RULES Vehicle Creation Template

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Vehicle Creation Template


Vehicle TypeBase Cost (eb)Top SpeedArmor RatingCapacitySpecial FeaturesDrawbacks
Civilian Car8,000 - 20,00090 mphLight4 passengersAffordable, easy to repair.Low durability, minimal special features.
Sports Car20,000 - 100,000180 mphLight2 passengersHigh speed, sleek designs.Fragile, high maintenance cost.
Luxury Car50,000 - 100,000125 mphLight2-4 passengers High profile, sleek designs, high comfort.Fragile, high maintenance cost.
Hypercar150,000 - 500,000 +220 mphLight2 passengersStatus symbol, unmatched speed.Extremely costly, impractical for daily use.
Cyber Bike5,000 - 15,000150 mphLight1 riderAgile, fast.Fragile, no passenger or cargo capacity.
Combat Car35,000100 mphHeavy4 passengersWeapon mounts, reinforced chassis.Poor maneuverability, high fuel consumption.
Nomad Truck15,000 - 40,00080 mphModerate6 passengers + cargoOff-road capability, extended range.Slower speed, large target size.
Armored Vehicle80,000 +80 mphHeavy8 passengers + cargoArmor plating, increased cargo and passenger capacity.Slower speed, large target size. Exclusive to military or security.
Utility Vehicle45,00065 mphModerate2-4 passengersMulti-use, durable.Slow speed, large target size.
Luxury AV150,000 +180 mph +Light5 passengersSilent running, flying, autopilot, sleek.High cost, limited cargo capacity.
Cargo Hauler (AV)60,00060 mphMedium2 passengers + large cargoHeavy-duty build, flying, large cargo.Low speed, poor acceleration.
Military AV250,000150 mphHeavy6 passengersWeapon mounts, flying, vertical takeoff.High fuel cost, heavily regulated. Military and corporate security use only.
Stealth Vehicle100,000140 mphLight2 passengersCloaking tech, silent engine.Fragile, limited battery life.
Combat Drone75,000200 mphLightN/ARemote-controlled, armed.Requires operator, limited AI autonomy.
Private Jet500,000 - 3,000,000 +600 mph +Light4-6 passengers + cargoLuxurious, long-distance travel.Expensive maintenance, costly.
Cargo Plane500,000 - 3,000,000 +400 mph +Moderatecrew + large cargoMassive storage, high durability.Slow acceleration, requires airstrips.



Image Source: (Provide a link to any images used for the vehicle, with credit to the creator or original source if possible.)


Vehicle Name: (What is the name of your vehicle? Example: "Ghost Viper" or "Atlas-78 Hauler."

Type: (What category does the vehicle fall under? Example: Ground Vehicle, Aerodyne, Watercraft, Cyberbike, etc.)

Manufacturer: (Who built it? Example: Arasaka, Kang Tao, a player-made corporation, or a Nomad clan workshop.)

Cost (Eddies): (What's the price tag on this beast? Include if it's a standard model, custom job, or one-off design.)

Size/Capacity: (How many riders or passengers can it carry? What's the cargo capacity in cubic meters or kilograms?)

Primary Function: (What is this vehicle designed for? Example: High-speed chases, urban infiltration, heavy cargo transport, or combat support.)

Special Features: (Does it have anything unique like cloaking systems, built-in weaponry, or cutting-edge AI?)


Appearance: (Describe the look of your vehicle. Sleek chrome, rusty patched-up panels, neon underglow? Make it fit the Cyberpunk vibe.)

Performance Specs:

Top Speed: (Maximum speed in mph or kph.)

Acceleration: (How fast does it go from 0 to 60 mph?)

Maneuverability: (Is it built for tight city turns, or does it need wide-open spaces to move?)

Armor Rating: (Light, medium, heavy – describe how much punishment it can take.)

Power Source: (Gasoline engine, electric, nuclear cell, biofuel, etc.)

Limitations: (Every machine has its faults. What's this vehicle's Achilles heel? Example: Poor durability, high maintenance cost, fuel hog.)


Purpose: (What role does this vehicle serve in Cyberpunk society? Is it used by corpos, Nomads, or street mercs? Example: A stealth car for heists or a rugged truck for crossing the Badlands.)

Reputation & Availability: (How common or rare is this vehicle? Does it carry a particular reputation, like a Kang Tao killing machine or a slick Militech corporate cruiser?)

Customization Options: (Can this vehicle be upgraded or modified? Example: Add armor plating, weapon mounts, or increase speed, different chassis, etc.)


Roleplay Impact: (How does this vehicle affect gameplay or storytelling? Is it the centerpiece of daring heists, or does it provide critical support for missions?)

AI Integration (Optional): (Does the vehicle feature an AI co-pilot or advanced systems? Does it enhance roleplay opportunities or pose unique challenges?)

This template captures the Cyberpunk vibe, blending cutting-edge tech with the gritty reality of a dystopian future. The balancing chart ensures every ride has strengths and weaknesses, adding depth to gameplay and storytelling.


    •    Image Source: (Provide a link to any images used for the vehicle, with credit to the creator or original source if possible.)


    •    Vehicle Name: (What is the name of your vehicle? Example: "Ghost Viper" or "Atlas-78 Hauler."

    •    Type: (What category does the vehicle fall under? Example: Ground Vehicle, Aerodyne, Watercraft, Cyberbike, etc.)

    •    Manufacturer: (Who built it? Example: Arasaka, Kang Tao, a player-made corporation, or a Nomad clan workshop.)

    •    Cost (Eddies): (What's the price tag on this beast? Include if it's a standard model, custom job, or one-off design.)

    •    Size/Capacity: (How many riders or passengers can it carry? What's the cargo capacity in cubic meters or kilograms?)

    •    Primary Function: (What is this vehicle designed for? Example: High-speed chases, urban infiltration, heavy cargo transport, or combat support.)

    •    Special Features: (Does it have anything unique like cloaking systems, built-in weaponry, or cutting-edge AI?)


    •    Appearance: (Describe the look of your vehicle. Sleek chrome, rusty patched-up panels, neon underglow? Make it fit the Cyberpunk vibe.)

    •    Performance Specs:

    •    Top Speed: (Maximum speed in mph or kph.)

    •    Acceleration: (How fast does it go from 0 to 60 mph?)

    •    Maneuverability: (Is it built for tight city turns, or does it need wide-open spaces to move?)

    •    Armor Rating: (Light, medium, heavy – describe how much punishment it can take.)

    •    Power Source: (Gasoline engine, electric, nuclear cell, biofuel, etc.)

    •    Limitations: (Every machine has its faults. What's this vehicle's Achilles heel? Example: Poor durability, high maintenance cost, fuel hog.)


    •    Purpose: (What role does this vehicle serve in Cyberpunk society? Is it used by corpos, Nomads, or street mercs? Example: A stealth car for heists or a rugged truck for crossing the Badlands.)

    •    Reputation & Availability: (How common or rare is this vehicle? Does it carry a particular reputation, like a Kang Tao killing machine or a slick Militech corporate cruiser?)

    •    Customization Options: (Can this vehicle be upgraded or modified? Example: Add armor plating, weapon mounts, or increase speed, different chassis, etc.)


    •    Roleplay Impact: (How does this vehicle affect gameplay or storytelling? Is it the centerpiece of daring heists, or does it provide critical support for missions?)

    •    AI Integration (Optional): (Does the vehicle feature an AI co-pilot or advanced systems? Does it enhance roleplay opportunities or pose unique challenges?)
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