Recent content by Father Jorge Cervantes

  1. Father Jorge Cervantes

    WORK IN PROGRESS The Fierce Church of Saint Michael

    The Church of Saint Michael "From the Center to Dogstown, we find misery, But there won't be no more, won't be no more, Rats, dirt and kids who are hungry, There won't be no more, won't be no more. Cause we've seen how to be free, Of pigs on our streets, and poverty. To this way of life, we're...
  2. Father Jorge Cervantes

    PRIVATE Duel of Faiths / Dialogue

    Duel of Faiths - Dialogue Dramatis Personae: Father Jorge Cervantes - Disillusioned priest. Father August Tanner - Head of Holy Angels Church. Saint George - The Warrior. Saint Francis - The Beggar. Night City. Inside Father Tanner's office, Holy Angels Church. Father Tanner is sat in front...
  3. Father Jorge Cervantes

    CHARACTER Father Jorge Cervantes

    Name: Jorge Apolônio Cervantes Alias/Handle: Father Age: 57 Ethnicity: Brazilian Birthplace: Brazil Appearance: 1.73 metres, and 80 kg. Father Jorge is a white-haired, white-bearded man. Very kind-looking and amicable, the father always wears cerimonial clothes, even after being expelled from...