PRIVATE Angel with the scabbed wings

Darkwire Technician

Angel with the scabbed wings

Location: Angel's Workshop
Objective: Bond
Tags: @Isabella Santos

Adelaide went through her rhythm punching the bags in front of her as fast and as hard as she could, her chest was wet from sweat and she made noises as she worked. Her body ached today, she had woken up and everything was stiff, she hadn't been doing much in the garage so far as she needed to loosen up and with a combination of her meds and her martial arts, she was beginning to get there. She yelled as she threw a kick high into the bag sending dust into the air.

It was eleven AM already and it was getting hot, what did she need to get done? A carburettor strip job then restocking some ham-fisted dude's piece, then another list of things that the local gangs asked her to look at "when she got time". Ay Chihuahua she was busy this week, she did not have time for her piece of shit body to be doing this today. She punched again and again until her trapezius stopped aching.

She finally stopped and pushed her ceramic-metallic fingers through her sweaty hair. She smirked to herself as she felt that someone was watching her and she hadn't heard footsteps since she stopped so they must have been there at least a little while. She turned to see @Isabella Santos leaning up against one of the supports for the building.

"Hey chica, you been there long?" she smiled and grabbed her towel.



Isabella wasn't exactly into the "female form", as it were, but there was something hypnotic about watching a person handle themselves in such a show of brutality. Perhaps it was the streetkid in her, but who was to say. Either way, game recognized game, and Angel looked entirely too familiar to her. She let out a chuckle, shrugging her shoulders at the question.

"Long enough. You really should upgrade to one of those bots Fred uses over in Watson. At least they might punch back."

It wasn't that Angel couldn't handle herself, but Bella was a techie, and furthermore, a perfectionist. There would always be a part of her that would poke at people that didn't take full advantage of tech.

"Joke's aside though, smooth moves choom, if I say so myself."

She swung herself away from the wall, approaching with a certain level of calculated grace.

"My CHOOH2 injector is being a real gonk lately. Thought I had found the problem, but apparently I was way off base."

Her head flicked in the direction of her car, her gold-covered eyes lingering on her pet project.

"I'm good at these things, but maybe you could take a look. No other choom I'd trust with my ride. Would be willing to flick some extra eddies your way too. Can't catch myself slippin' during the next race."​

Angel with the scabbed wings

Location: Angel's Workshop
Objective: Bond
Tags: @Isabella Santos

Angel nodded but then gave a little shrug, Seeing who it was she flipped to speaking Spanish. "Training bots are expensive and I got a load of cholos around happy to spar with me." There was a smile on her face as Bella complemented her style.

Adelaide looked past there friend at the motor then walked towards it making a few observations at its condition and the work that had been done so far. "This is the 69 model right? They recalled the 68 cos of an injector issue but I think a few might have slipped through with late registrations... pop her."

A Mexican man who had been lingering reached in to the driver window and pulled the latch on the hood so Angel could get her fingers in carefully between the gap and open her up. The engine looked good, a few aftermarket installs and evidence of Bella's own tinkering she assumed. She looked at the injector, and twisted her head to try and see the underside. "There is a code on the bottom that I cant see, if it ends in a Q I'm betting that's your problem. Are you getting a drop in power when you push it hard?" her theory was the injector nozzle, the faulty component was just half a millimetre too big, not so big anyone would notice, but at the high power levels in a race the nozzle would let through just a fraction too much chooh2 and mess up the timing.

She winced as she stood upright and stretched her back, she wasnt havinf a good day with that. "If its that, should be an easy fix. How is the racing going anyway, engine dickery aside?"



She couldn't believe the obvious nature of the problem. Then again, sometimes you really do need another pair of eyes on a project.

"Shit, choom, you just might be right."

It's not that Bella knew what she was doing; rather, she knew more than most. Yet, when one knows enough about a thing, it's easy to make things more complicated than they need to be. That's where someone like Angel came into play.

"As said, I'll gladly throw some extra eddies your way, especially since you picked up something my gonk ass missed. Many thanks, though."

Her eyes instinctively rolled at the mention of the race. It wasn't out of disrespect, but rather due to Bella's growing distaste for the races.

"They're going well. Had to find myself a new gunner recently though. Last guy got himself zeroed in the first leg of the race."

She took a long breath, considering taking a cig drag before remembering that she promised that she would kick the damn things.

"It's hard to find good help these days, you know?"​