SUGGESTION Many Suggestions.

OOC Account
Hello, these were some of the features I was looking at having coded, along with some distortions or neon effects on names and glitching effects on a chat panel. And as they are fresh in my mind right now, I thought why not share them in case any were intreresting, in some form down the line. Obviously, some are easy, some are hard.

1, Blackmarket. So many ways to run this and it can bridge multiple other things you have going on, bringing all the different character types together. Its such a core part of this setting it could probably just be its own faction, but also something more formal OOC would probably help.

2, AI news bot posting city events, corporation updates, share prices, or street gossip. Summaries. Might be done with the existing AI. Players can do this too, if we have a news service character, but it tends to invite burnout trying to keep up on a busy forum (I know i've tried and i've seen others)

3 Hidden X that requires decryption keys to see. Now this could be a single post that's blurred or a type of thread. It could be a special type of spoiler, an off-forum webpage, a sub forum for netrunners, news article etc. Part of a quarterly minigame to solve the code. Yeah it would get old, so you could have different challenges for characters to regain access to it, something to engage writers in an interesting subplot. Because repetition can kill a creative muse.

4, Street cred meter: From fantasy to sci fi. Lots of people like a bounty system; rarely is it implemented directly on a character under their avatar, name, or some kind of sheet in the form of notoriety. What purpose would this be in the forum? Access to black market tech,vehicles, weapons, cybernetics and software. Maybe fixers you couldn't otherwise touch, or exclusive gigs. Which brings me to the big one.

5, Community NPCs. Fixers here make sense. A way to develop out a well-known character that anyone can use. Staff could really go to town on a few of these. Now I would love it beyond words if there could be a no-kill or maim rule on a staff made community NPC, in this kind of character-bridging connection. Because it brings characters together when done right and can form a core gel for people to roleplay off, much like a community location can. A handful of feature characters as it were.

6, On more than one site i've seen corpos love the stock market, but it's very time-consuming. If this could be automated by the AI, which if you feed it all the data it probably will, then that'd be awesome for companies to advance themselves and show progress in a few short digits, also to show them going through a difficult period. Maybe with a generated graph or index which I'm sure Chat GPT can do with the result.
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