A Bright Future. Together.



    • The Arasaka Corporation is a highly diversified corporation, however only one of its branches is much more ubiquitously visible than the others, especially in the EEC and NUSA: the Arasaka Security division. Arasaka is famous for their black clad guards that are employed by many of the powerful people and corporations in the world. Even if the guards are not present, the Arasaka logo appears prominently on many weapons, computers, and other security equipment routinely used by the security teams of many organizations and companies. Arasaka is the world's most obvious force for private and corporate security contracting. It is common knowledge that Arasaka Security is the best way to protect a person's assets or themselves, Arasaka contracts and rents its security services in various ways.

      Arasaka is not the only company that offers this service, but it is the largest and most reputable. Arasaka's security personnel are known to be the best trained and best equipped then any other service. They are not cheap, but the investment is generally considered profitable. Arasaka can provide groups of one to one thousand agents per contract. The service is twenty-four hours a day, and the guards can be accommodated, at the discretion of the contractors, privately, on site or in the local offices of Arasaka. All Arasaka guards are fully trained in security procedures, equipment handling, and urban combat, armed and unarmed, at close range. Depending on how much the contractor wants to pay for each guard, there are various levels of weaponry and specialization available, from unarmed counter guards to fully armed and armored rapid response combat gear.

      There are a number of options available on any manpower contracting at varying expense. The client can order all-male or all-female guards, or a specific ratio of sexes, or as Arasaka contracts its services around the world, clients can order guards fluent in Japanese, German, Spanish, English, Italian, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Korean and French. All guards are required to be conversant, although not fluent, in Japanese and English. Bilingual guards are also always available. Guards specializing in heavy weapons, unarmed combat, and specialized terrain are available for contracts that call for varied situations. Different levels of security force concealment can also be ordered, from completely discreet and invisible to ostentatiously threatening. If the security forces are visible, clients can choose to have them be unidentified or clearly identified as Arasaka Troops. Only in rare circumstances, such as when a little misdirection is called for, will Arasaka troops actually wear the uniform or logo of the contracting corporation, or a third party. Arasaka also contracts out its paramilitary forces for one shot operations, such as extractions. This type of contract can be extremely costly, due to the loss of expensive men and equipment.

      Another type of protection that Arasaka provides is personal security in the form of bodyguards, escort teams and household security. The service is expensive, but popular among celebrities, wealthy businessmen, and the politicians of several nations who no longer trust their respective Secret Service agencies. As with corporate guards, there are several options, including gender, number of guards, dress style, age, visibility, race, nationality, level of armament, training and services performed. It is considered very chic in some circles to have one good looking, full-time Arasaka bodyguard of the opposite gender on one's payroll. These single bodyguards usually work solo or manage other non-Arasaka personnel retained by their client.

      In addition to supplying trained men and women to corporations, groups and individuals, Arasaka also leases and sells the security equipment that it manufactures. Typical items include cameras, perimeter detection and surveillance equipment, computerized security offices and networks, fire extinguishing systems, security turrets, robotic personnel, and computerized personnel access systems. Also available are more exotic items such as weapons and bomb detecting equipment, booby traps and other "lethal deterrence systems". Computer security is another product available from Arasaka. Proprietary Arasaka ICE systems, white and black, are also available for installation into client's computer systems. Arasaka will train non-Arasaka personnel in the operations of all of the security systems that it sells, but it's more typical for clients to buy a package that includes both the equipment and Arasaka-trained people to run it.

      The last type of personnel that Arasaka contracts out are security consultants. If someone wants good security run by inhouse people, but lacks the expertise, an option to hire a team of Arasaka Security Consultants to inspect facilities, and do an analysis of the capabilities of potential enemies. The consultants will use that information to make a recommendation on the type and strength of the security forces someone should maintain, and the kinds of equipment and countermeasures needed to install. Consultants will operate on any scale, from personal bodyguarding to worldwide corporate protection.

    • The weapons manufacturing division of Arasaka was the original intent of the company when it was founded by Sasai Arasaka in 1915. During the 1930s and 1940s the company took full advantage of the war and was heavily involved in the heavy industry side of things, manufacturing ships and planes for the Imperial Japanese Navy. After the defeat of Japan in 1945, the post war industrial sector was in shambles and it was only till Saburo took over in the 1960s the industrial manufacturing division picked back up. The corporation kept its Heavy Industry sector while also moving into manufacturing equipment for its own forces which fit into categories; light arms, computers, armor and small vehicles.

      Within the the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan area, Arasaka has one of its largest manufacturing facilities located in Yokohama, used to supply their force with weapons. Arasaka produces all of the infantry weapons used by its troops and by its clients. In 2022 they began producing heavy weapons and exotics. Most of Arasaka's weapons production runs to small arms, tasers, EMP guns, automated guns, smart guns, melee katanas/tantos, and anti-personnel mines. They also manufacture a line of body armor and an assortment of very popular vehicles. Although their weapon sales are nowhere near that of the Militech Corporation, Arasaka's sales are brisk and their weapons are some of the most sought after from governments and corporations alike.

      Arasaka Manufacturing advertises in a fashion similar to the security arm: in periodicals and information nets tailored to specific target clienteles. Weapons systems are promoted in police periodicals and military journals and security equipment is advertised in electronics magazines, corporate journals, and publications serving wealthy individuals. As with the security services, multi-media presentations and chips are available detailing the advantages of all Arasaka manufactured systems. No sensitive or proprietary information is included with the presentations or chips.

      Arasaka doesn't usually interfere with the individual marketing tactics of its smaller subsidiary companies, but it does monitor promotions and advertising campaigns to make sure that they fall within the broad guidelines established by the corporation.

Arasaka Weaponry

Weapon NameWeapon TypeCost (Eddies)AvailabilityNotes
Arasaka HJSH-18 MasamuneAssault Rifle4,500Military and Corpo Use OnlyHigh rate of fire, precision, excellent range.
Arasaka L-69 ZhuoSmart Shotgun6,000Military OnlyTracks targets automatically; devastating damage.
Arasaka Tsunami NekomataTech Precision Rifle4,800Military, Corpo, and Black MarketCharge shots for high penetration.
Arasaka ShigureSubmachine Gun2,800Military and CivilianCompact SMG with moderate recoil control.
Arasaka TKI-20 ShingenSmart SMG3,200Corpo and Black MarketTracks multiple targets with smart ammo.
Arasaka WSA Sniper RifleSniper Rifle7,000Military OnlyLong-range, high-caliber, used by security teams.
Arasaka M-10AF LexingtonPistol1,500Civilian and Corpo UseReliable, lightweight, and easily concealed.
Arasaka KanedaHeavy Pistol2,200Corpo and Black MarketHigh stopping power, compact for urban combat.
Arasaka RasetsuTech Sniper Rifle8,500Military OnlyAdvanced tech-powered sniper rifle.
Arasaka D5 CopperheadAssault Rifle4,000Military and CivilianRugged and reliable; widely used by mercenaries.
Arasaka OvertureRevolver1,800Civilian and Corpo UseHeavy revolver with a classic design.
Arasaka Shibata S10Machine Gun10,000Military OnlyHeavy machine gun for sustained fire.
Arasaka KyubiSmart Heavy Rifle9,000Corpo and Black MarketTracks and penetrates multiple targets.
Arasaka Saburo-SMGSMG3,500Military and Corpo UseHigh-end SMG named after the founder.
Arasaka MeiyoEnergy Pistol5,000Military and Corpo UseCompact energy weapon for advanced security.
Arasaka Type-98 BazookaRocket Launcher15,000Military OnlyHeavy anti-vehicle weapon system.
Arasaka Tengu XEnergy Rifle6,500Corpo and Black MarketFires plasma-based projectiles; experimental.
Arasaka Oni-KatanaMelee Weapon3,800Corpo and Black MarketMonomolecular blade; slices through most armor.
Arasaka Mono WireCyber Weapon2,500Civilian and Corpo UseConcealed wire capable of decapitating enemies.
Arasaka Heavy GauntletMelee Weapon4,200Military and Corpo UseEnhanced punching power with kinetic amplifiers.
Arasaka StormbringerTech Rifle6,000Military and Corpo UseHigh-tech rifle for special forces.
Arasaka Reaper DroneDrone-Based Weapon12,000Military OnlyAutonomous attack drone.
Arasaka EMP GrenadeExplosive800Civilian, Corpo, and Black MarketDisables electronics in a small radius.
Arasaka Frag GrenadeExplosive500Civilian and Black MarketStandard anti-personnel grenade.

    • The Arasaka Corporation has a large line up of cyberware products that can be bought worldwide. Arasaka is one of the largest manufacturers of cyberware, and have a variety of lethal cyberware more common with Solos and mercs as well as non-lethal cyberware that can be seen on everyday citizens worldwide. Arasaka branded cyberware is frequently seen with millions of people opting to the efficiency and reliability of the Japanese manufacturing giant. Johnny Silverhand, legendary rockerboy and terrorist, whose signature cyberarm was a product of Arasaka. Other very common products of cyberware are items such as the Mantis Blades or Gorilla Arms. Arasaka also deals in leg cyberware allowing users to replace the entire bottom half of their body. Full body conversions are all along the Arasaka cyberware services, one of their more famous customers Adam Smasher takes advantage of this division. Netrunner gear is also a specialty of the corporation with a variety of products commonly found in the market.

Arasaka Cyberware

Cost (Eddies)
Arasaka Shadow (Cyberdeck)
Operating System​
High-end cyberdeck for netrunning; enhanced for stealth and corporate espionage.​
Sandevistan: Arasaka Software
Cyberware Mod​
Increases reaction time and slows down time for others; used for stealth and advanced combat.​
Arasaka Gorilla Arms
Arm Cyberware​
Military/High-Grade Civilian​
Offers superhuman strength and durability for melee combat and heavy lifting.​
Daikon NT Mantis Blades
Arm Cyberware​
Military/High-Grade Civilian​
Retractable blades for quick, lethal melee combat; ideal for stealth or taking down enemies silently.​
Arasaka Exoglove
External Cyberware​
Corporate/Tech-Heavy Civilian​
Precision gloves for enhanced dexterity, useful for cyberware installation and repair.​
Prototype Arasaka Cyberskeleton
Full-Body Cyberware​
Military/Elite Corporate​
Exoskeleton enhancing strength, speed, and durability; includes thrusters and reinforced plating for agility.​
Arasaka "DaiOni" Neural Enhancer
Neural Cyberware​
Enhances reflexes, combat analysis, and tactical response time; used in combat and high-stress situations. Enables use of DaiOni Power Armor.​

    • After the 1994 collapse, Arasaka set its sights on general manufacturing, buying out many smaller companies and their excess raw materials at a fraction of the cost. These failing business were turned around and became incredibly profitable for Arasaka, producing items from Airliners, to medical equipment and even children's toys. While part of Arasaka itself, they retained their original names and brands to not be associated with the more corporate and militaristic image of Arasaka. Arasaka General Manufacturing produces a host of consumer goods from spaceplanes, four different automobiles, pharmaceuticals, various lines of clothing, computer video games, prepackaged meals, phones, and office equipment.

Arasaka General Technology

Cost (Eddies)
Arasaka "Blackjack" Stealth Armor
Armor/Stealth Technology​
Military/High-Grade Civilian​
Lightweight, flexible stealth armor designed to make the user nearly invisible to detection, with advanced camo systems.​
Arasaka "Komaku" Laser Mikes
Surveillance Equipment​
Laser-based microphone system for discreet surveillance, eavesdropping from great distances.​
Arasaka "Scanaway" Scanner Gates
Scanning/Surveillance Tech​
2800 (standard) - 5800 (deluxe)​
Portable, high-security scanner gates used for high-level security checks, capable of detecting hidden weapons or devices.​
Arasaka DaiOni Power Armor
Power Armor/Exoskeleton​
Military/Elite Corporate​
A combat exosuit enhancing physical strength and protection, includes integrated tactical systems. Requires a Full Body Conversion​
Arasaka ECM Comm-Scrambler
Communication Technology​
Electronic countermeasure device used to block or scramble communication signals, ideal for covert operations.​
Arasaka JetSetter Executive Briefcase
High-tech briefcase with multiple compartments for secure data storage, weapons, and concealed compartments.​
Arasaka OmniTec Radar Detector
Surveillance/Detection Tech​
Corporate/Tech-Heavy Civilian​
Radar detector used to track incoming hostile vehicles or technology, alerting the user to nearby threats.​
Arasaka RDAK Spy & Assassin Remote
Surveillance/Remote Tech​
Remote-controlled spy device, capable of surveillance and assassination missions, silent and deadly.​
Arasaka Replicator
Manufacturing Technology​
Corporate/High-End Civilian​
3D printer capable of replicating high-tech objects and materials, often used for specialized or classified items.​
Arasaka Secure Database
Data Storage​
Corporate/High Security​
10,000 – 25,000​
High-security digital vault for storing sensitive corporate or governmental data, heavily encrypted.​
Arasaka Shepard A-T
The Shepard A-T phone model is a very common phone manufactured by Arasaka.​
Toshiba PRC-10 Two-Way Radio
Communication Equipment​
Standard issue two-way radio for communication in environments where high-tech comms are unavailable.​

    • The last core section and pillar of the Arasaka Corporation is the Arasaka Bank. The Bank is not widely visible to the public because it tends to deal exclusively with corporate and business accounts. The Arasaka Bank was established by Saburo, with help from his government contacts, in order to exploit the Japanese economic growth boom that he was predicting for the 1960s, 70s and 80s. The bank used a portion of the sizable Arasaka fortune in order to establish a capital base. Then, starting small and working up, it began taking corporate accounts, and, under the genius of Saburo's guidance, making high quality loans and investments with corporations destined for growth and expansion.

      Under Saburo's expert touch, the Bank has turned a steady profit since its inception. Saburo's choice of loans and investments allowed the bank to remain on an even footing, even during the early nineties when several Japanese financial institutions were on shaky ground. There was a tight period during and after the '94 crash when several supposedly choice loans and investments went bad, but a little foresight enabled the Arasaka Bank to survive with minimal financial damage while many other institutions went bankrupt. Adroit management in the post-crash market kept the Bank turning a profit through those tough years.

      The Arasaka Bank continues to do good business. Saburo was one of the first people to invest heavily in the cybernetic and Net related industries, and the returns from those transactions have padded the Arasaka accounts quite well. The Bank continues to deal primarily with corporate accounts, loans and investments, but it does handle some personal accounts, including those of the Arasaka family and several wealthy businessmen, celebrities and politicians from around the world. So far, business shows no sign of slacking.


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