Corporate Enforcer
- Eddies
- 254,135

- Name of Gang: Ночной Город Oрганизаторская (Nochnoy Gorod Organitskaya) - Russian, Translated as 'The Night City Organization'. Colloquially known around the city as 'The Organitskaya', 'The Organization', or simply as 'The Russian Mafia'.
- Territory:
- Charter Hill
- Arroyo (Contested)
- Vista Del Rey (Contested)
- Primary Activities:
- Extortion
- Arms Dealing
- Drugs
- Racketeering
- Smuggling
- Assault
- Gambling
- Leadership Structure: The Organitskaya hierarchy is as follows:
- Pakhan (Пахан) - or Boss. Oversees several cells, and is the undisputed head of the Organization.
- Sovietnik (Cоветник) - Or Councilor. The most trusted advisor to the Boss
- 'Brigadier' (бригадир) - or Underbosses. Leads a dedicated cell within the Organization.
- Captains (Капитан) Oversees a dedicated operation (Example: Illegal braindance den, gambling hall, black market arms warehouse, etc).
- Vor (вор) - Literally translated as 'thief', but refers to a full member of the Organization. Full membership is achievable by anyone who demonstrates sufficient leadership skills, ability, intellect, charisma, discretion, and respect. This is not limited to ethnic Russians.
- Alliances:
- Alliances:
- Golytsino Organitskaya - Affiliated organization based in Moscow
- Rivalries:
- Tyger Claws (Openly hostile given a power move on Charter Hill)
- 6th Street (Tense due to disputes over contested territory, but outside of a few skirmishes, not openly hostile)
- Alliances:
- Identity and Theme: The Nochnoy Gorod Organitskaya's aesthetic branches off in two directions; a fairly well dressed, pseudo-corporate vibe with many of its 'movers and shakers' dressed in nicer suits and jackets. The lower ranked members tend to be dressed in more casual attire, either wearing the stereotypical tracksuits, or clothing as diverse as night city itself. While its presence is very tangible and serious, the Organitskaya does not pride itself in being easily identifiable with uniforms. Instead, most members possess unique tattoos on parts of the body that can be easily hidden with clothing. Overall, you'll know when you encounter a certified member of The Organization when they want you to know, and that usually means you've made a horrible mistake, or they want something from you.
- Motto or Creed: ""The home for angels is heaven, and the home for a Vor is prison."
- Size & Reputation: Currently, the Organitskaya is a small but growing organization. There are a few dozen 'made men', with a hundred or so associates that serve as muscle for when things need to get violent, or as the low-level thugs who get things done day-to-day.
Within their sphere of influence, the average citizen of night city views The Organitskaya as a looming, mysterious threat that operates in the shadows (i.e - "You don't want to get mixed up with them, you'll owe them money for the rest of your life." "Don't mess with them, they don't play around.") Those with a bit more street knowledge view them as a small but professional group of criminals who know how to get what they want, and will overcome obstacles in very effective, if not unorthodox methods. Of course, they also possess respect for their basic ability to apply force when necessary, as any other gang within Night City. With connections within the City government, surrounding corporations, and even amongst a few Nomad clans - they may be considered a small and upstart addition to the criminal underworld of Night City, but they also command respect equivalent to any of the other major players.
- Signature Weaponry or Gear: N/A
- Origin: While the original Organitskaya has deep roots in pre-communist Russia, and is today considered to be the most prolific organized crime outfit in Europe; the Night City branch of the criminal enterprise has roots dating back to just after the 4th Corporate war, with the rise and fall of the Kirilov Crime Family. After decades devoid of any presence, the Organitskaya is resurgent as the Golytsino branch funnels resources into a the now autonomous, small, but rapidly growing organization.
- Day-to-Day Activities: Currently, The Organization is focused on consolidating power within its borders by extorting local business (for a fairly reasonable fee all circumstances considered), raiding enemy gangs, dealing drugs, and selling arms.
- Notable Incidents:
- 2020s: The Kirilov Crime Family is established, and sets up shop in Watson
- 2030-2048: Known as the 'golden age' of the Kirilov family's activities. They dominated significant portions of Night City, and became exorbitantly wealthy.
- 2049: Wholesale crackdowns on Kirilov activity erupts, spearheaded by Militech and NCPD.
- 2052-2053: The Kirilov Crime Family ceases to exist as a coherent entity, with what few remnants remaining becoming small-scale splinter operations run by low-level gangsters. They eventually are absorbed by other gangs or disbanded entirely by the end of 2053.
- 2081: Resurgence.
- Recruitment: Given the secretive nature of the Organitskaya, membership is classically done via sponsorship by a full member of the organization. Prospects endure a trial period of 'association' with the organization for an indeterminate amount of time that varies by each recruit, but traditionally lasts from a few months to years - however long it takes for the individual to build up a reputation and trust within the community.
- Gang Leader: @Dmitri Antonov - This is a secret to all but the most senior members of the Organistkaya.
- Notable Members:
- Sovietnik: Georgy Antonov - Dmitri's Grandfather
- Brigadier: @Boris "The Bulge" Iliev
- Captain: @Basher
- Vor: @Beau Frost
- Gang Hierarchy:
- Pakhan
- Sovietnik
- Brigadier
- Captain
- Vor
- Potential Hooks:
- You have a crippling gambling addiction, and need a quick loan to get by. The interest rate isn't that bad... right?
- A chromed-up street thug thinks he can rough up your shop and take your hard earned eddies. You need protection and want to be treated with respect along the way. Now that you mention it... I know a guy.
- You know, I could accidentally drop a few thousand eddies if you decide to write the cause of death as suicide. What's the harm? The gonk-stain had it coming... You're an underpaid city employee anyway, so why not make some money while feeling appreciated?
- Is that guy wearing... a track suit?
- Future Aspirations: To one day run every segment of night city from behind the scenes via a vast criminal conspiracy. Dmitri wishes to restore his family's legacy as one to be feared and respected, while making it his own.
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