Part 2: Does this Rain Smell Like Piss?
Location: Vista Del Rey
Tags: @Voice of 6th Street
The grin that had been coming and going on Boris’ lips was on full display, gold teeth and all, as Brighton finished his response. He took a long pull on his cigar, enjoying the flavor of the leaf as...
Part 2: Does this Rain Smell Like Piss?
Location: Vista Del Rey
Tags: @Voice of 6th Street
Well there was something to be said for not being immediately shot at by these guys. Although his demeanor didn’t show it, Boris did not want to be here. 6th Street began as a giant veterans club...
Part 2: Does this Rain Smell Like Piss?
Location: Vista Del Rey
Tags: @Voice of 6th Street
Boris limped along, coming to a stop a few meters away from the no-name thug who decided to heckle him. He affixed an impassive, if not slightly annoyed expression to the muscle. ‘And who the f*ck...
Location: Megabuilding H10, Watson
Part 1: Oldschool
“Y’know Boss, this place has always been beneath you. It always tears at my heartstrings to see you living like this, even tho’ I know why.” Watson was at one point a respectable part of Night City; a district the likes of the...