- Eddies
- 1,059
Creation Guide & Template
Step 1: Concept
Start with a simple idea for your character. Think about:- Who are they? (e.g., hacker, street samurai, corporate spy)
- What motivates them? (e.g., revenge, money, survival, justice)
- What's their vibe? (e.g., edgy loner, smooth talker, chaotic rebel)
Step 2: Basic Profile
Fill in the following details to establish your character:- Name: (e.g., Blaze Kaine)
- Alias/Handle: (e.g., "ChromeGhost")
- Age: (e.g., 27)
- Ethnicity: (Japanese, English, etc.)
- Birthplace: (Night City, North California (NorCal)? New York City, New York? Tokyo, Japan?)
- Appearance: Include height, build, style, cyberware, and distinctive features.
Step 3: Background
Who are you, and where did you come from? Everyone on the Street has a backstory:- Family Ranking (Choose One or Roll)
- 1- Corporate Executive
- 2 - Corporate Manager
- 3 - Corporate Technician
- 4 - Nomad Pack
- 5 - Pirate Fleet
- 6 - Gang Family
- 7 - Crime Lord
- 8 - Combat Zone Poor, or Intercity Homeless
- 9 - Urban Streetkid
- 10 - Suburban
- Parents (Choose One or Roll)
- 1 - 6 Both parents are living.
- 7 - 10 Something has happened to one or both parents.
- Childhood Environment (Choose One or Roll)
- 1 - Spent on the Street, with no adult supervision.
- 2 - Spent in a safe Corporate Suburbia.
- 3 - In a Nomad Pack, traveling from town to town.
- 4 - In a decaying, once upscale neighborhood.
- 5 - In a defended Corporate Zone in the City Center.
- 6 - In the heart of a Combat Zone, around the worst of humanity and poverty.
- 7 - In a small village or town far from the city and badlands.
- 8 - On a Moon colony or Off-world.
- 9 - Onboard an aquatic Pirate Fleet.
- 10 - On a Corporate Controlled Farm or Research Facility.
Step 4: Personality & Motivations
What's important to you, what makes you tick? Will you back up your friends or go for the main chance?- Personality: (Describe)
- Friends: (Describe, If Any)
- Enemies: (Describe, If Any)
- Personality Traits (Choose One or Roll)
- 1 - Shy and Secretive
- 2 - Rebellious, Anti-Social, Violent
- 3 - Arrogant, Proud, and Aloof
- 4 - Moody, Rash, and Headstrong
- 5 - Picky, Fussy, and Nervous
- 6 - Stable and Serious
- 7 - Silly and Fluffheaded
- 8 - Sneaky and Deceptive
- 9 - Intellectual and Detached
- 10 - Friendly and Outgoing
- Person You Value Most (Choose One or Roll)
- 1 - A Parent
- 2 - Brother or Sister
- 3 - Lover
- 4 - Friend
- 5 - Yourself
- 6 - A Pet
- 7 - Teacher or Mentor
- 8 - Public Figure
- 9 - A Personal Hero
- 10 - No One
- What Do You Value Most? (Choose One or Roll)
- 1 - Money
- 2 - Honor
- 3 - Your Word
- 4 - Honesty
- 5 - Knowledge
- 6 - Vengeance
- 7 - Love
- 8 - Power
- 9 - Having A Good Time
- 10 - Friendship
- How Do You Feel About Most People? (Choose One or Roll)
- 1-2 Neutral
- 3 - I Like Almost Everyone
- 4 - I Hate Almost Everyone
- 5 - People Are Tools. Use Them For Your Own Goals And Discard Them.
- 6 - Every Person Is A Valued Individual
- 7 - People Are Obstacles To Be Destroyed If They Cross Me.
- 8 - People Are Untrustworthy. Don't Depend On Anyone.
- 9 - Wipe Em' All Out And Give The Place To The Cockroaches.
- 10 - People Are Wonderful
- Your Most Valued Possession (Choose One or Roll)
- 1 - A Weapon
- 2 - A Tool
- 3 - A Piece Of Clothing
- 4 - A Photograph
- 5 - A Book Or Diary
- 6 - A Recording
- 7 - A Musical Instrument
- 8 - A Piece Of Jewelry
- 9 - A Toy
- 10 - A Letter
- Friends & Enemies (Choose One or Roll)
- 1-4 You've Made a Friend
- 5-9 You've Made a Enemy
- 10 - A Past Romance
- Friend: You lucked out and made a friend, a rare occurrence in Night City. (Choose One or Roll)
- 1 - Like a big brother/sister to you.
- 2 - Like a kid brother/sister to you.
- 3 - A teacher or mentor.
- 4 - A partner or coworker.
- 5 - An old lover.
- 6 - An old enemy.
- 7 - Like a foster parent to you.
- 8 - A relative.
- 9 - Reconnect with an old childhood friend.
- 10 - Met through a common interest.
- Enemy: You've gotten in someone's face. Enemies are a way of life in Cyberpunk. (Choose One or Roll)
- 1 - Ex Friend
- 2 - Ex Lover
- 3 - Relative
- 4 - Childhood Enemy
- 5 - Person Working For You
- 6 - Person You Work For
- 7 - Partner or Coworker
- 8 - Booster Gang Member
- 9 - Corporate Executive
- 10 - Government Official
- The Cause - This enmity started when one of you:
- 1 - Caused the other to lose face or status
- 2 - Caused the loss of a lover or friend
- 3 - Humiliated the other in a major way
- 4 - Accused another of cowardice or some personal flaw
- 5 - Caused a permanent disability
- 6 - Deserted or betrayed the other
- 7 - Turned down the other's romantic advances
- 8 - You don't just like each other
- 9 - Romantic Rival
- 10 - Foiled another's plan or gig
- The Cause - This enmity started when one of you:
- A Past Romance: There is more to Living on the Edge than just combat and gigs, you've had some action in the past and caught some feelings.
- How it worked out (Choose One or Roll)
- 1-4 Happy Love Affair
- 5 - Tragic Love Affair (Choose One or Roll)
- 1 - Lover Died In Accident
- 2 - Lover Vanished Mysteriously
- 3 - It Didn't Work Out
- 4 - A Personal Goal or Vendetta Came Between You
- 5 - Lover Kidnapped
- 6 - Lover Went Insane or Cyberpyscho
- 7 - Lover Committed Suicide
- 8 - Lover Killed In A Fight
- 9 - Rival Cut You Out Of The Action
- 10 - Lover Imprisoned or Exiled
- 6-7 Love Affair With Problems (Choose One or Roll)
- 1 - Your Lover's Friends or Family Hate You
- 2 - Your Lover's Friends or Family Would Do Anything To Get Rid Of You
- 3 - Your Friends or Family Hate Your Lover
- 4 - One of You Have a Romantic Rival
- 5 - You Are Separated In Some Way
- 6 - You Fight Constantly
- 7 - You're Professional Rivals
- 8 - One of You Is Insanely Jealous
- 9 - One of You are Cheating
- 10 - You have conflicting backgrounds or families
- 8-10 Fast Affairs and Hot Dates
- How it worked out (Choose One or Roll)
- Friend: You lucked out and made a friend, a rare occurrence in Night City. (Choose One or Roll)
Step 5: Skills & Role
Pick a role (lifepath) for your character based on their main skill set. Common roles include:- Netrunner (hacker extraordinaire, literal cyberspace dweller)
- Special Skill: Interface - Allows them to connect to the Net, hack systems, control tech remotely, and bypass security.
- Solo (combat-focused mercenary, street punks, soldiers)
- Special Skill: Combat Sense - Enhanced reflexes and intuition in dangerous situations, allowing them to sense threats, react faster, and plan tactical moves.
- Techie (gadget and gear expert)
- Special Skill: Maker - Expertise in repairing, crafting, and upgrading gear, weapons, and cyberware.
- Medtechie (medical tech, nurse, or doctor)
- Special Skill: Medical Tech - Expertise in saving lives and , crafting or healing.
- Cop (NCPD officer, MaxTac, or government agent)
- Special Skill: Authority - The ability to command, call reinforcements, and access police resources.
- Media (news, paparazzi, or famous personalities)
- Special Skill: Credibility - Access to sources, evidence, and a platform to publish stories that sway public opinion or expose hidden truths.
- Rockerboy (rebellious musician, groupie, or activist)
- Special Skill: Charismatic Impact - The power to influence and rally crowds, create loyal followers, or manipulate public opinion.
- Fixer (information broker or dealmaker)
- Special Skill: Streetdeal - The ability to find and procure goods, services, or information through a network of connections.
- Corpo (ruthless executives and agents working for powerful megacorps)
- Special Skill: Resources - Access to corporate funds, personnel, and equipment to accomplish their objectives.
- Nomad (wanderer with strong survival instincts)
- Special Skill: Family - A tight-knit group of allies or a "family" that provides resources, backup, and support.
Skills: (Lockpicking, Driving, Martial Arts, Ninjutsu, etc.)
Languages: (English, Japanese, etc.)
Step 6: Cyberware
Choose 1– 3 pieces of cyberware to define your character's enhancements, you get Neural Link as a freebie that won't count toward your 3 choices. Feel free to add more as you roleplay your experiences in character, but don't forget to subtract humanity.- Examples:
- Kiroshi Optics (enhanced vision)
- Mantis Blades (hidden arm blades)
- Neural Link (connects brain to tech)
Keep it simple, and remember cyberware comes at a cost—physically, mentally, and financially.
Step 7: Empathy & Humanity
In Cyberpunk, Empathy and Humanity are interconnected stats that reflect a character's ability to connect emotionally with others and maintain their sense of self in a dystopian world dominated by technology. These are the only mandatory stats for gameplay that are supposed to reflect the consequences of your actions. Removing cybernetics or receiving YEARS of therapy is the only way to restore humanity / empathy loss.
Empathy: (1-10) (5 is average. 10 is saintly, these characters would not hurt a fly.)
- A character's emotional intelligence and capacity for human connection.
- Influences social skills, like persuasion, negotiation, and forming relationships.
- Often diminished by excessive cyberware implants, which make characters more machine-like.
- For each point in empathy you have, add 10 to your humanity. For every interval of 10 humanity loss, remove a point of empathy. Do not abuse this mechanic, play your character how they are.
- A measure of a character's mental and emotional stability.
- Directly tied to Empathy, Humanity decreases as cyberware is installed, representing the psychological toll of losing touch with one's humanity.
- If Humanity drops too low, characters risk Cyberpsychosis, a state of uncontrollable violence and detachment from reality. Go to zero and you lose your character forever to the throes of madness.
Step 8: Gear & Style
List a few iconic items they carry:- Weapons: (e.g., a smart pistol or katana)
- Gadgets: (e.g., data pad, hacking tools, or cyberdeck)
- Outfit: Describe their look (e.g., leather jacket with neon highlights, reflective shades).
Step 9: History
Write the backstory of your character.Step 10: Write a Starter Post
Introduce your character by writing a short post about them in action. Include:- A setting (e.g., a smoky nightclub or gritty alley).
- Their current goal or problem.
- Their attitude and style in action.
Now you're ready to dive into the neon-lit streets of the Cyberpunk world!
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