. He’d been stuck as a fixer for months now, but a seat at the Afterlife? Preem, “Much obliged.” The Mongrel fixer curtly responded. His voice did not betray how anxious he was. Just conversational. It was not wise at this juncture to let...
  10. Benedict Cross

    FIRST REPLY Dog Eat Dog

    "Don't loike this suh." Corporal Badrick Twigg grunted underneath his breathe, "Skulkin' 'round the Aftuhloife, like we're suckle 'ungry swine." The Barghest veteran grunted, they had of course come discreetly, not carrying armaments. They were smart enough to know not to come packing to the...
  11. Benedict Cross

    CHARACTER Benedict "Benny Bucks" Cross

    BENEDICT ARGYLE CROSS Name: Benedict Argyle Cross Alias/Handle: Benny Bucks ("Don't fucking call me that.") Age: 36 Ethnicity: English-Irish Birthplace: London, The United Kingdom Appearance: Benedict Argyle Cross is what one would call unremarkable. Still paranoid about Zetatech or the Tyger...