OOC Account
I was about to pay to set up a forum much like this, so I'm VERY glad I found you first. i'd rather write with what's already going on rather than do it all myself. A few familiar faces, and a familiar faction no less. :D I have about a million ideas to pose, so let's start with something simple.

A few of you will have read/written with me over the years. If so hi, but for most hello for the first time, I can see some of what inspired me has inspired you too, so when I write out the crew lore, please don't think I am ever copying; I've been at it for about a month or two (or a decade or two in retrospect) and would love to collaborate. I'm a writer who has many different muses rattling inside his brain, and so they read very differently (when I get them right).

A few questions and hopes:

1) Do you have multiple easily identifiable dice rolls in a post? So Dice 1, Dice 2 etc? And can see that was Dice 1, Dice 2 and Dice 3 for independent actions.
2) NPC Crew use and partners, yay or nay? Never to overpower, but background characters. As I've started to dev them now.
3) Can writers DM threads? I like it when someone is throwing challenges at me.
4) I love the balance of cybernetics and humanity; will other cybernetic developments be allowed?
5) How is the lore development handled? Is it purely free form and submitting the location optional, for example, or is it ever a requirement?

I guess that about covers it!
Hey, it's great to see a friendly face from another familiar faction somewhere. ;)

I'm not staff, but here's what I know to help answer:

1. Not coded on the board yet, you can do it for your own actions. And there's a few guides on various mechanics in this board to help what I can't answer.
2. Yep, staff seem fine with NPCs.
3. Sure, BB's got one going that way and I'm sure other threads will be to various degrees.
4. There's a Night Market for developing new tech, and specifically for cybernetics too.
5. See above, there's a spot for locations too.

Welcome to the board!