Recent content by Jocelyn Tashiro

  1. Jocelyn Tashiro

    PRIVATE Tatuagem | Closed

    Joss's eyes lingered on the jewelry for a moment until Queenie pulled her tablet over to show her the tree she was currently working on. "That's stunning," Jocelyn said, studying the picture, taking in the design and the detail. "There's something quite -- "A pause as she struggled to find the...
  2. Jocelyn Tashiro

    PRIVATE Tatuagem | Closed

    It was an unusual name, to be sure, but beautiful too. "Queenie," Joss echoed, her lips twitching up at the edges into a faint smile. "That's a pretty name." The offer of eddies rather than a tattoo struck Jocelyn, and she had to thoughtfully consider it. She was saving up for a new cyberdeck...
  3. Jocelyn Tashiro

    PRIVATE Tatuagem | Closed

    "That's -- that's really nice," Jocelyn said. It was very generous; she knew tattoos weren't cheap. That understanding was accompanied by a slight niggle at the back of her mind that she didn't recognize right away. Like a clue in a mystery holo that you didn't pick up on until the detective...
  4. Jocelyn Tashiro

    PRIVATE Tatuagem | Closed

    Jocelyn didn't know what possessed her to make the offer, but the delight the woman showed at the prospect made it all worth the while. "Don't go telling people, or they'd all expect Lemoncello Pie, and on wheels to boot," said Joss with a wry look over her at Queenie. "Two months ago we found...
  5. Jocelyn Tashiro

    PRIVATE Tatuagem | Closed

    Jocelyn stood on her toes to be able to more closely examine the drawings. A native of Night City, born and bred, she could only ever remember seeing flowers in Valentino graffiti and tattoos, maybe the occasional piece of old clothing. Never in the wild. She had heard rumors that there were...
  6. Jocelyn Tashiro

    PRIVATE Tatuagem | Closed

    Jocelyn had worked the overnight shift at the all-day, all-night diner where she had her day job. Her feet were sore and she was tired, but at least she had a few rolls of eddies to show for her trouble. She had found that unbuttoning the top three buttons of her uniform blouse was a sure-fire...
  7. Jocelyn Tashiro

    PUBLIC A Night To Remember | Lizzie's Bar | OPEN

    Jossy's jaw ached and she realized she had been clenching her teeth in frustration. There were too many goons, and more coming, and not enough time or RAM to set them all on fire. She glanced distractedly at @Ryan Graves, nodding urgently at his suggestion. "Good thought," she muttered, and she...
  8. Jocelyn Tashiro

    PUBLIC A Night To Remember | Lizzie's Bar | OPEN

    Something was -- off. Jocelyn couldn't put her finger on it, not until a moment before it all erupted, by which point Redline was already in motion. The man's a pro, she would reflect later with not a little hero worship, but in the moment, she was too busy being hauled over the bar to safety...
  9. Jocelyn Tashiro

    PUBLIC A Night To Remember | Lizzie's Bar | OPEN

    "Yes -- absolutely yes," Joss almost shouted, almost before Ryan had finished his question. Then she realized that that wasn't cool. She probably looked like an eager beaver, too desperate by half. Joss cleared her throat, reclined in a way that she hoped looked nonchalant against the back of...
  10. Jocelyn Tashiro

    PUBLIC A Night To Remember | Lizzie's Bar | OPEN

    Jossy thought she should be taking notes, but she settled for committing Graves' advice to memory. He was right about biz, but what he described wasn't unique to biz. Since Night City had fallen under the sway of the Corporations, it was the almighty Eurodollar that counted, and people of every...
  11. Jocelyn Tashiro

    PUBLIC A Night To Remember | Lizzie's Bar | OPEN

    Joss put her hand where her chest met her stomach, willing the roiling feeling of unease in her stomach to settle. She nodded at @Newt. She had learned manners the hard way a few times -- never quite going so far as vomiting all over a stranger, but she had stolen, scammed, and otherwise...
  12. Jocelyn Tashiro

    PUBLIC A Night To Remember | Lizzie's Bar | OPEN

    Tires squealed on the pavement as a Thorton Colby hatchback, more rust than blue, took the corner Jocelyn had paused near at speed. Her eyes lingered on the screen a moment, the ghost of a smile on her lips, and her thumbs hesitated over the screen before she replied with a heart emoji and then...
  13. Jocelyn Tashiro

    CHARACTER Jocelyn "Joss" Tashiro

    Name: Jocelyn Tashiro Alias/Handle: "Joss" or "JT" Age: 20 Ethnicity: Half-Japanese, Half-English Birthplace: Night City Appearance: Standing at a hair over 5'3" and weighing in at 115 lbs, Jocelyn presents an unassuming, almost diminutive frame. Slim, bordering on scrawny, she has the look of a...