
  1. Jackson

    CHARACTER Jack of Clubs

    JACKSON KONIG 'JACK OF CLUBS' L E V I A T H A N THE TIME IS NOW Age: 34 Ethnicity: Anglo, German, West Slav. Birthplace: Flagstaff Arizona Appearance: 5'10, 188lbs, No Cybernetics Background: Family Ranking: Combat Zone Poor Parents: One With the Ashes Childhood Environment: Holdout in...
  2. Leviathan


    L E V I A T H A N " HELL IS A TRUTH SEEN TOO LATE " - THOMAS HOBBES Humanity. Society. Culture. Ethos. Morality have all been perverted and raped by the hell begotten hubris, greed, lust and gluttony of man. This is no truth but the inevitable march in the course of Empire. For all the...