Have The Day You Deserve
Known by some as The Garden or The Flower of the city due to the expansive canvas of colorful flowers inked across the majority of her body, Queenie is a 36 year old woman hailing from Europe with a past in Militech and a stain on her shoulder. She now owns and runs a tattoo & piercing parlor called Nowear by day and by night performs underground Medtech surgeries for those in need.


  • Name: Quinderosa Costa
  • Alias/Handle: Queenie, The Garden, The Flower
  • Age: 36
  • Ethnicity: Italian
  • Birthplace: Italy
  • Appearance: 5'6'', slim, olive skin, 90% of her body is covered in tattoos of flowers and not one single flower is the same. Long, dark brown hair worn in dredlocks with a variety of ornaments. A few simple, handmade pieces of jewelry. Green eyes. Heart-shaped face. Bohemian style wardrobe of flowy, often hand-made attire. Natural colors. No visible cybernetics. Numerous piercings, visible and not.

  • Family Ranking
    • Corporate Technician
  • Parents
    • Both parents are living.
  • Childhood Environment
    • Spent in a safe Corporate Suburbia.

  • Personality: Caretaker. Giver. Empathetic. Intelligent. Keen on details. Intuitive. Quiet. Reserved. Gentle. Compassionate.
  • Friends:
    • @Anders Whitard - a mentor and a confidante. Helped Queenie in establishing her services in Night City.
    • @Amos - A former contact within Militech and a current benefactor of Queenie's surgery
    • @Dr "Redeye" Sloaks - A close friend and fellow Meditech, sometimes called in for backup on particularly complicated patients
  • Enemies: How dare you? Possibly Militech.

  • Role: Medtech - Ripperdoc (Underground), Owner of Nowear Tattoo & Piercing Parlor.
  • Skills: Surgery. Pharmaceuticals. Cryosystem operation. Implanting, repairing and upgrading gear, weapons, and cyberwear. Skilled tattooist and body piercer. A great listener and master tea maker.
  • Languages: English, Italian, French, semi-fluent in Russian

  • Kiroshi Optics (Military Grade) - Includes thermal vision, night vision, built-in facial recognition, and proximity tech scanner/identifier.
  • Cortex Processor (Military Grade) - Boosts mental processing for faster problem-solving, allowing for omni-channel-brain connections with complex surgery units.
  • Neural Link (Military Grade) - Required for connecting with omni-channel tech units for operations such as surgery.

Empathy: 7
  • Weapons: Tattoo and piercing needles. A flyswatter. Cast iron frying pan.
  • Gadgets: A hidden suite of retired, military grade surgical machines and tech.
  • Outfit: Dresses in bohemian style clothing, very loosely fitted and freely flowing. Many handmade and well-loved items. Less-is-more approach to fashion.

Born in Italy to a military family, she was gifted with a high-class, thorough upbringing and education and went on to earn a PhD in Biotech Engineering. Despite the vast differences in her childhood ideals and her family's expectations, she later joined the military where she hoped to put her skills to use making a difference and helping others. The reality of her career could not have been further from those dreams. Queenie spent countless years working to enhance the effectiveness of the military's personnel and their cyber enhancements and augments where it came to killing, rather than saving. In a moment of weakened reserve, Quinderosa went against protocol to install a life-saving augment prototype into a retired soldier that would more than double his remaining years.

The soldier was terribly grateful until he was forced to give it back. The military was terribly angered and fired her on the spot.

This was the impetus Quinderosa needed to take her life back and make it count for something. Leave her mark on humanity that wouldn't be bloody. To get out from under the thumb of Militech, she moved overseas to Night City where she had every intention of performing humanitarian aid and offering much needed Medtech help to those who typically couldn't afford it.

Night City wasn't at all what she had expected. It was far, far worse.

It took many years of doing, making connections, re-establishing old contacts, and finding the right place to operate from. Quinderosa's career fortune helped paved the way for her to purchase a run-down building and turn it into a tattoo and piercing parlor called Nowear. The upper level houses her living quarters while the secret, back-end basement level houses her underground tech surgery room.

  1. Tatuagem - with @Jocelyn Tashiro
  2. Tea & Cigarettes - with @Dr "Redeye" Sloaks
  3. House Call - with @Amos
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