CHARACTER Remy "Marquis" LeBlanc



Name: Remy LeBlanc

Alias/Handle: Marquis

Age: 32

Ethnicity: American [Cajun]

Birthplace: New Orleans

Appearance: Include height, build, style, cyberware, and distinctive features.


Family Ranking: Urban Streetkid
Parents: Dead
Childhood Environment: In a decaying, once upscale neighborhood.


At first glance, Remy is a rather lighthearted, charismatic man, able to charm his way out of even the worst circumstances. Those who know him, however, would tell you that he also has a more calculating, manipulative side to him (though few would say it to his face). One never knows if they're making a deal with a man or a devil when conducting biz with Remy. However, at the end of the day, if you conduct yourself properly, he can be one of the best business partners a merc can have. Just don't screw with his eddies, or you might end up with a bullet in the head.


@Red Bulloch. It's complicated. Sometimes the family you choose can be as much of a pain as the one you were born with.


Basically anyone that gets in the way of his biz.

Lifepath / Role:

-Special Skill: Streetdeal


-Mid Tier Netrunning


-Cajun French


-Neural Link
-Cortex Processor
-Internal Data Storage
-Subdermal Armor [Basic]
-Lung Filters
-Toxin Bypass
-EMP Shielding





Gear & Style:

Remy is well-dressed, often wearing sleek outfits that almost make him appear above his station. He usually keeps a Liberty pistol hidden in a shoulder holster under his jacket. He carries a knife as well, just in case someone gets a little too close.


Life on the street is never easy for a kid, especially not the type of shithole Remy managed to crawl out of. His parents were nice enough, at least as much as he can remember. They were taken from him at a young age. It wasn't anything spectacular, just a simple case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. As the gang members gunned down his parents in cold blood, Remy managed to escape, forced to find a way through the rest of his youth alone.

As the years went on, Remy went from being a run of the mill street urchin to becoming rather in tune with the streets, his finger on the pulse of New Orleans. It wasn't enough to dig him out of the gutter, but over time he learned the importance of charisma, and the benefits that came with it. He began to use his charm to gather information, and years later Remy eventually uncovered the names of those that had murdered his family all those years ago.

His search for the criminals he so desperately wanted revenge against led him to Night City, where those same gangsters had set up shop with whatever eddies they had klepped from the innocent folks in New Orleans. His first instinct was to kill them outright, but Remy saw a unique opportunity to make his own mark on Night City. He contacted the men responsible for his parents' death, and made them a deal. One job from them, and they would have a large sum of eddies to add to their growing wealth. The greedy thugs took the deal, not knowing it would be their undoing.

The job was simple. There was a shipment of glitter changing hands on the outskirts of town, and they were to klep it from the sellers before the buyers could arrive. What Remy had not told them, however, is that there was no glitter. Instead, the idiotic gangsters found themselves happening upon a shady Militech deal with the 6th Street gang. All but one of them were gunned down in the firefight, with one single survivor crawling his way back to Remy. As he begged Remy to get him to a ripperdoc, Remy asked for a small price… the complete stash of eddies that the gang had worked for so long to acquire. As soon as the thug transferred the money, Remy promptly shot him in the head.

With the funds he had acquired, Remy was able to set up shop as a small time info broker, which eventually caught the eye of a local crew within Night City. This is where he eventually met @Red Bulloch, and over time he took her under his wing, treating her like a little sister. This wasn't meant to last, however, as their gang eventually set their eyes on a big score. The job went more South than Remy's accent, leaving a trail of dead gang members in its wake. Red split from the gang in the wake of this disaster, and there remained a lingering bitterness between the two ever since.

Thankfully, this would not be the end for Remy, for his list of contacts had grown, his network spreading its tendrils through all districts within Night City. This allowed him to expand his reach as a fixer, and in time Remy was able to set up shop in a nightclub within Downtown. It was a shithole, but much like the one he had climbed out of all of those years ago, Remy was able to turn it into one of Downtown's more popular venues. Thus, Nexus was born. Now, Remy spends most of his time conducting biz within the walls of Nexus, looking for the next big score that will help him climb the ladder even further.

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