Recent content by Fatty

  1. Fatty

    ENTRY Late Welcome, New Place, Old Face

    Hey Chooms! A handful of you may recognize me! I made a tentative WIP about a month ago, but then some stuff happened, and I didn't get to work on it. But now I always have Thursdays off, so I finally have time to write independently. So for my WIP, I went utterly random, rolling for every...
  2. Fatty

    WORK IN PROGRESS "DiceFaithful86"

    PICTURE GOES HERE Start with a simple idea for your character. Think about: Who are they? Street Samurai What motivates them? Glory and Admiration What's their vibe? Niave Poser Name: (e.g., Blaze Kaine) Alias/Handle: DiceFaithful86 Age: (e.g., 27) Ethnicity: (Japanese, English, etc.)...