Recent content by Ogoun Dambe

  1. Ogoun Dambe

    PUBLIC What did this city do to us? {Open}

    Gorge moved with purpose, his heavy footsteps barely audible despite his size. The Juice amplified everything—the soft crunch of gravel under his boots, the distant hum of a drone, the faint clink of a glass bottle being kicked over by a careless Maelstrom ganger. He spotted them first: three...
  2. Ogoun Dambe

    PUBLIC What did this city do to us? {Open}

    Ogouns prosthetic arm twitched at the sound and sudden motion of the passenger. They approached unarmed, but even for Ogoun that didnt mean shit. Without any additional cyberware, the big man learned to always be a little more careful than he needed. Never knew when some mantis arms or some...
  3. Ogoun Dambe

    PUBLIC What did this city do to us? {Open}

    What they did to Reinhart. Unforgivable. Utter blasphemy! Ogoun's fists clenched at his sides, the faint hum of his cybernetic arm rising in pitch with the pressure. The ghost of his choom's face flickered in his mind—a brother not by blood but by bond, twisted into something alien...
  4. Ogoun Dambe

    CHARACTER Ogoun "Gorge" Dambe

    Name: Ogoun Dambe Alias/Handle: Gorge Age: 28 Ethnicity: Nigerian Birthplace: Lagos, Nigeria Current Residency: NightCity Appearance: Ogoun Dambe is a big man. Taller than average and larger in size due to a mix of his innate heritage, chemically supplemented body and cyberware to support his...