Start with a simple idea for your character. Think about:
Name: (e.g., Blaze Kaine)
Alias/Handle: DiceFaithful86
Age: (e.g., 27)
Ethnicity: (Japanese, English, etc.)
Birthplace: (Night City, North California (NorCal)? New York City, New York? Tokyo, Japan?)
Appearance: Include height, build, style, cyberware, and distinctive features.
Family Ranking: Suburban
Parents: Living
Childhood Environment: On a Corporate Controlled Farm or Research Facility
• Cost: Free (Common for players) (Assume you have it)
• HL: -1
• Connects directly to devices, weapons, or networks. Essential for hacking and smart weapons.
Kiroshi Optics (Basic)
• Cost: 1,000 eb
• HL: -2
• Provides basic enhancements like zoom and low-light vision.
Cyberlegs (Basic)
• Cost: 2,000 eb per leg
• HL: -2 per leg
• Replaces legs for enhanced mobility and durability.
Nano Repair System
• Cost: 10,000 eb
• HL: -8
• Uses nanobots to repair minor injuries and maintain cybernetics.
Write the backstory of your character.
Start with a simple idea for your character. Think about:
- Who are they? Street Samurai
- What motivates them? Glory and Admiration
- What's their vibe? Niave Poser
Name: (e.g., Blaze Kaine)
Alias/Handle: DiceFaithful86
Age: (e.g., 27)
Ethnicity: (Japanese, English, etc.)
Birthplace: (Night City, North California (NorCal)? New York City, New York? Tokyo, Japan?)
Appearance: Include height, build, style, cyberware, and distinctive features.
Family Ranking: Suburban
Parents: Living
Childhood Environment: On a Corporate Controlled Farm or Research Facility
- Traits: Shy and Secretive
- Person Valued Most: Public Figure
- Valued Most: Power
- Perception of Most People: Every Person Is A Valued Individual
- Most Valued Possession: A toy
- A relativeEnemies:
- Partner/Coworker
- - Cause the other to lose face or status
- - - Love Affair with Problems
- - - - Your Lover's Friends or Family Would Do Anything To Get Rid Of You
Lifepath / Role:
- Solo (combat-focused mercenary, street punks, soldiers)
- Special Skill: Combat Sense - Enhanced reflexes and intuition in dangerous situations, allowing them to sense threats, react faster, and plan tactical moves.
Neural Link• Cost: Free (Common for players) (Assume you have it)
• HL: -1
• Connects directly to devices, weapons, or networks. Essential for hacking and smart weapons.
Kiroshi Optics (Basic)
• Cost: 1,000 eb
• HL: -2
• Provides basic enhancements like zoom and low-light vision.
Cyberlegs (Basic)
• Cost: 2,000 eb per leg
• HL: -2 per leg
• Replaces legs for enhanced mobility and durability.
Nano Repair System
• Cost: 10,000 eb
• HL: -8
• Uses nanobots to repair minor injuries and maintain cybernetics.
20-1-2-2-8=7Gear & Style:
Write the backstory of your character.