
  1. Nefadar

    ART & CODE Nef's Coding Centre

    Codes, tricks, tips and bio templates.
  2. Nefadar

    ART & CODE Nef's Custom Signatures

    This is not a request thread who wants a requests, they can do it in the workshop. I created this thread for myself and for you, the community. There are a lot of pictures that I really like or just like while looking at pictures. That is why the themes of the pictures are also completely mixed...
  3. Nefadar

    STAFF Night Market Headers

    When Night Market is completed, the various headers will be placed here in the light of the categories there. No request here.
  4. Nefadar

    ART & CODE Nef's Art Workshop (request thread)

    Home of my arts. I'm planning to repost here the Medieval arts too, maybe you guys want to use them too. Table of Content: WIP