Born to Raise Hell


Theme Music - Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap - AC/DC


  • B A S I C

    Full name:
    James Bachowski (Rarely used, better pronounce it right)​
    "Basher" (Widely Known and Used)​
    Polish, Irish​
    Somewhere in the Great Plains​
    Built like a tank - Why do you think they call him "Basher"?​
    Neural Link​
    Cyberarm (Adv. - Right Arm)​
    Subdermal Armor (Adv)​
    EMP Shielding​

  • B A C K G R O U N D

    Family Ranking:
    Father - Nomad Soldier - Folk Nation (Deceased)​
    Mother - Nomad Tech - Folk Nation​
    Childhood Environment:
    Roaming across the Midwest, Pacific West Coast, and NorCal regions with his clan.​

  • P E R S O N A L I T Y

    Irreverent, bombastic, direct, and loyal - Basher is larger than life and doesn't put up with any gonk. Due to his stint with drug addiction and affiliation with several small-time gangs, he has a calloused and very extreme manner about getting things done. One could say that his conscience has been severely scarred...​
    Person You Value Most:
    Mother, Deborah Bachowski​
    What Do You Value Most?
    How Do You Feel About Most People?
    Neutral - Most people fit into three categories for Basher. 1) They're family to him, and he'll do almost anything for them. 2) Untrustworthy and/or untested. 3) It just isn't there feckin' night, because he has a job to do and they're it.​
    Your Most Valued Possession
    Custom Thorton Mackinaw - "Rosalina"​
    An old enemy - @Dmitri Antonov.​

  • S K I L L S & R O L E

    Nomad - Folk Nation, on his own with his own family.​

    Family (Special Skill) - A tight-knit group of allies or a "family" that provides resources, backup, and support.​
    Awareness/Notice - Basher always keeps his head on a swivel; a byproduct of living in the wilds of North America​
    Endurance - Let's just say, not all of Basher's cyberware was voluntary. The man has endured pain on a level few can claim.​
    Melee - As one might guess, Bashar's preferred weapon of choice is a Louisville Slugger with barbed wire wrapped around the barrel. He's earned his nickname with that very bat over the course of almost two decades.​
    Rifle - For problems that cannot be easily addressed with his baseball bat, Bashar is equally proficient in the use of different rifles; from assault rifles, to shotguns.​
    Drive - It is said that Basher can drive the wheels off of almost any vehicle, a saying he's often tried to put to the test.​
    Basic Tech - Basher can jury-rig fixes like any true Nomad.​
    Wilderness Survival - There's something to be said for being able to live off the land, a skill that was a part of Basher's day-to-day routine over his entire life.​
    Brawling - Bashar can 'lay it down' with the best of them; particularly if he's had a few drinks.​
    Athletics - Basher's physical conditioning is that of a man who has lived a very hard life.​


  • C Y B E R W A R E
    • Neural Link
      • HL Loss: -1
    • Cyberarm (Advanced - Right Arm)
      • HL Loss: -3
      • Hidden compartments for tools, weapons, utility
    • Subdermal Armor (Advanced)
      • HL Loss: -8
      • Heavy-caliber weapon/explosive protection
    • EMP Shielding
      • HL Loss: -1
      • Protects cyberware from electromagnetic pulses

  • E M P A T H Y & H U M A N I T Y

    Empathy: 6
    Humanity: 60 - 13 = 47

  • G E A R & S T Y L E
    • Weapons
    • Gadgets
    • Outfit
      • White T-Shirt
      • Leather "Biker" Jacket
      • Red Scarf or Bandana
      • Cuffed Black Jeans
      • Combat Boots
      • Has a few gold teeth replacing his natural teeth.

  • H I S T O R Y

    Hard Livin'

    Prior to his arrival in Night City and the surrounding badlands, Basher had only known a transitory life as a Nomad. His family was originally of Polish & Irish descent from Milwaukee Wisconsin, yet after the events of the 4th Corporate War, were forced to leave their home due to the devolving state of chaos. Rather than endure the anarchy that would follow, Basher's family joined up with the original members of the Seven Nations, eventually helping to form Folk Nation. Basher was originally born as 'James Ryan Bachowski' in the back of a tent, somewhere in the plains of Nebraska. He wouldn't be known as 'Basher' until he came of age to become a patched member of the Folk Nation, where he soon demonstrated a knack for... well, beating people with a baseball bat; in particular, a Raffen thug who almost claimed the life of his own father while they were fighting off an attempted raid.

    Basher only ever knew the iron-forged bonds of his family and clan, and while he was known as a compassionate and easy-going man among his family; he also developed a ruthless and forbidding reputation to outsiders as the realities of life as a nomad hardened his outlook, along with the loss of several close friends. This hardening would only deepen upon the death of his father, during a botched raid against a Militech convoy. Basher never was the same after that, resorting to the comfort one could find at the bottom of a battle, and eventually in more illicit substances. His downward spiral would eventually descend to the point of no return. While his reputation saved him from outright expulsion from the Clan, the leader of his family exiled him for fear of his addictions negatively affecting others who kept company with him. There was some merit to this fear, as a handful of others followed Basher as he made good his exile into Night City.

    No Shame

    While most of those who followed him into Night City didn't resort to quite the same level of hedonism, they all eventually earned a reputation for themselves among the riff-raff of the city. 'Harmless' vandalism eventually led to more aggressive forms of vandalism, which in turn led to theft and robbery to finance Basher's substance addiction. Eventually, what few friends he had from his former life as a Nomad abandoned him as his crimes grew harder. Basher would eventually fall in with several small-time gangs as a 'last resort', descending to the wrong side of the law on countless occasions. Whether it was a form of 'lashing out' against those he viewed as responsible for his father's death, or simply as a target of expedience; Basher found himself frequently targeting Militech, which in turn put him on the bad-side 6th Street Gang. Specifically, Basher found himself in direct confrontations with several Corporate Enforcers of Militech, including a young Enforcer near the beginning of his career known as @Dmitri Antonov.

    The two men would frequently find themselves at odds via dozens of 'cat and mouse' encounters, where the line between hunter and hunted was often blurred and constantly shifting. Eventually, their rivalry would come to an end as Basher was, surprisingly, injured to the point of passing out (partially due to his drug-addicted state). In a surprising act of humanity, Basher returned to consciousness in a ripperdoc chair, with his very rival standing over him. After an initial attempt to force himself out of his restraints to continue the fight, sedatives soon leveled him out to the point of placidity; enough so for Dmitri to explain the situation that made sense even to his drug addled brain: "Look, you can either keep spiraling until you die from an overdose, or you can chill the hell out and let me help you."

    While it was uncertain what motivated this random act of compassion on the part of the Corporate Enforcer (for anyone that knows Dmitri knows that he rarely does anything simply out of the goodness of his heart), his words were carefully chosen, and had the desired effect. Over the following weeks, Basher's system was detoxed from its dependance on the substances he found himself addicted to, and he was nursed back to a state resembling his former self before Night City. He reconnected with who he was as a Nomad of Folk Nation, and was further able to reestablish contact with some of the friends who joined him.

    Whether it was the intention of Dmitri's intervention or not, Basher found himself indebted to the Militech agent for giving him his life back. What started as a rivalry, morphed into a professional relationship, and to a certain extent - a friendship that cemented a symbiotic relationship between the two men. Where Dmitri possessed the skills and knowledge to survive in Night City, Basher had the raw power and wherewithal to apply the right amount of force when situations arose that Dmitri's finesse proved unequal to resolve.

    Today, Basher lives as an enforcer to the enforcer; rolling around the city to repair the damage to his personal reputation, while securing the legacy of his friend.

  • A R T W O R K



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