GIG Raiding the Garden of Eden

New member
Pacifica, Night City

It was a cloudless night in Pacifica. Night City glowed from across the bay, the city was a venomous gem which had crossed so many of Dogtown's residents. But beyond lying in Richard Night's shadow, it was humid. There was no breeze across Coronado at all, instead there existed this steadily building tension. Each minute which passed, slowly cranking it up. In the lee of the dilapidated NCPD building, a group of four Mongrels congregated around an old Colby BARGHEST, while their commanding officer finished a cigarette. They stood shoulder to shoulder with three mercs. A solo, Netrunner and techie. "Don't think there's anymore comin' sir." One Lance Corporal opined at Sergeant Duprie in a soaking wet South African twang.

Callsign "Hungryman" to his cohorts, Sergeant Alain Duprie was a short and stocky man attired in full Unification War era combat gear. By build and appearance alone he seemed the sort one would find in the smokers section of a bar, cracking a yarn. The sergeant gave one look over the mercs, before dropping his cigarette and snuffing it with a decisive stomp of his boot, "Alright you gonked maggots," Duprie growled with a thick Texan accent, "Lemme lay down the ground rules for you freelancers."

"If you at all become a pain in my ass I reserve the right to punt yours." The Sergeant sneered, "But to play it safe, I will provide a list of certified gonk moves that will invite my size eight boot." Hungryman raised a single finger, "You compromise the objective? I kick your ass." A second digit followed, "You get my men maimed, injured or killed? I kick your ass." A third finger, "You let the enemy escape, you bet your fucking kiester I kick your ass. Understood?" He then reasserted his posture, standing at attention. "Now from now until the smoke clears, you will take orders from me. I am the man upstairs. Big brother. Saburo FUCKING Arasaka."

"For the duration of this op, you will address me as Sergeant. Or Sergeant Duprie." The grizzled veteran commanded, voice clearly on the edge of screaming. "That means 'Yes Sergeant.' 'No Sergeant.' 'Can I please suck your cock Sergeant?'" He added, the last statement eliciting laughter, which he silenced with a glare. His attention returned to the mercs, "If you follow these rules, we will get along great."

The Sergeant cleared his throat, "Now for those gonks who need a reminder, here's we are out sweating our asses off tonight instead of being elbow deep in pussy." The Unification War veteran growled, "Our lil excursion this evening is to the Eden Beach amusement park. The objective of this operation, twofold." The Mongrel NCO elaborated, "First and most critically, we are getting this," he gestured to Pirata, "Chromed up whizzkid to the base of the Ferris wheel. That is where there is a device there ma'am will safely defuse and impart to us."

"You two will join us for a good ole fashioned shootin' party." This was the first the Sergeant had come to even a smile, but even in glee grimace overwhelmed it. "We are gonna kill the current occupants, a pack of Animals. There's nothing in the orders about it, but I would prefer we leave none of the hormonally imbalanced homonculi alive." Duprie then looked to his subordinates, "A reminder, not to let these guys get too close. Fuckers hit hard if you're too close." He clicked his fingers, "Lance Corporal, comms." The South African subordinate stepped forward, eyes glowing yellow. Immediately, every merc around began to recieve requests to join a group call. "Answer the call, you'll be hooked up with comms. We can coordinate fire support and reinforcements."

A large and imposing figure approached Isabella Pirata, standing at a towering 6'5. With a Militech HMG strapped to his hip. He looked the sort so muscled and powerful that he could probably hipfire it. "Miss Santos," The man began, his drawl thick with a Caribbean accent, "I am Coproral Twigg, Mister Cross has assigned me ya close protection. Stay close to me, I'll getcha outta this Edds in 'and and no scars tah show for 'em."

Sergeant Duprie's eyes briefly glowed a rich brown before settling back to his cold stare levied at the three mercs. "Any questions?"

@Isabella Santos | @Cooper Gallagher | @Angel

@Mongrel GM

There was enough testosterone and bravado here to fuel an entire season of Coach Fred's precious boxing matches, but that meant little to Bella at the end of the day. The Valentinos were a rather inclusive bunch, but that didn't stop the machismo from oozing through. Every ganger and solo looked to her as either a potential piece or a sweet summer child. Not that it bugged her; she knew her worth. If any of them stepped to her, she could burn out their synapses before the first word left their mouths. But biz was biz, and Bella was always on the perpetual hunt for eddies.

"Chromed up whizz kid eh?"

All she could do was let out an audible scoff.

"Thanks, I guess. Just make sure you roid boys don't get in my way. Running ain't a brute force sorta job."

She caught herself, being the professional she was...

"You are good at what you do. Just sit back and let me be good at what I do. Keep any problematic gonks off of me and we'll all be sailing to a brighter future."

That last bit was a lie, of course. Even the smoothest of jobs rarely led to greener pastures. But this was her first gig with these gonks, and all she could hope for was that they wouldn't screw it up.

Her gold-shaded eyes darted toward Twigg as he spouted his rather cliche macho rhetoric. She got it, it's not like these hard types would understand the hardship she had went through as a Heywood streetkid. But there was always gonna be that defiant nature within her, despite her ability to remain professional.

"I appreciate that, Corporal Twigg. Just mind my work. I won't get in your way, but don't get in mine. If we can come to that agreement, we'll get along swimmingly."

With her ground being firmly stood upon, all that was left was for the gig to kick off. She only hoped they could hold up their end of the bargain,​

Location: NCPD lockup
Objective: Raid the Garden of Eden
Tags: @Mongrel GM @Isabella Santos
@Copper Gallagher

Pacifica... it was a shithole, it was the place that the slummers of Night City called rough, and they were going in, it should be fun, and god knew it, Angel needed the Eddies, her DSN was flaring up and she knew she was going to be back to the ripperdoc soon. She placed rounds carefully into her Overture pistol as she listened to the sergeant speak.

"What kind of cock are we talking about cabrón?" she asked nonchalantly as she checked the sights. "Cos if it's a big job it's gonna cost extra eddies, but if it's really big job, well, we might be able to swing you a discount. Sir." She laughed and smiled back at his glare that shut several of the other snickering mercs up. She placed her pistol into her waist holster and cracked her stiff neck ready to go. Her mono-three sword hung across her back too and a couple of grenades were on her belt, good old-fashioned ones she had built from pre-fall designs, just a pin, a fuse and an explosive casing, nothing to do for any hostile netrunners to play with when it landed at their feet.

She nodded as the sergeant reminded them of the close-quarters abilities of the animals, she was aware, it was one of the things she had noted about herself when put her name forward for the job, a mechanic with a punch that could crack the most cromed out jaw. She glanced over at Bella as the large muscle-bound merc introduced himself to her. "Yo también te apoyo chica" || "I've got your back too girl." she said in Spanish just as the group call came over to her.

"Hey, this is Angel, you're coming through clearly. " she responded to the chatter that was building on the communications. She knelt down to tie her lace quickly and slipped something into her mouth before standing up and stretching herself out. She was ready to get on with the mission, she would be happy once those Eddies hit her account.

Tags: @Mongrel GM @Isabella Santos @Angel

Copper yawned as Sergeant Duprie began his speech. She was under the impression this was a gig, not a boot camp where balding gonks could compete for who had the smallest package. But what'd she know? With the number of eddies on the line, she'd become a proper marine if these Dogtown leeches needed her to be. Even if every second of it was miserable.

Her gaze flicked over to Santos when she was introduced. Netrunners were an unpredictable bunch. Copper found most of them creepy, there was something about frying a man's nervous system that made her skin crawl. This one, in particular, seemed like her head wasn't on ass backwards, which couldn't be said for the pack of mutts surrounding them. Good. The gig had a shot to go clean, all Copper had to do was turn the Animal kennel into steroid-flavored roadkill, simple enough.

"Yeah, yeah, we get it, Sergeant Cowboy. Me and big-eyes will clear out the zoo, or else you'll kick Saburo Araska's ass until your size-eight boot starts speaking japanese or whatever the f-ck you said." Copper finished the beer in her hand and ripped up her Dezerter shotgun to scope out its condition before setting off toward the park. Satisfied, she connected to the holocall and instantly muted it until communications were necessary, Dogtown shitters barking in her ear would mess up her concentration.

"Hey, bug girl. Guess we're together." She clipped, coming up beside Angel, the aroma of gasoline followed close behind. "You and netrunner chick look like you know your shit. So I won't bother you. If those juiced-up rats catch you in a bind during the fight, don't be a stranger. You too, Santos."

With that, Copper was ready.

"Well…" Hungryman growled. He was trying not to betray how disappointed his attempt at asserting authority had failed, "Looks like we got ourselves a pud measurin' contest." The aged Barghest NCO mused, before getting dead serious. He put his helmet on, and tightened the straps, "Just don't fuck this up ladies." He turned to a subordinate, "We're ready. Mount up you maggots!" The unfortunate soldier marched to the lockup's garage door and slammed repeatedly on it. Loud thuds echoing through the vicinity.

The door slowly raised open and the mercs were met with the growl of Chooh hungry Mongrel trucks. The first to leave was one heavily modified Colby BARGHEST. Although modified was the wrong word. They had crudely welded on a pull bar. As well as a series of thick metal sheets on the doors and windshield. Behind that, two Colby Little Mule trucks, they too had been modified with a HMG mounted onto the cab. So a gunner standing in the tray could open fire. One of them pulled over to the two mercenaries making their introduction.

"Guten Abend mein Fräuleins." A thick German accent cut in, it was the gunner. Attired in combat . "We will be your ride this evening." She leaned down, and helped both into the back of the truck, "I am Private Kliest, callsign Kickback. And that sack of shit," she gestured to the second truck. The gunner on the back waved toward them, "That's Private Mondale. Or Gunshy. We will be your fire support this evening. Call us up if you need any of these Schießhunds cut down." With introductions made, the truck set off, followed by another two Colby BARGHESTs packed with ravenous mongrels.

Elsewhere, Corporal Badrick Twigg actually looked a little deflated as Pirata spoke back to him. "I uh... I didn't mean nothin' by it ma'am." The Trinidadian mused, "Just uh, wanted ya to know I 'ad ya back." He reached and flipped down the visor, "We best mount up." He gestured to the Colby before them, and ushered Isabella in. She was sat next to Hungryman, who had already geared up and was doing a quick weapon check. Twigg meanwhile did not sit in the vehicle, but rather clung onto the roof. Riding on the outside, his weapon ready to hip fire from the moving truck.

"Right you scum, let's ride!" Hungryman commanded over comms. The small convoy began to trundle its way through the ruins of Pacifica. The heavily uparmoured vehicle taking the lead, followed by the two improvised technicals. As they drove across the GIM's expansive car park. As they drew closer the abode of the Animals became clearer and clearer.

Out the front of the old amusement park, there was a collection of vehicles, and gang members congregated around them. Engaging in what at a distance appeared to be an impromptu rave. They danced around a pick up, with a speaker and DJ in the back. "Right where we want 'em…" Hungryman sadistically growled over comms, "Right, Breaker prep for insertion." The uparmoured vehicle sped up. Right up, before ramming into the crowd with a sickening crunch. The party truck was sent tossing and turning, crushing the DJ as well as four Animals before rolling to a stop. Screams filled the air, as some of the Animals fled.

A few attempted to fight back, but already Gunshy and Kickback had begun to suppress them. The doors to the armoured Colby opened and using the opportunity, the denizens got out, covering each other, as they moved behind debris.Polishing off those trying to retreat. The other vehicles within the convoy pulled over behind them, Mongrels piling out, and proceeding to create a perimeter. "Right Fräuleins," Kickback drawled, "Auf Wiedersehen." She commanded, as the initial surviving Animals retreated into the park. "We're just a call away, ja?"

Twigg, Pirata and Hungryman's colby turned to a stop. With Twigg dismounting and immediately firing wildly into the amusement park. He let out a distinct and guttral roar as he advanced toward the front, finger having never left the trigger. His target was the first wave of response was charging in from the fair ground proper. Some were gunned down by a barrage of bullets, while others began to take cover around the detritus and crates left around. "Follow me ma'am!" Twigg barked.

"Right," Hungryman growled into comms, "Time to see if you mercs can earn ya keep. All elements, ADVANCE!"


@Mongrel GM

Bella could only give the man a cheeky scowl in response, for there was no point in digging a deeper grave for the man. Her eyes locked in as she got her head where it needed to be. She cared little for the finer points of the job; the fact that there were eddies to be made were more than enough. Yet, the corpo implications were more than enough to keep her on edge.

She looked to @Angel with a satisfied smile. There was at least one individual here that she could identify with. Shit was rare enough in Night City as is, especially when conducting a gig.

She followed suit, taking care to not ruffle any feathers. Yet, her inner merc couldn't help but to yearn for that run and gun mentality.

"Lets make this quick. damnit. The more they're aware of our presence, the harder it'll be for me to jack in."​

Location: NCPD lockup
Objective: Raid the Garden of Eden
Tags: @Mongrel GM @Isabella Santos @Copper Gallagher

The vehicles moved fast towards their destination and Angel rode in side, holding on to the frame as they bounced along, this was definitely a smash and grab, no subtely was attempted at all the vehicles smashed into the partying animals at high speed crushing several of them. The call went out to get out of the vehicles and Angel wasted no time, she was a little suprised by just how hard the drivers had gone, but it had done the job.

Her Overture looked large in her small hands but the first thing she did was pit a bullet between the eyes of some mutilated gonk that tried to claw its back into the fray after most of its torso was crushed by heavy military grade wheels. She turned to her allies to speak. "Ok, ferris wheel is this way, let's go. And let's hope our entrance hasn't tagged every hombre within a mile to come and dogpile us."

She was agile and moved from cover to cover, she sent a few blasts from her pistol into other animals that tried to stand in their way until they came to the gate of the fairground. It was a metal shutter with a small gatehouse nearby. It was climable for certain but it looked like the perfect spot to plan an ambush on the other side as people crossed the threshold. "Cover me." she shouted as ran lower towards the sentry box. The door did not resist, the lock having being kicked off many years ago but the animal inside way up for the fight. He swung at her with his metal arms and she blocked with her own, feeling the strength behind him almost knock her off her feet.

For his next strike she waited and it came rapidly, a clothesline towards her head. Years of martial arts kicked in and she duckes low, spun and jabbed hard under his flimsy wife beater top hearing a crack as she splintered his lower ribs. His arm went through the window of the box and there was a hiss as his chrome dispensed pain blockers to negate her minor victory. The small area put the pair at dangerously close odds but Angel lived for thrills like this.

"Those fuckers will kill you Cabrón" laughed as she danced around him hitting the lever to drop the gate as she did. A wide open space would allow their teams to advance on their terms and not have to climb over a barrier to get picked off. Another fist came towards her and she pushed it past her with both arms this time causing him to dent the metal of the walls behind her. Faster than a blur she spun and drew her sword from her back in a single move. It lashed across the backs of his leg causing blood to soak his jeans. Pain or no pain that leg was fucked and he staggered to turn and fight her again. It was too late for him and she lashed out. He had a gun in his metal arm this time but all it could do was fire blindly in response to his body spasming as she removed a quarter of his head with a slice from her mercilessly sharp sword.

She stepped out of the box just as the gate finished it's dropping, her breath was heavy and she had blood spattered on her, but the way forward was clear.
