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Pacifica, Night City
Time: 2113
Pacifica, Night City
Time: 2113
It was a cloudless night in Pacifica. Night City glowed from across the bay, the city was a venomous gem which had crossed so many of Dogtown's residents. But beyond lying in Richard Night's shadow, it was humid. There was no breeze across Coronado at all, instead there existed this steadily building tension. Each minute which passed, slowly cranking it up. In the lee of the dilapidated NCPD building, a group of four Mongrels congregated around an old Colby BARGHEST, while their commanding officer finished a cigarette. They stood shoulder to shoulder with three mercs. A solo, Netrunner and techie. "Don't think there's anymore comin' sir." One Lance Corporal opined at Sergeant Duprie in a soaking wet South African twang.
Callsign "Hungryman" to his cohorts, Sergeant Alain Duprie was a short and stocky man attired in full Unification War era combat gear. By build and appearance alone he seemed the sort one would find in the smokers section of a bar, cracking a yarn. The sergeant gave one look over the mercs, before dropping his cigarette and snuffing it with a decisive stomp of his boot, "Alright you gonked maggots," Duprie growled with a thick Texan accent, "Lemme lay down the ground rules for you freelancers."
"If you at all become a pain in my ass I reserve the right to punt yours." The Sergeant sneered, "But to play it safe, I will provide a list of certified gonk moves that will invite my size eight boot." Hungryman raised a single finger, "You compromise the objective? I kick your ass." A second digit followed, "You get my men maimed, injured or killed? I kick your ass." A third finger, "You let the enemy escape, you bet your fucking kiester I kick your ass. Understood?" He then reasserted his posture, standing at attention. "Now from now until the smoke clears, you will take orders from me. I am the man upstairs. Big brother. Saburo FUCKING Arasaka."
"For the duration of this op, you will address me as Sergeant. Or Sergeant Duprie." The grizzled veteran commanded, voice clearly on the edge of screaming. "That means 'Yes Sergeant.' 'No Sergeant.' 'Can I please suck your cock Sergeant?'" He added, the last statement eliciting laughter, which he silenced with a glare. His attention returned to the mercs, "If you follow these rules, we will get along great."
The Sergeant cleared his throat, "Now for those gonks who need a reminder, here's we are out sweating our asses off tonight instead of being elbow deep in pussy." The Unification War veteran growled, "Our lil excursion this evening is to the Eden Beach amusement park. The objective of this operation, twofold." The Mongrel NCO elaborated, "First and most critically, we are getting this," he gestured to Pirata, "Chromed up whizzkid to the base of the Ferris wheel. That is where there is a device there ma'am will safely defuse and impart to us."
"You two will join us for a good ole fashioned shootin' party." This was the first the Sergeant had come to even a smile, but even in glee grimace overwhelmed it. "We are gonna kill the current occupants, a pack of Animals. There's nothing in the orders about it, but I would prefer we leave none of the hormonally imbalanced homonculi alive." Duprie then looked to his subordinates, "A reminder, not to let these guys get too close. Fuckers hit hard if you're too close." He clicked his fingers, "Lance Corporal, comms." The South African subordinate stepped forward, eyes glowing yellow. Immediately, every merc around began to recieve requests to join a group call. "Answer the call, you'll be hooked up with comms. We can coordinate fire support and reinforcements."
A large and imposing figure approached Isabella Pirata, standing at a towering 6'5. With a Militech HMG strapped to his hip. He looked the sort so muscled and powerful that he could probably hipfire it. "Miss Santos," The man began, his drawl thick with a Caribbean accent, "I am Coproral Twigg, Mister Cross has assigned me ya close protection. Stay close to me, I'll getcha outta this Edds in 'and and no scars tah show for 'em."
Sergeant Duprie's eyes briefly glowed a rich brown before settling back to his cold stare levied at the three mercs. "Any questions?"
@Isabella Santos | @Cooper Gallagher | @Angel