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Name: Lazarus Kane
Alias/Handle: N/A
Age: 44
Ethnicity: American
Birthplace: Night City
Appearance: Lazarus is a clean cut, well-dressed individual. He is clearly one that takes stock in the way one presents themselves to others, and it shows in his expansive self-care regimen. He is a very personable man, or at least, his demeanor seems to be quite warm, despite his lack of concern for those around him.
Family Ranking: Head of the family
Parents: Dead
Childhood Environment: Silver spoon, but tumultuous.
Narcissist, genius, charmer… all of these terms can easily be applied to Lazarus. His ability to control the room has helped him climb the ladder within Night City's upper echelons, and he has relished every moment of it. He gets a kick out of manipulating others, especially if it cements more power or eddies for him and his company. He is incredibly intelligent, and he certainly knows it. He is a dangerous man, likely to shake your hand while plotting your eventual downfall, and all with the same disarming smile.
To say that Lazarus has friends is rather inaccurate, largely due to the fact that Lazarus only maintains relationships that are useful. He doesn't care about others, unless they are useful in some way.
All corpos have enemies, and Lazarus is no different. Rival companies, problematic solos, and gangers that don't want to cooperate are all on his bad side, and his talk show certainly doesn't help to calm the waters.
Lifepath / Role:
-Special Skill: Resources
-Business Acumen
-Financial Management
-Charismatic Presence
-Neural Link
-Cortex Processor
-Brain Drone Interface
-Internal Data Storage
-Cyberarm (Basic)
-Tactile Boosters
-Enhanced Liver
-EMP Shielding
-EMP Threading
Gear & Style:
Lazarus has an obviously luxurious style, opting for flash above all things. He keeps a pistol hidden on his person, but will always opt for his security to do the "right" thing. Overall, he seems "prim and proper" by corpo standards, and to the average gonk on the street, he may be someone to aspire to.
Lazarus grew up as many corpos did; with a silver spoon in hand. Yet, his parents were drones in the corpo machine, but Lazarus had higher aspirations. His parents died under incredibly mysterious circumstances, which allowed Lazarus to retain their wealth. He then used that wealth to establish a media empire. His talk show "Resurrection Tonight with Lazarus Kane" became an overnight sensation within corpo circles. It's "candid" yet entirely scripted format provided megacorps with a consistent propaganda machine, providing Lazarus with more power than he could imagine.
Once his talk show became one of the premiere shows across the net, Lazarus took that revenue and used it to fuel his own tech company. Now he is the CEO of Sonata Industries, a company making waves in the cyberware market, and inevitably making him a target of the megacorps within the current economic landscape.