New member
- Eddies
- 86
It was raining like it always seemed to do whenever Esher ventured out to this part of Night City. It had both advantages and its disadvantages. For one, he could climb over the outer fence without having to bother with the prying eyes of the security guard making his night shift rounds, for he was holed up in the guardhouse looking at the monitors. Night shift at a mid tier corporation didn't pay enough to walk around for hours in toxic rain, after all. The disadvantage was made obvious when, upon landing, Esher slipped on the wet concrete almost dislocated his shoulder on impact. "Fu-h!" he cried breathlessly as he lay there rubbing it shoulder and tasting the slightly sour rain drip onto his face. Next time he was going to say no. That easy. Just say no. There will be other gigs. Other Fixers that needed a netrunner. Maybe even something he could pull off from the inside of a Capitán Caliente while munching on a burger and fries. Anything would be better than creeping around on a secured corpo lot on your own while getting drenched with toxic rain.
Earlier today he had walked out of the office in good spirits. He had cracked the home security of a screamsheet celeb and found all kinds of dirt. Him sleeping with his output's brother, her mom and using her more succesful braindance smut career to fund an ongoing, and growing, black lace addiction. That was something that -he was sure- the media would give him a nice fat bonus for. So, in retrospect, his confidence had been a bit too big to handle. The smartest thing was to get high and buy one of Lina Malina earlier explicit braindances. His favorites. Instead, like the idiot he was, he had answered a call from a local fixer.
Something he fiercely regretted as he pushed himself back up from the concrete and scanned the lot to see a potential access point. It had been presented to him as an easy job with acceptible pay for someone that was never gonna make it to the Afterlife and drink with Legends. That had stung, sure, but it hadn't been untrue. Real legends never made their mark while still working a day job. Real legends didn't chip in for the rent of their parents' megastructure condo. They'd find a bathtub somewhere secluded, boobytrapped the entrance, filled the tub with ice and wouldn't leave the net until the edgerunners in the Afterlife whispered their names in awe. That wasn't Esher. Those guys would never whisper Eccles in awe. He was too afraid of stumbling into multiple Dragon Black Ice while all he got to defend himself was an 'Armor program' from 2045. A program so old it predated the times of neon and would be unable to prevent those dragons from literally burning his brain to ash. Nah, screw that- Esher spotted an access point designed to hook up industrial loaders that moved stuff around on the lot. With any luck he could find a PLC inside he could jack into.
Confident to get there unseen -he knew the security guy with the taser was in the guardhouse watching Moxes Braindance and jerking off- Esher went over the the acces point quickly and pried open the protective cover with a screwdriver. "Okay, let's see-" he took his cyberdeck from inside his jacket, flipped it open and while it booted up jacked it into the access point. "Ready Player One," Esher smiled and put on his virtual reality goggles so he could visualize the local Net Architecture. "Player Profile: Eccles," the smile widened to a grin as he forgot he was sitting outside in the toxic rain at 2 a.m. Right now he was where he wanted to be, he was who he wanted to be; A cyberknight about to breach an enemy lord's castle.
After the interface he ran pathfinder, quickly finding that most of the architecture was locked behind passwords. A worm program allowed him to pass the first password wall rather easily and within a few minutes he had left the Industrial Automation part of the Net architecture behind and was perusing the personnel files of a secretary with a weak password. All he needed to do now was the escalate his priviledges by using the secretaries' rights within the system to try and take control of the mid-level corpo that was tonight's target. Someone in charge of an important deal, apparently, and whoever was on the other side of that deal needed some kind of leverage against him. Cracking his office network was the first step as these kind of corpo's always dealt in bad faith. Eccles ran another pathfinder check, but with a 'See Ya' booster to aid him. He found the target's files, but it was protected by a program and a password, so this was going to get tricky, after all. As Esher envisioned himself as a knight storming a castle, having already passed the moat and first gate, he was now in the courtyard and drew his sword (an anti-program attacker) and sliced at the program defending this layer of the NET architecture. It came apart instantly and fell to the cyber-gridded floors of the castle as Eccles ran another worm and passed the next password-wall with relative ease. This was a thrill! Edgerunners were always in danger of getting their brains blown out, but not him. Not the netrunner doing the smalltime gigs. Esher was 'Sir Eccles' the castle-taking knight in shining armor and he was once again about to take the treasure whe-
"AAAHh!" it felt as if his brain caught fire as his cyberdeck was forceable jacked out of the NET architecture. All he could figure - as he was curled up on the wet concrete floor again- was that he had missed a DeckKRASH hidden somewhere in the architecture, but that meant that the guard would get his braindance interrupted by an alarm, too. Esher had been discovered. His knight-persona had its armor pierced by the crossbow bolt of a hidden castle defender. All he knew now was they had to get himself together as fast as possible. Before the guard could find him. Before whoever he answered to decided whether it was worth it to hand a netrunner to the NCPD or just break his neck and dump him somwhere in the waste field east of the city.
His adrenaline spiking was the only reason Esher was able to return his cyberdeck to his jacket and get up from the floor, ignoring how the sour rain had now started to creep through his clothing and was irritating the skin underneath. A flashlight shone about thirty meters away, but it was coming closer rapidly. No doubt the guard had been given the access point as the netrunner's point of entry. Fuck. Esher dashed across the lot and took a running jump against the fence, hurled himself over and continued running until his lungs hurt more than his brain and he was far enough away to allow himself a breather. "I'm fucked," he grimaced through the headache as he pulled out his agent;
<To: Fixer
<message> Got made. Failed to get target info. Missed a DeckKRASH. </endmessage>
He didn't expect his fixer to help him get back home, so what Esher needed now was to keep hiding through the night and find a way to get back in the morning buzz of traffic. That meant traversing an industrial corpo zone filled with homeless and malcontents while not knowing if he'd be hunted down by some hired killers.
Earlier today he had walked out of the office in good spirits. He had cracked the home security of a screamsheet celeb and found all kinds of dirt. Him sleeping with his output's brother, her mom and using her more succesful braindance smut career to fund an ongoing, and growing, black lace addiction. That was something that -he was sure- the media would give him a nice fat bonus for. So, in retrospect, his confidence had been a bit too big to handle. The smartest thing was to get high and buy one of Lina Malina earlier explicit braindances. His favorites. Instead, like the idiot he was, he had answered a call from a local fixer.
Something he fiercely regretted as he pushed himself back up from the concrete and scanned the lot to see a potential access point. It had been presented to him as an easy job with acceptible pay for someone that was never gonna make it to the Afterlife and drink with Legends. That had stung, sure, but it hadn't been untrue. Real legends never made their mark while still working a day job. Real legends didn't chip in for the rent of their parents' megastructure condo. They'd find a bathtub somewhere secluded, boobytrapped the entrance, filled the tub with ice and wouldn't leave the net until the edgerunners in the Afterlife whispered their names in awe. That wasn't Esher. Those guys would never whisper Eccles in awe. He was too afraid of stumbling into multiple Dragon Black Ice while all he got to defend himself was an 'Armor program' from 2045. A program so old it predated the times of neon and would be unable to prevent those dragons from literally burning his brain to ash. Nah, screw that- Esher spotted an access point designed to hook up industrial loaders that moved stuff around on the lot. With any luck he could find a PLC inside he could jack into.
Confident to get there unseen -he knew the security guy with the taser was in the guardhouse watching Moxes Braindance and jerking off- Esher went over the the acces point quickly and pried open the protective cover with a screwdriver. "Okay, let's see-" he took his cyberdeck from inside his jacket, flipped it open and while it booted up jacked it into the access point. "Ready Player One," Esher smiled and put on his virtual reality goggles so he could visualize the local Net Architecture. "Player Profile: Eccles," the smile widened to a grin as he forgot he was sitting outside in the toxic rain at 2 a.m. Right now he was where he wanted to be, he was who he wanted to be; A cyberknight about to breach an enemy lord's castle.
After the interface he ran pathfinder, quickly finding that most of the architecture was locked behind passwords. A worm program allowed him to pass the first password wall rather easily and within a few minutes he had left the Industrial Automation part of the Net architecture behind and was perusing the personnel files of a secretary with a weak password. All he needed to do now was the escalate his priviledges by using the secretaries' rights within the system to try and take control of the mid-level corpo that was tonight's target. Someone in charge of an important deal, apparently, and whoever was on the other side of that deal needed some kind of leverage against him. Cracking his office network was the first step as these kind of corpo's always dealt in bad faith. Eccles ran another pathfinder check, but with a 'See Ya' booster to aid him. He found the target's files, but it was protected by a program and a password, so this was going to get tricky, after all. As Esher envisioned himself as a knight storming a castle, having already passed the moat and first gate, he was now in the courtyard and drew his sword (an anti-program attacker) and sliced at the program defending this layer of the NET architecture. It came apart instantly and fell to the cyber-gridded floors of the castle as Eccles ran another worm and passed the next password-wall with relative ease. This was a thrill! Edgerunners were always in danger of getting their brains blown out, but not him. Not the netrunner doing the smalltime gigs. Esher was 'Sir Eccles' the castle-taking knight in shining armor and he was once again about to take the treasure whe-
"AAAHh!" it felt as if his brain caught fire as his cyberdeck was forceable jacked out of the NET architecture. All he could figure - as he was curled up on the wet concrete floor again- was that he had missed a DeckKRASH hidden somewhere in the architecture, but that meant that the guard would get his braindance interrupted by an alarm, too. Esher had been discovered. His knight-persona had its armor pierced by the crossbow bolt of a hidden castle defender. All he knew now was they had to get himself together as fast as possible. Before the guard could find him. Before whoever he answered to decided whether it was worth it to hand a netrunner to the NCPD or just break his neck and dump him somwhere in the waste field east of the city.
His adrenaline spiking was the only reason Esher was able to return his cyberdeck to his jacket and get up from the floor, ignoring how the sour rain had now started to creep through his clothing and was irritating the skin underneath. A flashlight shone about thirty meters away, but it was coming closer rapidly. No doubt the guard had been given the access point as the netrunner's point of entry. Fuck. Esher dashed across the lot and took a running jump against the fence, hurled himself over and continued running until his lungs hurt more than his brain and he was far enough away to allow himself a breather. "I'm fucked," he grimaced through the headache as he pulled out his agent;
<To: Fixer
<message> Got made. Failed to get target info. Missed a DeckKRASH. </endmessage>
He didn't expect his fixer to help him get back home, so what Esher needed now was to keep hiding through the night and find a way to get back in the morning buzz of traffic. That meant traversing an industrial corpo zone filled with homeless and malcontents while not knowing if he'd be hunted down by some hired killers.