CHARACTER Adelaide "Angel" Pérez-Moore

Darkwire Technician



Name: Adelaide Camila Pérez-Moore
  • Handle: Angel
  • Personal Nickname: Ada/Cammy
  • Cultural pseudonyms:
    • Adelaide Moore
    • Camila Pérez
Age: 22
Ethnicity: Mexican-American
Birthplace: Iron City - Kansas
Current home: Angel's Workshop


Appearance: Only 152cm tall she is short. Slim with straight dark hair bobbed above the shoulders. Larger than proportinate eyes making her seem a little off putting to look at.

Background: Techie
Faction: Darkwire

Family Ranking: Middle class corporate employees

Parents: deceased - Inherited house and savings that are now mostly exhausted on healthcare treatments.
Childhood Environment: Grew up in Iron City, Mexican father was a low ranking corporate exective, American mother was his PA and remained in this position even after their affair was revealed and their subsequent marriage. They died when she was 13 and their life insurance plus her inheritance was transferred to her. It would have been enough for her to live on easily until her older years if it had not been for her persistent health problems. These started when she was a child, black outs and seizures that would put her into hospital for days.


Personality: As far as she is aware she is already dead, either her DSN will kill her, or she will finally upgrade what makes her human and would be as good as dead. This gives her a fairly care free attitude towards her future. However, she has ongoing medical needs and is always chasing the cash to pay for her next treatment or surgery so works hard to ensure she has a money stream, having a near constant anxiety about her financial situation that something in her body might fail at a time when she can't afford to fix it. She is almost constant neuropathic pain that she cant always hide as well as she wished.

Friends: She met a slightly younger teenager during a contract for a gang called the Red Ravens and they formed a friendship that has lasted until present. The gang connections help her obtain more affordable treatments but she is now addicted to illicit neuropathic pain killers.

Her body
NUSA Tax authorities

Lifepath / Role: Techie

  • Skilled mechanic including cybernetics
  • A good shot as arms and eyes help with that
  • Years of physio-therapeutic martial arts transferred to combat arts
  • Advanced driving


Japanese (basic)

  • Neural link (-1)
  • Oversized Advanced Kiroshi Optics (-5)
  • Pair of Advanced cyberarms (-6)
  • Neurological-support system* (-2)

*This is the wiring components from Kereznikov Reflex system but is inactive and for flavour only

5 - Neutral, the future doesn't really matter to her so she is not intrinsically good or evil.

Base: 50
Cybernetics -14
Drug addiction -1d6 (3)
Walking dead -1d6 (5)
Uncanny Valley - 1d6 (2)

Current: 26

Gear & Style:
  • She owns a Mono-Three sword but is currently not in possession of its bio-key so it is simply a very good mono sword
  • Long rifles
  • Pistol sidearm
  • Bladed weapons
  • body-con leathers
  • exposed arms of cybernetic make


Adelaide was born in Iron City to a Mexican businessman and his PA. After a quick divorce from his first wife, her parents married and she had a loving home in the suburbs, albiet the suburbs of a fairly polluted and unpleasant city.

At a around five years ok she had her first seizure and was diagnosed with epilepsy. This was treated and for a while there was no further problems until at around eight she began to get sporadic pins and needles and shooting pains in her arms that were attributed to growth pains. These got worse as she aged and after further investigation caused by temporary loss of sight at ten she was diagnosed with an incurable condition known as Degenerative Solenoidal Neurometsis. The condition cause her nerves to twist and form coiled structures that would eventually disconnect them from her periphery. At 12 this cause her to lose sight in one of her eyes and most of the sight in the other. Adelaide was given artificial eyes but due to limited availability of good quality children sized cybernetic eyes, the decision was taken to fit her with post pubescent sized eyeballs in the hope that she would grow into them. She was bullied a lot for this but in her city she was hardly the weirdest borg so people got bored quickly and she got used to it. Unfortunately her condition also stunted her growth during puberty so her eyes are still slightly oversized for her skull. But they are her eyes now and she has no urge or excess funds to undergo surgical correction.

Not long after this surgery, when she was thirteen, her parents were tragically taken away from her in a building collapse. Luckily they had insurance and a home that was inherited by their daughter.

At 16 she lost the use of her left hand and was advised that the nerve damage was progressing up her arm and that eventually that would fail too. She made the decision to have both of her arms replaced after doctors found evidence of DSN in her right forearm and it was simply cheaper to do both operations together.

As her inheritance ran lower and lower she sold her home and continued to live off of that spending on her health almost as fast as it came in saving little for a rainy day. At eighteen though that rainy day came and the tax man, after sending many letters that had been ignored sent notice of criminal proceedings to be taken against her. She had noone to turn to and did the only thing she could think of, she fled, moving to Night City and sliding into the underworld and gig economy to survive.

It was at this point that she ran into Daiya Truman, she was a little confused by the strange part trophy wife/part solo, but was told not to ask too many questions, so she didnt. They became friends and their friendship continued after the Ravens suddenly forbid all contact with the woman. This was to Adelaide's detriment in the short term but she was happy when Daiya later reached out to discuss a new crew she was putting together.

At around twenty the next failure of her body occured and luckily she had some savings, but was still forced to look towards a cheaper option. A ripper doc suggested a radical treatment that would strengthen her nervous system and hopefully slow down the degradation. He installed scavved components of a Kereznikov Reflex system into her. Normally it would allow someone to be super human, but for her it would just allow her to be human a little longer. The surgery was traumatic and she wanted to die but eventually it was over.

"Doc Painless my ass!"

She now runs with Daiya and her crew, using the mechanical expertise she picked up in iron city to support whatever schemes the blonde comes up with, but she still has to gig for money. Her addiction to pain killers and the ticking clock that is her nervous system won't let her have any respite.​
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