- Eddies
- 173

Name: Isabella Santos
Alias/Handle: Pirata
Age: 31
Ethnicity: Mexican
Birthplace: Mexico City, Mexico
Appearance: Isabella is considered to be quite the beauty among her fellow Valentinos, and with good reason. Her Long, black hair and slender features cause her to easily stand out within the crowd. Isabella is very aware of this, and carries herself accordingly. She is well-dressed, graceful, and full of confidence, though the air around her can shift rather quickly if the lives of her comrades are at risk.
Family Ranking: Alone
Parents: Dead
Childhood Environment: Grew up on the streets, but made the best of it.
Isabella is much more than a pretty face. She is clever, calculating, and really quick on her feet. She knows how people tick, and often will use that to her advantage. This does not make her enjoy crowds though, as her intelligence often causes her to get annoyed with the stupidity of others. She would rather spend her time taking cracks at the blackwall or wandering through the back door to some corpo server (both of which she does often). She usually comes across as friendly, but make no mistake… if you piss her off, you'll be likely to catch a bullet to the head. She is a streetkid, after all, and you may be able to take the kid out of the street, but you can't take the street out of the kid.
Isabella has many friends within the ranks of the Valentinos, largely due to her loyalty, as well as her efficiency as a netrunner. She often hangs around El Coyote Cojo, and is seen as a good friend of the staff and regulars therein. @Ryan Graves is also quite likely one of her closest confidants, one to whom she feels incredible loyalty.
The enemies of the Valentinos are her enemies, though there are exceptions made in the name of biz, so long as the eddies are good enough. She also can't stand corpos, and blames them for the struggles of her parents.
Lifepath / Role:
-Special Skill: Interface
-Vehicle Mechanics
-Tech Repair/Troubleshooting
-BD Manipulation
-Neural Link
-Cortex Processor
-Brain Drone Interface
-Internal Data Storage
-Cyberarm (Basic)
-Tactile Boosters
-Enhanced Liver
-EMP Shielding
-EMP Threading
Gear & Style:
Isabella Likes to dress in the traditionally flashy, yet classy style of the Valentinos. She is often seen wearing her signature gold-tinted sunglasses, and her jet black hair is unmistakable due to the white streak running through it. She is often found with her laptop, though sometimes she'll keep it tucked away safely. And most importantly, she keeps her gold-plated Liberty pistol at her side at all times. She can often be seen tinkering on her custom Quadra Turbo-R, and considers it to be a bit of a pet project.
Life was never going to be easy for Isabella. When you grow up in a poor neighborhood with cartels sticking their fingers in everyone's business, you're going to struggle if you don't play ball. Isabella's parents weren't exactly "team players", and as the cartels transformed into megacorporations, things became increasingly tense. Her parents decided to leave, and though they found a reliable coyote to secure their passage across the border, their journey was doomed from the start.
A particularly problematic clan of nomads hit their transport, killing Isabella's father and wounding her still-pregnant mother. The coyote tasked with moving them to their new home was able to save Isabella, but at the cost of her mother's life. The coyote took pity on the newborn, and ensured her safe transport to Night City. Upon their arrival, Isabella was placed into the arms of the Valentinos, whom the coyote had connections with. It was within that organization that Isabella would grow and develop into the woman that she is today.
At a young age, Isabella discovered a deep fascination with technology, whether it be in the form of mechanics or the digital space. She had a keen eye for navigating both machinery and software, and over time had developed a strong understanding of varying fields of tech. Being in the Valentinos, this eventually turned her to a life of netrunning, which would help her to establish a long-standing form of relevance within the gang. Eventually she would link up with Ryan Graves, and developed a strong rapport with the man. Though she joined his crew, her heart would remain with her comrades within the Valentinos. Yet, eddies make the world go 'round, and she plans to keep it turning.