Recent content by Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

  1. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    PUBLIC A Night To Remember | Lizzie's Bar | OPEN

    @Ryan Graves was fast. Faster than she'd expected, and knew damn well what he was doing. There wasn't much time for her to consider that, and by the time she had the thought in the first place she was stumbling back from his kick. A boot in her gut was usual, and Evi laughed as she caught her...
  2. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    PRIVATE A More Traditional Love

    Loose concrete crunched under the tires as she pulled into her usual parking space, and she turned off the car, letting her head fall back against the headrest with a sigh. Her gaze fell to the box sitting in the passenger seat, and Evi found herself wondering not for the first time just what...
  3. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    PUBLIC A Night To Remember | Lizzie's Bar | OPEN

    One-by-one, the feeds of the Lacers and True Believers that Evi had organized to record the stomp blinked into the corner of her vision, and she cut the visual stream off so that all she saw were the names of those currently recording - enough to keep track of them was all she really needed, the...
  4. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    PUBLIC A Night To Remember | Lizzie's Bar | OPEN

    The streets of Night City were never calm, but the sort of mayhem the Legion brought with it and the destruction left in their wake wasn't the usual fare that bloodied the streets and gave the city its particular charm. Whatever this was, the stomp, was something more primal - but also, at the...
  5. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    ASSAULT Hate Night Firefight | OPEN TO ALL | Red Chrome Legion

    It all happened nearly simultaneously just as the clock struck midnight. When the lights across the entire district went out, she could feel the crowd holding its breath. The second Northman began his call to arms, the energy shifted. All the anger and hate and primal rage that had been riled up...
  6. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    ASSAULT Hate Night Firefight | OPEN TO ALL | Red Chrome Legion

    It was always something else, watching a show come together. This one was even bigger than the last, probably the largest crowd to date - and it had all come together damn near perfectly. It might not have been the whole city turning out, but there were more than enough bodies to make themselves...
  7. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    PRIVATE Red Scare

    "Maybe." For the first time since they'd sat down Evi didn't seem to have a more immediate retort, but that changed quickly. "But I think you know better, that it isn't just about them. We give people a cause and a way to fight back, give kids that don't have a home somewhere they can sleep at...
  8. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    PRIVATE Red Scare

    “Yeah?” Being called a nazi was old news, and Evi didn't feel any which way about it except that it was a stupid fucking insult that wasn't really much of one at all. “Lots more slant and zoo-biter bullshit too, but I guess you wouldn't mind that scene.” For all the hate in her words, Evi just...
  9. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    PUBLIC Red Chrome Ride-Along

    Just as soon as she caught a glimpse of who he'd been talking to, Evi understood the rush to leave. She glanced back as they exited into the club itself, then laughed and shook her head. "I don't know how that fucker hasn't been passed on to Maelstrom already." It probably had everything to do...
  10. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    PUBLIC Red Chrome Ride-Along

    Red Room Club Watson 11:17am By the time she was supposed to go pick up Faust to scout out south Watson, Evi was already ready to be done with the day. Early that morning, she'd gone to see Greaves at his apartment and have a discussion about how the fuck he managed to miss multiple units of...
  11. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    PUBLIC Calling All Cars

    Fuck, her head hurt. It wasn’t just her head, either - her whole body ached, and she had to be careful how she turned, because her ribs were still tender on one side. While the three of them bickered, Evi produced the small bottle of over-the-counter painkillers she’d brought with and palmed two...
  12. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    PUBLIC What did this city do to us? {Open}

    By the time her rifle clicked empty Evi was quietly grateful she'd listened to Risers and tucked a couple extra magazines in her chest rig. A moment to reload meant a moment to breathe, and she swiped the back of her free hand across her forehead to wipe some of the sweat away, smearing dirt in...
  13. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    PRIVATE Red Scare

    Despite herself, Evi laughed drily. He was funny, she'd give him that. She might not have minded keeping him around if he'd still been laced in, but now? Well, she was willing to see where this went for the moment. It wasn't like the Chrome Cross was too far away, and if they'd wanted to start...
  14. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    PRIVATE Red Scare

    There was silence for a period of time that felt as though it lasted much longer than it did in reality, where Evi stared right back at Trojan and didn’t say a word. Part of it was weighing her options, but deep down she knew it wouldn’t be worth it to start a fight here. Not for any danger to...
  15. Evi "Dustoff" Ashford

    PRIVATE Red Scare

    From the corner of her vision Evi saw Kara's brow furrow, and this time when she spoke there was an edge there that hadn't been present before. “Trojan,” Kara made certain to make direct eye contact, “Stop it.” It was an interaction Evi made silent note of. Then she took another drink...