- Eddies
- 704,053

Name: Luna Rothschild
Alias/Handle: Casper
Age: 18
Ethnicity: Lunarian (American Heritage)
Birthplace: The moon
Appearance: 1.61m in height. Fairly slim build. Very pale skin and pale hair and no obvious cybernetic augmentation.

Family Ranking: White collar mafia/Corporate
Father is CEO of Tsubaki Medical, a medical finance and insurance corporation

Parents: Both parents are living
Childhood Environment: In safe corporate suburbia
A daydreamer, friendly and happy but fairly naive to the realities of the world beyond the cyberpunk utopia she has grown up in. Softly spoken but bright even if she doesn't understand the concept of "poor".
She loves her parents but does get a little annoyed when she feels she is being made to feel second to daddy's work commitments. It is what she has grown up with though so she understands it is just who he is and she appreciates his work is what pays for everything she has.
She loves animals and plants and her favourite place is the curated oriental gardens near her home.
She has only dabbled in romance yet, she has had childhood boyfriends but dreams for the day the perfect boy will appear and give her butterflies in her stomach.
Not a lot of very close friends as she is a little quiet and her parent's social circles tend to leave her a little isolated. She does however make friends easily
Her father's "business rivals" might see her as a target or an enemy but so far honour has kept the children out of the game.
Beyond that her only enemies might be some other girl she fell out with at school.
Lifepath / Role:
Trustfund (reskinned corpo): Special skill resources.
Note: She has wealth and resources from her dad's corporate lifestyle. But this extends to money, places to stay, nice food, chauffeurs and other things a normal teen requires. She can't just pull a helijet full of marines out of her skirt.
- Drawing
- Poetry
- Animal Handling
- good grades in digital literacy
- She can drive but prefers to be driven
- She has messed around at the controls of Daddy's jet to know how to keep it in the air but is not certified
Lunarian dialect
All implants are invisible apart from data ports in various discrete places, Daddy spent a lot of money on his girl.
- Neural link
- Integrated Bio-monitoring and management
- Poison and disease resistance
- Auto management of genetic mutation
- Optional biochemical compound administration
- Latest edition, teen-focused heads-up personal communication and PDA system with data port in the back of the neck under hair
- Security implant to allow access to family holdings, and finances and to override Security protocols.
7 - She is a kind-hearted girl but she doesn't really get the plight of the poor or suffering as she has been shielded from it most of her life.
Gear & Style:
- She has a small concealed pistol that her father insists she carries, she doesn't understand why, as her world is safe, but it's licenced and it keeps her parents from worrying.
- She has a datapad that she uses for school and has quite a lot of her personal stuff on it too. The case is custom-made pink with orchid prints on it.
- Can often be found in school uniform but is otherwise a fairly normal teenager in her fashion sense leaning on the "girly-girl" side.

Her father Mr. Rothschild is a businessman working in healthcare finance and has been very successful, he is also a criminal and is responsible for a large amount of financial fraud and mismanagement responsible for worsening the hardship of others. But Luna doesn't know that, to him, he is one of the good guys and his work keeps the hospitals open and the lights on.
Around 19 years ago, her parents temporarily moved to the moon. This was due to a large transaction that went south so it just made sense to lay low for a little while, again Luna does not know this, to her it was just a family relocation before her birth. She was conceived and born there and her mother named her after their home. She spent the first few years of her life in a very elegant little home on the moon before her family decided to move back to Earth to the corporate suburbs of Night City.
Down on earth, she was enrolled in a very expensive private school. She suffered a few health complaints as a child moving from the sterilised air of the lunar base to the more wild air of earth, so her first implant was a medical management device. As time grew by and her immune system developed the device became less of a requirement and is mostly dormant other than dealing with her seasonal allergies and any lifestyle medical requirements such as hangover treatments and contraception. Owing to her pale pigmentation she seems to have picked up the name Casper taken from a cute cartoon from the mid-1900s that her friend found in digital history class.
Luna is very shielded from the realities of the world and believes she lives in a digital utopia where the gifts from the corporations make people's lives better, she sees the curated news channels provided to the wealthier classes so misses out on the worst the world has to offer. She is oblivious to her father's true dealings and the fact that he is in fact one of the villains of the story. As she has grown up and reached out more on social media though she has started hearing more and more about the problems caused by the lower classes in night city and that civil unrest is becoming a problem, it makes her curious, perhaps curious enough to venture out of her bubble and take a chauffeur driven look one day.

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