Recent content by Hai Ma

  1. Hai Ma

    Income Guide & Updates

    Name: @Hai Ma Reason: Monthly Income + Funds for Business Operation Thread Title: If none, N/A Money Earned: Monthly Income, 3,000k + whatever staff feels is generous for a local fast-food owner. Link to Thread: Oriental Dragon Noodle House Staff Approved: @GehennaUponUs
  2. Hai Ma

    PUBLIC Diagnosis: Disquiet on the Piazza

    @Luna Rothschild @Lace Hai Ma reclined in his chair at the café's periphery, inhaling the blend of synthetic coffee and the distant hum of drones above. His gaze shifted to the gathering crowd of people from all walks of life some with severe cybernetics and many more with hidden ones...
  3. Hai Ma

    APPROVED CORPORATION Oriental Dragon Noodle House

    • Image Source: BAZAR | Cooking Pot for Emblem | Online Ramen Noodle Shop Menu | Chinese Red Dragon Symbol | Dividers by @Nefadar Corporate Size: Local Corporation within Night City Name of Corporation: Oriental Dragon Noodle House Headquarters: Watson District, Near Konpeki Plaza...
  4. Hai Ma

    CHARACTER Hai "Fenghuang" Ma

    Name: Hai Ma Aliases: Fenghuang Age: 57 Years Old Ethnicity: Japanese, Chinese Descent Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan Appearance: He looks like Hai Fat from the James Bond Series, with Cyberpunk Stuff. Background Family Ranking: Corporate Executive Parents: Parents were poisoned by own hand...