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Copper Gallagher
Theme | The Distillers - Drain the Blood |
Aliases | 'Salt' |
Ethnicity | Irish & Italian |
Birthplace | Munster, Ireland |
Age | 29 |
Gender | Female |
Height | 5"9 |
Weight | 125lbs |
Eyes | Chocolate |
Hair | Depending on the week, typically brown or blonde. |
Skin | Tanned |
Build | Skin & bones |
Language(s) | English, Gaelic, German, Italian |
Group(s) | TBD |
Character Class | Solo Mercenary |
Character Alignment | Chaotic Neutral |
Writer | @Copper Gallagher |

My name matches my knuckles, here, look!
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Family Ranking: Urban Streetkid
Duff Gallagher (Alive)
An Irish DJ that toured Europe on saved up cigarette funds and whatever change he could scrounge off the headliners whenever they were feeling generous. Duff had no time to raise a daughter. He had dreams, big ones, rich ones, and his failure to wear a condom wasn't going to stop him from catching his break into the major festivals he was made to play at. His wife might though, she was his producer and just as optimistic as he was, she was exactly like he was. If they weren't fighting, they were making songs; if they weren't making songs, then they probably broke up, again. The musician life wasn't something to call home about, but once Copper came of age, Duff handed her his out of tune guitar and let her rip. At least it'd get her to stop talking about schooling and guns and all that other stuff kids rage about.
Luminia Gallagher (Alive)
A roman runaway that fled her family's estate no younger than fifteen, Luminia's been on the road ever since. She is a talented netrunner, producer, and risktaker. Many told her that her washed up husband was holding her back. She had what it took to find a fine paying corporate job or the skill to make music at a decent label. Duff, in her eyes, was a royal flush, Europe just needed to see their vision and the eddies would roll in. Then Copper happened. Luminia wasn't as furious as Duff about it, but it did cause their steady gigs to stumble and their landlord's temper to rise. The young girl was wild like her father so the parents took it as a message and figured Copper would survive a few European tours, if anything, it'd give her character. The music was first priority in Luminia's life, second was Duff's wandering eyes and lastly, Copper's want to explore. Luminia didn't get it. The trio had visited every city from Germany to Amsterdam by the time her daughter was eight, attended the hottest bands a kid could dream of seeing once! What else was there? Sure, she and Duff had bailed often after their own shows to catch a party or two, but Cop' tagged along sometimes. Daughters were never satisfied. Maybe that's why she left.
Childhood Environment:
Stuffed up in some rank backstage closet or in a moldy hotel room somewhere in Western Europe. Adult supervision nonexistent.
When Copper is sober, she gets the shakes, bad. Her face pales, her eyes burns, and her anger usually gets her a couple nights barred up in Arroyo district. It's a problem, she knows, that's why she's working overtime with those damned fixers to save up for an enhanced liver, since therapy would cost her a new arm and a new lung. If she's got some chrome juice then the first half of the day is smooth sailing. Copper can be levelheaded, especially when she's on a gig, but she prefers to work alone; seems every gonk that tags beside her either ends up trying to kill her or screwing her over one way or the other. She doesn't have any less of an attitude than most of the people slumming around Night City, but her drunken escapades frequently piss off the wrong people, and again, she's trying to fix that. Her alcoholism obviously won't win her the popular chick award in Night City, but really, Copper can be friendly on her better days. Her chooms reside in the streetwalkers, homeless lurkers that beg for eddies the artificial mosquitos don't even glance at anymore. She had no choice but to harmonize with them after she got kicked out of her band and found a kinship with the needy once bunking in corpo dumpsters turned out to be less clean than she thought.
Copper can never stay in one place, a habit instilled from childhood and one that keeps her acquaintance's at a preem distance. Not that they'd want to be close anyways. Hopping six to eight bars in a night and hitchhiking from Watson to Santo Domingo isn't anyone's idea of a good time after the first two times, now add three more nights onto that and you'll catch the drift. These days, Copper is angsty, more than usual. Her two years as a merc has been moderately successful, eddies are steady, the chrome rims on her hand-me-down Nazare bike are shining, but the itch to music clouds over her like a Maelstrom junkie that farts black lace. The falling out with her ex's band 'Descension' is a heavyset weight on her ever-stubborn skull. What she'll do to lift that pressure is anyone's wild guess.
Person You Value Most:
Her bandmates - (Ritz Hannigan (31), Dolly Fable (28), Kresh Barkely (44), Hippa Yaeger (30)
What Do You Value Most?:
Your guess is as good as hers. Probably beating her alcohol addiction.
How Do You Feel About Most People?:
Copper is indifferent about most people in Night City. In her time, she's seen a majority of personalities and personas to make her understand the undesirables from the ones who are looking to just wake up another day. If someone just wants to hurt people and take from others, Copper ain't for it. She's learned to see the worst in anyone she meets, maybe so she can be surprised when they aren't as terrible as they first seemed. Better to set your expectations low than let trust in wrong person reward you with an iron to the head. Besides that, Copper isn't opposed to most groups and gangs littered across the city. Until she or they piss one another off.
Your Most Valued Possession:
Her 2045 edition electric guitar. A gift from her ex, Ritz.
Friends and Enemies:
There are some who would call Copper an enemy when she on the other hand holds no ill will. Her chrome juice episodes have gained the ire of Sixth Street, the Tyger Claws, and the Night City PD. As for her solo gigs, she tries to keep a solid reputation so fixers don't blacklist her altogether. She'd like to think that's working out.
Some Nomad clans seemed to have taken pity on her. When the heat is too hot in the city, Copper often bunks outside the border with any clan that'll throw her an arm. The nomads are good folks in her eyes.
Lifepath: Solo Merc
Combat Sense (Special Skill) - to put it blankly, she's thin as a bone but packs a solid punch.
Street Smarts - can get the hell out of dodge when needed and back in action when the temperature settles.
Shotguns & Fists - prefers the frontline and handles it well, a double barrel and her metal knuckles is all she needs.
Educated - unexpected, I know, Copper spent years fighting cig fumes in a backstage janitor closet, she read books, a lot.
Kickboxing - in order to hone her craft, Copper frequents various kickboxing and boxing joints.
Cyberarms (Basic, 2ct) -4 HL
Subdermal Armor (Basic) -4 HL
Empathy: 5
Humanity: 42
NameDescriptionDuff Gallagher (father) Very estranged, Copper tried to reach out a couple of times about her band years ago. Her father never responded. Luminia Gallagher (mother) Her mother texts every few or so months. Mainly asking for lyric ideas and Copper's opinions on album covers. TBD! TBD! TBD! TBD!
NameDescriptionDolly Fable The drummer of Descension. Copper thinks of Dolly as a little sister. Kresh Barkely The closest thing to a father figure. Kresh reaches out to Copper often and is left on read. Hippa Yaeger The bassist of Descension. Hippa has connects with fixers so Copper keeps in touch. The man gets on her last nerves on good days. TBD! TBD!
NameDescriptionSixth Street (muscle & lower ranks) I don't know, they probably throw american flag darts at her picture or something. Night City Police Department She's on a personal basis where she can ask how their kids soccer game went. TBD! TBD! TBD! TBD!
Other Relationships
NameDescriptionRitz Hannigan (ex-boyfriend) Founder and frontman of 'Descension'. They were together for like eleven years. Copper remembers maybe four of them. They aren't enemies but she's definitely not on a friendly level with him. TBD! TBD! TBD! TBD! TBD! TBD!
Home Is In The Descent
Life After The Fall