Tag: @Balthazar Harris @Xasha Callisto
Bathazar wakes up from his dream in his bed, and a loud snoring noise hits his ears from the sofa, or more correctly near from the furniture. He needs a little time to release Sarah Blackrock, a small build, small statue, yellow labrador exotic who sleeps there from the K9 Drug search unit. Her apartment flooded last day and she just asked a favor from him so she can sleep somewhere between two shifts.
As he wake up more a message arrive:
He heard a very quiet voice like somebody whispered into his ear from very close, but nobody was there.
"Follow the clues"
After a strange dream she wakes up in her chair. She had again a night when she didn't reach her bed before she fell asleep.
A message awaits her from Lolo, a small size stray neko girl, who mostly works with netrunners. She is not a netrunner, just a very flexible creature who mostly sneaks in places to give access to the system from inside or just steal things.
A little later a new message shows up:
She heard a very quiet voice like somebody whispered into her ear from very close, but nobody was there.
"Follow the clues"
Location: Harris' Apartment
Bathazar wakes up from his dream in his bed, and a loud snoring noise hits his ears from the sofa, or more correctly near from the furniture. He needs a little time to release Sarah Blackrock, a small build, small statue, yellow labrador exotic who sleeps there from the K9 Drug search unit. Her apartment flooded last day and she just asked a favor from him so she can sleep somewhere between two shifts.
As he wake up more a message arrive:
Dear Mr. Balthazar Harris,
We are so sorry, and please accept that we will need A little extra time.
We will Place the earlier ordered items where you marked and we promise, the last time this happened. About the Legends old collection project we hope our items will show you the quality of what you will accept. Of course after this incident we changed the deadline of the Project, so I hope we can forget this small past event, and we can stay within the original delivery deadlines.
Nobody lives Forever, but this collection shows the milestones of technology in the past.
I wish the best,
Alicia Lynn Talon,
Sales manager
He heard a very quiet voice like somebody whispered into his ear from very close, but nobody was there.
"Follow the clues"
Location: Xasha's' Apartment
After a strange dream she wakes up in her chair. She had again a night when she didn't reach her bed before she fell asleep.
A message awaits her from Lolo, a small size stray neko girl, who mostly works with netrunners. She is not a netrunner, just a very flexible creature who mostly sneaks in places to give access to the system from inside or just steal things.
"Hey Girly! Do you have any sneaky gigs?"
A little later a new message shows up:
Dear Xasha,
We are so sorry, and please accept that we will need A little extra time.
We will Place the earlier accepted money where you like and we promise, the last time this happened. About the future of the Legends project we hope our work will get better. Of course after this incident we changed the deadline of the Project, so I hope we can forget this small past event, and we can stay in the original argument.
Forever for a Greater World.
I wish the best,
Alicia Lynn Talon,
Team manager
She heard a very quiet voice like somebody whispered into her ear from very close, but nobody was there.
"Follow the clues"
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