Recent content by Evelyn Night

  1. Evelyn Night

    PRIVATE Now that's been signed

    Location: NightCorp Tower, City Center Time: 01:32 PM CEO's Office Every gilded surface of the large office gleamed in the warm sunlight pouring in through the tall windows which spanned floor-to-ceiling. The CEO's Suite took up almost the entire 120'th floor, save for a small foyer and...
  2. Evelyn Night

    Income Guide & Updates

    Name: @Evelyn Night Reason: Monthly Pay; CEO Stipend Thread Title: N/A Money Earned: Extensive Night Family wealth & assets, CEO Salary Link to Thread: N/A Staff Approved: @GehennaUponUs
  3. Evelyn Night

    PUBLIC Calling All Cars

    Night City City Center Night Corporation Headquarters (120th Floor, CEO's Penthouse) "-ow to a rapidly developing situation at the Charter Hill branch of the Night City First national Bank, where a large number of armed assailants have taken hostages. We've only just received reports that at...
  4. Evelyn Night

    WORK IN PROGRESS Evelyn Night

  5. Evelyn Night

    WORK IN PROGRESS Evelyn Night

    Theme Music - TBD Night City Scion B A S I C Full name: Evelyn Night Age: 35 Ethnicity: American Birthplace: Night City Height: 5'-10" Build: Lithe, Athletic Cyberware: Neural Link Skin Weave (Basic) Toxin Bypass Holo Projector B A C K G R O U N D Family Ranking: Corporate Elite...