CHARACTER Ivory 'Crocell' Stroud

New member


Theme Music - The Scav Hunt

Darkwire Lieutenant

  • B A S I C
    Full name:
    Ivory Stroud​
    Night City​
    Lithe, Athletic​
    Neural Link​
    Voice Modulator​
    Cyberaudio Suite​
    Enhanced Liver​

  • B A C K G R O U N D
    Family Ranking:
    Urban Streetkid​
    Father - Deceased​
    Mother - Deceased​
    Childhood Environment:

  • P E R S O N A L I T Y
    Sociable, Outgoing, Rebellious, occasionally dramatic. Crocell loves to put on a show; a conductor with smoke & mirrors of all kinds. She keeps many at arms-length and conceals much; only revealing her inner thoughts to those she trusts. She considers anyone wearing a suit or associated with the Corps to be - at best - a pawn and at-worst an enemy. Violence is a Way-of-Life. Never come between her family or her work.​
    Person You Value Most:
    Her companions in Darkwire​
    What Do You Value Most?
    Loyalty to a cause.​
    How Do You Feel About Most People?
    Most people are sheep, led by their ears to the beat of the Corporate Drum. They need to be shown a different beat.​
    Your Most Valued Possession
    Her Club, 'The Silkscreen'.​
    Has had poor dealings with the Voodoo Boys in the past, and avoids both the Gang and going to Pacifica if she can.​
    Fast flings & one-night stands.​

  • S K I L L S & R O L E

    Charismatic Impact (Special Skill) - The ability to influence & rally crowds, create loyal followers, and manipulate public opinion.​
    Musical Talent - Ivory has spent a lifetime honing her craft. She always wanted to be on-stage, but never got her 'big break'; winding up working an underground club where only a few people outside her circle know she exists. Synthesizers, Audio-Calibrators, Radio-broadcast tech, and her modulated voice are the paints she uses to weave tapestries of light and sound.​
    Charisma - The Life of any party, Ivory can keep the beat & draw anyone into a conversation. Shenanigans, Drugs, Music, Games; it's all about catching and keeping attention. She makes friends easily, and prides herself in being a skilled negotiator; applying leverage, reading body language, and applying pressure when needed.​
    Sleight-of-hand Expert - Crocell is highly dexterous, and is known to possess light fingers. A quick brush in a passing crowd is all it takes for her to come away with something she didn't have before. These skills are often used to play pranks these days, but served her well in her younger years.​
    Martial Blade-craft - Highly skilled with blades of all shapes & sizes. Ivory's preference for up-close & personal confrontations strike an unusual dichotomy between two sides of her personality. Most people are kept at arms-length, but only friends & enemies get to see her true self up-close & personal.​
    Light The Fire - Pyrotechnics and anything that goes 'boom' are sure to get her excited. As an accomplished techie in her own right, she has plenty of experience with electronics, jury-rigging, programming, and other associated skills.​

    English (Fluent)​
    Spanish (Fluent)​
    Russian (Fluent)​

  • C Y B E R W A R E
    • Neural Link
      • HL Loss: -1
    • Vocal Modulator
      • HL Loss: -1
      • User can mimic voices, alter the tone, pitch, and volume, and generate synthetic sounds.
    • Cyberaudio Suite
      • HL Loss: -7
      • This enhancement is a highly versatile modification, allowing for numerous modules (no more than three at a time) to be installed at-will. Affects the speech & auditory centers of the brain, and includes a subvocalizing microphone in its standard configuration.
    • Enhanced (Synthetic) Liver
      • HL Loss: -1
      • Improved Tolerance for Alcohol & Drugs.

  • E M P A T H Y & H U M A N I T Y
    Empathy: 7 (Base) 6 (Adjusted)
    Humanity: 74 - 10 = 64

  • G E A R & S T Y L E
    • Weapons
      • Commonly armed with at least one knife or bladed weapon
      • Militech M-76e Omaha (Often carried in a shoulder-holster)
    • Gadgets
    • Outfit
      • Prefers Industrial or Glam-Fashion outfits.
      • Loves boots and heels.
      • Often wears a synth-fur coat.

  • H I S T O R Y

    The Time of the Red
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Finding the Rhythm
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  • A R T W O R K

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