The Biker
Theme | The Weeknd - Blinding Lights (Slowed + Reverb) |
Aliases | Biker, Helmet, "Y'know, that merc with the helmet he never takes off?" |
Ethnicity | I think he's white or asian. Could be an alien under there. |
Birthplace | Presumably NC. He knows these streets well. |
Age | No clue. |
Gender | Sounds like a guy. |
Height | 5'11" |
Weight | Not like he's gonna blow away in the wind, but pretty lean and thin framed under that jacket. |
Eyes | Nope. |
Hair | Nada. |
Skin | I think I saw him take off a glove once, some kinda white. |
Build | Lean muscle |
Language(s) | I've only heard him speak English |
Group(s) | He's a pretty dedicated solo, but he mercs for all sorts. 'Tinos and Voodoos like him 'cause he does what he's told. Mox don't trust any guy with a katana and two wheels. |
Character Class | Solo |
Character Alignment | Eddies |
Writer | McChicken |

They're never gonna catch the Midnight Rider
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No one really knows where he came from. Showed up on the streets rippin' that motorcycle a couple years ago. Someone told me he came from back east, or maybe it was the far east, can't remember. But he knows these streets damn well, he's gotta be one of us.
Guy's shy, I guess, 'cause of course he never takes off that helmet. Not a talkative guy, but he can be a choom when he needs to, y'know? Can have a decent conversation with the guy. Seen him flip around a pack of cigarettes, never seen him smoke one obviously. He's chill, from how I know him, though I've heard that sword ain't just for show when you hire him for a hit.
Guy's a solo through and through. Up close and personal fucker too, real balls on guys like that. The he hops on that bike and he's gone into the night like nothing. He'll off your opps, steal your chips back, hell he even delivers packages.
The guys good at what he does, to say the least. Of course, he only does what involves his bike and his weapon.
Skills: Sword fighting (Katana), Driving (Motorcycle)
Languages: English
CYBERWARETwo Slot Neural Link
Cyber-augmented Hand (Handle Wrap Fingers)
Humanity: 35
GangsNameAttitude TowardsAttitude FromValentinos Regulars Choom Sixth Street Dislikes Enemy The Mox Neutral Dislikes Maelstrom Dislikes Business Relationship Animals Business Relationship Business Relationship Voodoo Boys Neutral Likes Tyger Claws Dislikes Dislikes Nomads Likes Dislikes Red Chrome Legion Dislikes Unknown Organitskaya Neutral Unknown Corporations Enemy Dislikes