Darkwire Technician
- Eddies
- 4,581
Location: Angel's Workshop
Objective: open
Tags: OPEN
There was a grunt from the small greasy woman as she hoisted the engine out of the car in front of her, residual lubricants and choo-two dripped into the catch trays each time the hoist jerked the lump of metal. She secured it and then went to work on the machine. In the background there was the rhythmic thud thud thud as one of the locals worked something or other out on one of the convenient punch bags at the other end of the workshop. She wouldn't mind joining him, this engine was a custom job that was probably older than her and had been a bitch to lift out. Its owner might not like it if she took her frustrations out on it with a lump hammer.
"Yo cholo!" she shouted over "Make yourself useful and turn the music up a bit so I can concentrate." the man didn't respond but there was a brief lull in the punching noise punctuated by the music increasing in volume. Ada cracked her neck and went in closer to begin to work, slipping a tablet into her mouth that she rolled around to allow to dissolve. The machine was a mess, she had been told it had been in a minor collision. That was fine, but now looking closer it seemed that the other vehicle was a pair of .45 caliber rounds, one of which was lodged in the coolant pump and the other was missing somewhere in the engine block.
Ada swayed her shoulders gently before grabbing her drink to wash down the remnants of her meds. With another grunt she pulled the head gasket off to continue her search for the errant bullet, she had her suspicions she might find it in one of the piston chambers. She didn't know how long she worked but was lost in her world of music, mechanical engineering and a low buzz when the door buzzer sounded and. The girl almost hit her head on the hoist as she looked up at the person walking into her workshop. "Hey, how can I help?"
OPEN to someone looking for her to fix something, coming to hang/work out, even some nosey law enforcement asking questions, i'm good with pretty much anything.