MISSION Echoes of the Past


New member
Tag: @Balthazar Harris @Xasha Callisto

Location: Harris' Apartment

Bathazar wakes up from his dream in his bed, and a loud snoring noise hits his ears from the sofa, or more correctly near from the furniture. He needs a little time to release Sarah Blackrock, a small build, small statue, yellow labrador exotic who sleeps there from the K9 Drug search unit. Her apartment flooded last day and she just asked a favor from him so she can sleep somewhere between two shifts.

As he wake up more a message arrive:

Dear Mr. Balthazar Harris,

We are so sorry, and please accept that we will need A little extra time.
We will Place the earlier ordered items where you marked and we promise, the last time this happened. About the Legends old collection project we hope our items will show you the quality of what you will accept. Of course after this incident we changed the deadline of the Project, so I hope we can forget this small past event, and we can stay within the original delivery deadlines.
Nobody lives Forever, but this collection shows the milestones of technology in the past.

I wish the best,

Alicia Lynn Talon,
Sales manager

He heard a very quiet voice like somebody whispered into his ear from very close, but nobody was there.
"Follow the clues"

Location: Xasha's' Apartment

After a strange dream she wakes up in her chair. She had again a night when she didn't reach her bed before she fell asleep.

A message awaits her from Lolo, a small size stray neko girl, who mostly works with netrunners. She is not a netrunner, just a very flexible creature who mostly sneaks in places to give access to the system from inside or just steal things.
"Hey Girly! Do you have any sneaky gigs?"

A little later a new message shows up:

Dear Xasha,

We are so sorry, and please accept that we will need A little extra time.
We will Place the earlier accepted money where you like and we promise, the last time this happened. About the future of the Legends project we hope our work will get better. Of course after this incident we changed the deadline of the Project, so I hope we can forget this small past event, and we can stay in the original argument.
Forever for a Greater World.

I wish the best,

Alicia Lynn Talon,
Team manager

She heard a very quiet voice like somebody whispered into her ear from very close, but nobody was there.
"Follow the clues"
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Active Location: Online
Physical Location: Her apartment
Objective: wake up, engage
Tags: @B B @Balthazar Harris

The Thai woman woke up in her gaming chair again and cursed she noted the golden stain on her top where her energy drink had spilled onto her in her haze, it was dark in her room but the light that crept in through the hinges of her shutters betrayed that it was daytime. "บานประตูหน้าต่างเปิด" || "Shutters open" she winced as the light cascaded in and humiliated her with the pile of gaming debris around her.

Callisto: Urgh, I feel like death and I look worse.
Kore: Nah, Gan says you are a straight up smoke show!
Callisto: Ha, could be, could be some 40 yo dude tho
Kore: Dudes can smoke too! #equality
Gandymede: lmao simp
Leda: lol
Kore: imma block you all and go to bed. Anyway, sup?
Callisto: dunno
Callisto: …
Callisto: got this weird message, got right past my ICE
Callisto: Here :✉️:

Leda: huh, weird
Kore: Yeah
Io: I got a theory but it's pretty out there?
Callisto: I'm listening
Kore: Calli stuck it in a dirty port and caught something nasty?
Gandymede: lmao, ew
Io: idiot
Io: look at the clue word "a place where legends of the past stay forever". I thought a graveyard, but then those initials? Gotta be right?

Leda: what?
Io: no one? Seriously
Callisto: shit… Ghost City? if Alt Cunningham is messaging me.
Io: could explain how they blew through your ICE with no alerts.
Callisto: Yeah thx Io, thats a good call
JUPITER: user CALLISTO gifted -0.05 gravity to user IO - approved
Io: awe thx C
Callisto: No worries, going to shower then maybe answer this?
JUPITER: User Callisto submitted poll YES - 6 NO - 2
Kore: Catch you later Calli
Gandymede: Keep us informed… ALT; the woman, the myth, the legend

Xasha stood in the shower for a while thinking about her options, if this was Alt Cunningham in touch, then she was on the radars of the rogue AIs hidden away on that dead Island back west. This could be fun or it could be of concern as they were old and powerful. She finished and dried herself, throwing her hair into a wrap before she sat to reply to the mail.

Ok, you've got my attention "Alicia". By reading this you have downloaded a rather cute daemon, if you are some joker, enjoy watching all your hardware fry in about 30 seconds. If you are who I think you are, enjoy a sample of my coding… and what do you want?

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Objective: Follow the clue
Location: National Bank, Night City
Equipment: Normal outfit
Tags: @B B | @Xasha Callisto | Open
"English" | <"Japanese"> | << Radio >> | ~ Thoughts ~
[ Fight as One ]

The man did not feel rested and refreshed at all when he woke up from his sleep. The first thing he heard was snoring; he instinctively reached for the gun on the bedside table. Knowing exactly where it was, he immediately found it, and then unlocked it as he jumped out of bed. As soon as he did, he remembered who was sleeping on the sofa in the living room and for what reason. When he realized this, he put his gun to rest and put it back in its place. With that move, Balti was actually fully awake.

The next moment, he received another message. He read it quickly and frowned, raising an eyebrow. The first thing was that he hadn't ordered anything lately, but the man had enough experience in battlefields and other places to recognize the secret message in the message. As soon as he read the hidden message he knew which place it was, and the ALT was... was it the AI or was someone just using his name?

The man did not know this yet, but he will probably find out. However, the message caught his attention, if only because of why it was him. He hadn't really been to the Afterlife before, the bar wasn't one of the circles he frequented, as Balti was so good that he didn't need to be a mercenary to find a good job after the military. As he sat back on the edge of the bed, he sent a message to the number from which he had received the message.

The man sent the message, that was all it was, not long, to the point. Since he didn't know the place he had to go to, he thought it was the best way. Of course, he might be wrong, but that remains to be seen. As an ex-soldier and now a commando, the man was a little paranoid, especially since in that place, he might not be a popular person because he works for the authorities. In any case, he didn't want to walk into any traps, so he still thought it was the best choice.

Well, the truth was that he was curious, he had adrenaline, but not enough to walk into a death trap from which there was no escape and he would die.

Tag: @Balthazar Harris @Xasha Callisto

Location: Harris' Apartment

After his message, he got an error message, to the other ID doesn't exist, but after a little later he see a glitch on the wall, and a message:

9:00 AM Parking lot near the entrance.

Under this time, the snoring dies, and the noises come as Sarah stretches out her limbs, and tries to climb back to the sofa from the floor. She has a very sleepy head as she pulls closer to a cheap Ice coffee can and tries to open it. Slowly stand up and start walking in an oversized t-shirt and stop before the window. She watches the street as she thinks about something, before her ears begin to move, and lifts up her head while sniffing. She releases Balthazar awake too .

"Ohh, eeer, Good Morning" She waves and after blushes and looks away as she starts to mumbles. "I guess… I hope I wasn't too noisy…" She looks at him with a cute face as she scratches her ears.
"Ohh… eeeer… thanks again, to you allow me to use your sofa. Just tell me if I can help you with something."

Location: Xasha's' Apartment

After she sent the reply, she got just an error message that the mailing address doesn't exist.
Xasha hears a soft woman laughing in her ear, and a whisper from so close like the other person leans very close to her ear.
"Follow the clues, find the places, and maybe you will get the answers you are looking for now."

After this she got a new message from the earlier address.
9:00 AM Parking lot near the entrance.

Beside this she got another message from Lolo too.

Hey Girly, Do you hear anything about the rumors, so somebody wants to play some kind of Hide and seek in NC? I got a crazy message from a non-existent address. I sent you the message that I got. I go to the Afterlife to collect some eddies, the Fixer wants to meet me there… I hate these meetings, but the good side is I can try another Legend's drink.

She sent a little other type of message than what Xasha got, but the hidden message is the same there.


Active Location: Online
Physical Location: Her apartment
Objective: wake up, engage
Tags: @Balthazar Harris @B B

There was no further response to her message, only an error message. It was hardly surprising if she was honest, she probably would have done the same after sending such a message.

from Lolo
"I go to the Afterlife to collect some eddies, the Fixer wants to meet me there…"

Afterlife? That's a club up in Watson right? Rather you than me. Got someone wanting to meet me in the carpark outside my apartment in a bit, gonna get some gaming done. Ciao!

Xasha grabbed her headphones and jumped onto her console, she had ninety minutes kill so she might as well go and blast through space blowing up newbs for a bit. She muttered to herself under her breath as she gamed, thinking of the meeting out in the car park, something was nagging on her brain though, a meeting at her apartment didn't make sense, this place was registered through multiple shells to keep her hidden it must be something else.

Callisto: Hey guys, can someone quickly do a search on Afterlife, Watson and give me the TLDR?
Gandymede: Lazy bitch, hang on
Gandymede: Afterlife, Watson. Most famous club in Night City, popular with edge runners and celebrities, pretty popular, sounds like your kind of hell Calli

Callisto: Where legends go perhaps? It's got a car park I assume?
Gandymede: maybe? Yeah, looks like it. What's up?
Callisto: Not sure, I might need to head out.
@Jupiter have there been any recent intrusion attempts on my port?
JUPITER: user CALLISTO - three unsuccessful intrusion attempts detected along your port in the last hour.
Callisto: Ok, @Jupiter please enable PFA on my port
JUPITER: user CALLISTO - Physical Factor Authentication enabled - please input gesture in 15s
JUPITER: Please repeat gesture
JUPITER: Physical Factor Authentication enabled for user CALLISTO

Gandymede: uh oh

Xasha made a repeatable gesture with her hand, nothing would pass from her port to 5th World unless she made the same gesture again, if she was dealing with someone with the skills of ALT she would literally have to take control of her body and remember this gesture to get access to her secret world. She grabbed her coat and headed for her car to take her to Watson. She cursed herself for now only having forty-five minutes to navigate pre 9am traffic across Night City, she kept her foot on the gas to get there. Xasha pulled in to a lay-by a few hundred yards away from the afterlife, just behind an NCPD patrol car. She quickly hacked into the city CCTV. She might as well have that system on speed dial.

Within seconds she had eyes on the carpark outside Afterlife as the clock ticked down to 9am. Let them arrive first, she wasn't getting jumped and thrown into a corpo van.