Agnus Dei
- Eddies
- 448
What would you die for?
Catriona, once upon a time, might have hoped that she would have gone out in a blaze of principled glory, maybe somewhere at the forefront of a riot, raging against the franchising of their entire existence and sticking it to the profit-driven corpo hand strangling them all. At least, that was the fantasy, the most idealised vision of self that would die for something worthwhile. The reality was probably in the decline of flesh, ill health from an occupational hazard, and five years off of partial retirement. Maybe a car wreck, fast and clean if you were lucky. We're sorry, Miss Devine, there's been an accident.
She'd never fathomed she'd die for a cup of noodles.
A cup of noodles she didn't even get to fucking eat, the styrofoam cup now upturned on the ground, contents splattered everywhere like expelled guts. Not that it was the core issue of the day, no, that was the DR-5 Nova barrel that Devine was practically fellating.
Wrong place, wrong time, wrong fucking existence.
The 24/7 corner shop didn't seem like the best place on Northside to hit up, everything worth robbing behind heavy-duty shutters and the cashier (and the cash) in relative safety behind inches of bullet-proof plexiglass. Didn't stop Badger's boys—boosters with shit for brains and metal for flesh. For all their chaos and desire to get chromed up and shed humanity, all of Maelstrom's decapitated hydra heads with twitching circuits looked exactly the same. Rather thoughtfully, this clan sported white strips on the backs of their tattered leather jackets. It might have been cute, you know, if they weren't total fucking psychos.
were only two of them. Little and large. Low ranking judging by the fact that they hadn't traded the flesh of their noses for chrome just yet. The big one was rampaging down the cramped aisles, stimmed up and taking it out on the shelves with his ripper hand, leaving a trail of destruction and plastic packaging (plastic food, too) strewn in his wake. The smaller one Catriona was more intimate with, his arm around her neck and revolver in her mouth as he 'negotiated' with the cashier.
"Give us the deets, fuckface! Or I'll be paintin' your store with this fleshbag's brains!"
Fleshbag. Devine might have appreciated not being sexually objectified were she not fucking terrified. Through Nova-stifled whimpers, her eyes, wide and wavering, pleaded with the cashier to divulge whatever information they wanted so she wasn't Jackson Pollock'd over plexiglass.
"I don't know the guy," the man, an apathetic type weathered by Northside living and low-income working, replied with a shrug before folding his arms across his chest. Clearly, he felt safe enough on the other side of the thick plastic. "Think you've got your wires crossed, pal. Don't know nothing about nobody."
"Little birdie gave us YOUR name. Right after we pulled off his fucking wings!" For emphasis, the gun was thrust deeper into her mouth, practically touching her tonsils and causing Catriona's gag reflex to kick in alongside an instinctual fear warble. "Said you hired the punk to clear out the clan!"
"BURN IT DOWN!" The rampaging behemoth in the back unhelpfully bellowed, having made his way to the fridges as the soda cans faced his wrath.
"And I'm telling you, I don't know shit, chromedome. I just work here."
A hair-trigger temper pulled the revolver out of her mouth and pointed it directly at the plexi, firing off a deafening round that immediately impotently bounced off the surface before careening into an off-fixture display of screamsheets. The courage left her legs, and Catriona's body attempted to slump to the floor, only to be held up by the unyielding arm around her neck that squeezed in response.
Fuck fuck FUCK!
Catriona, once upon a time, might have hoped that she would have gone out in a blaze of principled glory, maybe somewhere at the forefront of a riot, raging against the franchising of their entire existence and sticking it to the profit-driven corpo hand strangling them all. At least, that was the fantasy, the most idealised vision of self that would die for something worthwhile. The reality was probably in the decline of flesh, ill health from an occupational hazard, and five years off of partial retirement. Maybe a car wreck, fast and clean if you were lucky. We're sorry, Miss Devine, there's been an accident.
She'd never fathomed she'd die for a cup of noodles.
A cup of noodles she didn't even get to fucking eat, the styrofoam cup now upturned on the ground, contents splattered everywhere like expelled guts. Not that it was the core issue of the day, no, that was the DR-5 Nova barrel that Devine was practically fellating.
Wrong place, wrong time, wrong fucking existence.
The 24/7 corner shop didn't seem like the best place on Northside to hit up, everything worth robbing behind heavy-duty shutters and the cashier (and the cash) in relative safety behind inches of bullet-proof plexiglass. Didn't stop Badger's boys—boosters with shit for brains and metal for flesh. For all their chaos and desire to get chromed up and shed humanity, all of Maelstrom's decapitated hydra heads with twitching circuits looked exactly the same. Rather thoughtfully, this clan sported white strips on the backs of their tattered leather jackets. It might have been cute, you know, if they weren't total fucking psychos.

"Give us the deets, fuckface! Or I'll be paintin' your store with this fleshbag's brains!"
Fleshbag. Devine might have appreciated not being sexually objectified were she not fucking terrified. Through Nova-stifled whimpers, her eyes, wide and wavering, pleaded with the cashier to divulge whatever information they wanted so she wasn't Jackson Pollock'd over plexiglass.
"I don't know the guy," the man, an apathetic type weathered by Northside living and low-income working, replied with a shrug before folding his arms across his chest. Clearly, he felt safe enough on the other side of the thick plastic. "Think you've got your wires crossed, pal. Don't know nothing about nobody."

"Little birdie gave us YOUR name. Right after we pulled off his fucking wings!" For emphasis, the gun was thrust deeper into her mouth, practically touching her tonsils and causing Catriona's gag reflex to kick in alongside an instinctual fear warble. "Said you hired the punk to clear out the clan!"
"BURN IT DOWN!" The rampaging behemoth in the back unhelpfully bellowed, having made his way to the fridges as the soda cans faced his wrath.
"And I'm telling you, I don't know shit, chromedome. I just work here."
A hair-trigger temper pulled the revolver out of her mouth and pointed it directly at the plexi, firing off a deafening round that immediately impotently bounced off the surface before careening into an off-fixture display of screamsheets. The courage left her legs, and Catriona's body attempted to slump to the floor, only to be held up by the unyielding arm around her neck that squeezed in response.
Fuck fuck FUCK!