Son to laborers at the oil drills north of Watson, the Hatfield family always lived on the brink of being evicted out of their megastructure apartment. A corporation -in return for tax breaks- provided a daycare slash school for the megastructure (b)rats. This is where Esher managed to scavenge his first computer.
As a Megastructure warren rat, Esher lived and died by the risky antics of his peers. They climbed the balconies, gambled, engaged in petty theft and re enacted their favorite braindance movies. With absent parents and a large group of peers to call not just friends, but also brothers and sisters, Esher grew up to be outgoing, impulsive and eager to show off to any potential output.
Lifepath / Role:
Gear & Style:
Style is (faded, worn) Urban Flash
Gear is a cyberdeck
Esher has a strong affinity for the Net and that helped him landing a better day job than his parents, who are oil drill laborers and are worked to the bone. Instead, Esher works as a key-jockey for the datasheets where he is tasked with 'Open Source Research' for the Media's. When the media wants to do a piece on someone, they tell Esher to access their target's subnet to find some leverage or secrets to spoil in an explusive tell-all tabloid hit piece. It's surprisingly fun to do, but doesn't beat the thrill and excitement of netrunning on his own time and doing some side-bizz for the local fixers. At the end of the day, they pay the better eddies.