Adrenaline Junkie
- Eddies
- 115

NAME: Brie

ALIAS/HANDLE: Some uses B, as if people aren't lazy enough in this city! Call me short-stack, I'll punch you in the face...
AGE: 18
- Length: 168 cm
- Weight: 60 kg
- Eyes: Hazel Green
- Hair: Light Ash Blonde
- Face Claim: Sophie Thatcher
- Family Ranking: Urban Streetkid
- Parents: Father's the only family member still alive
- Childhood Environment: Spent on the Street, with little to no adult supervision
Brie's personality is embossed by lack of parental presence, and by spending most of her free time on the streets of Night City. She did attend school, but dropped out of high school when she, among other things, didn't get along with the teachers. Life on the street promised so much more in the ways of excitement and profit, which made the choice even easier. A life free from boring obligations and expectations to become a proper citizen, a slave to the system. She have a mind of her own, strong-willed and doesn't back down from a fight, not even if her opponent is twice her size. The latter may be considered rash, but she stands up for what she thinks and ain't afraid to speak out about it. If she thinks someone's a jerk, that someone's definitely going to know it.She values friends. Real friends who she feels that she can trust, especially if they are all birds of a feather. But - for there is a but - she is also pragmatic, and if you don't share the values and bonds and something comes up that makes her have second thoughts about those bonds, she could potentially break them for her own sake. At least one guy knows that very well, who she left with a broken heart and jail time. Not that it comes easy to her. Not without careful consideration, because while bold and rash sometimes, this girl could outsmart you without you knowing it.
Other traits include a poisonous irony, a contagious smile and a desire for action and adrenaline.

Authorities and corporations trying to bring the heat down on the Free City, and rivaling street gangs.Lifepath / Role:
- Driving - Even though she's young and haven't acquired a license, Brie could be up against some of the best in street races.
- Gift of the Gab - Being on the streets for some years now have taught her how to talk and me persuasive.
- English (native)
- French (passing)
60Gear & Style:
Brie has light ash blonde hair, often with black inserts, and hazel green eyes. She's lean and slightly taller than the average american female. She rarely wears any make-up besides a dark eyeliner and mascara. Being embossed by a life on the streets of Night City, she keeps her attire casual but stylish, often rocking a dark leather jacket of some sort, a hoodie or sweatshirt and a shirt with her favourite rock band on it, a pair of jeans or tights and boots. You could say she'd fit right in at any rock concert.

Brie is a teenage girl born and raised under the neon lights of the never sleeping Night City. Although, raised can indeed be up for debate, as her only parent left in life; her father, had been an alcoholic ever since she remember and had more than once spent his chances at trying to be a so called good parent to Brie. Even up until this day, she has her doubts that he even tried very hard to be that.
One thing usually leads to another, so instead of hurrying home after school like most other kids, knowing her father was probably too stoned to care about her or sleeping, Brie lingered in the streets of Night City. Streets definitely not suitable for a girl in her young teens. There, she was eventually approached by a bunch of street punks called the Red Ravens, where she soon made new acquiantances in the less forgiving underground of Night City. Some of those acquiantances became friends, or the closest you would come something you would call friends in the underground, anyway. Many with which the social services would call bad influence upon her. One of those persons was @Daiya, both considering to be a friend and projecting a very generous amount of bad influence.
The Red Ravens turned into a second allegiance to Brie, a second family which she spent more and more time with. The Red Ravens taught her more in a month than her father could have done in a year. She learned about cars, both to fiddle with them and to drive them, and became pretty damn good at it. In fact, she became so good at it she begun competing in street races and later on earned herself a decent reputation. She became street smart, and with a considerable amount of charisma learned the trait of smooth talking to reach her goals.
With time spent in the underground, you are eventually going to get yourself enemies, and for Brie it was no different. Other than ending up on the authorities list of wanted criminals, the threat from rivaling street gangs were (and is) a constant reality. However, authorities and rival street gangs are nothing compared to a former ally seeking revenge for being betrayed, which is the case with Brie's former boyfriend, who also happened to be the guy that taught her everything she know about cars. Faced with cold facts hard to ignore and offers you can't refuse, Brie set him up during a heist and now the guy is serving time in prison. One could say that Brie does not look forward to when he gets out.
A wise man once talked about survival of the fittest, and that is very much the way on the streets of Night City. Old pacts crumble. Old romances fade. Allegiances get tested, and money talks. Somewhere in the middle of this, you got to look after yourself.

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