Recent content by Basher

  1. Basher

    PUBLIC Calling All Cars

    Theme Song: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap - AC/DC Location: Westbrook - Charter hill Tags: @Vex Kiranova | @Jack Kowalski | @Ryan Graves | [OPEN] “You guys in position yet?” “This is a bad idea Bash.” “You worry too much. Seriously, what are we doing? We’re just watching.” “You f*ckin’...
  2. Basher

    PUBLIC Calling All Cars

    Location: Northside - Old Warehouse Time: 17:00 (5:00pm) Tags: [OPEN] “Will you hand me the f*cking wrench already?” “You need a new toolbox, I don’t know how you find anything in here.” “HAND. ME. THE. FUC-” Cool steel finally hit Basher’s palm as he was mid-expletive. “Thank you. Was...
  3. Basher

    CHARACTER "Basher"

    Theme Music - Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap - AC/DC “Basher” B A S I C Full name: James Bachowski (Rarely used, better pronounce it right) Alias: “Basher” (Widely Known and Used) Age: 32 Ethnicity: Polish, Irish Birthplace: Somewhere in the Great Plains Height: 6’-2” Build: Built like a...