
Night Corp embodies the legacy of Richard Night, Night City's founder. Founded nearly 100 years ago, the MegaCorp has gone through several iterations and changes - but it still serves as Night City's stalwart & silent defenders.

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Night Corporation (commonly stylized as Night Corp) is Night City's primary Development & Public Works Firm. Their reach extends into all levels of the City's infrastructure, from power distribution and Waste Management to Public Transportation, Immigration, the NCPD, and City Administration. The Company aims to improve the quality of life for all citizens, placing the Metropolis' affairs and the welfare of its citizenry first.

Night Corp is immensely secretive and very few know anything concrete about its structure, its employees, or the depths of their control. Their annual earnings are estimated to lie anywhere between 250 - 750 Billion Eurodollars a year, and their total Staff are estimated to be between 8,000 and 120,000 individuals. The Corporation cares little for the petty squabbles of Corporate Politics; instead focusing their efforts upon the welfare of the population at large. What is publically known is that the Corporation acts as the largest contractor of public procurements within Night City's boundaries, building and renovating facilities such as roads, bridges, tunnels, metro lines, power plants, net transmitters, waterworks, sewerage, among others. The corporation is also known for their charities designed to aid the poor children of Night City, scholarship programs to benefit gifted youth or donations to the various city orphanages. Night Corp is also heavily invested in research for ecology and alternate power sources, as well as other developments involving avant-garde technology. There are also rumors, spoken of in hushed whispers, that Night Corp possesses secrete underwater facilities within Coronado Bay, and that they maintain an array of satellites in Upper Orbit... but if these rumors are true, the Corporation would undoubtedly do whatever was necessary to ensure these secrets remain buried.

Their headquarters are located within the City Center district of Night City.

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