lizaveta isakova

  1. Lizaveta Isakova

    PRIVATE The Dead Will Hear | Russians

    The unsteady drizzle of dingey rain on nylon punctuated the traffic noise of the city as, under the watchful eye of Lizaveta Isakova, all that remained of the body of Grigori Abramov was lifted out of the hearse that idled in the street out front of Night City's Orthodox Cathedral. Though...
  2. Lizaveta Isakova

    PRIVATE All The King's Horses | Jack Kowalski

    One hour ago It didn't take a chemist to make the concoction. Night City was lousy with drugs, from the hardcore stuff junkies on the street used to the more designer, boutique, specialized nose-candy that catered to the nightclubs of various types across the city. The little white tablets that...
  3. Lizaveta Isakova

    CHARACTER Lizaveta Isakova

    Name: Yelizaveta Petrovna Isakova Alias/Handle: Lizaveta, Lizka Age: 25 Ethnicity: Russian Birthplace: Petrovsk, Saratov Oblast, Russia, USSR Appearance: Lizaveta is pushing six feet tall and slender. Her proportions make her appear rail thin, but she is a healthy 130 lbs and sports a slim...