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Tags:Location: Megabuilding H10, Watson
Part 1: Oldschool
"Y'know Boss, this place has always been beneath you. It always tears at my heartstrings to see you living like this, even tho' I know why." Watson was at one point a respectable part of Night City; a district the likes of the Kirilov family could be proud to call home at one point. They certainly had ruled it with an iron fist in their day, as firmly as Kings over their dominion. But they had fallen far since then, living by the skin of their teeth in a place no one would ever look for a former crime boss - a f*ckin' megabuilding. Boris remembered the days when they wouldn't have been caught dead in one of these places, unless they were personally visiting someone to 'send a message.' He was young then, nothing more than a two-bit pusher trying to make a name for himself among the big dogs - like the man sitting in front of him now, on a cheap sofa resting in the corner of a very... modest apartment."And you never fail to say that every time." 'Georgy' responded. Georgy was old - easily pushing 100 and looking every bit of it. Modern science had done much to prolong the lifespan of the average human, and he had enough chrome lining his face to reveal the reason for his longevity. Advances in technology aside, no one could live forever. Georgy clung to life like a bad cough, and was still quick enough to contradict how frail he looked by what he said and how he thought. To be fair, his voice still sounded as strong and authoritative as it always had been. "You've always been a good soldier Boris. Not many people are alive today who know who I really am, and who my family really is.
He was every bit the boss he used to be, dressed in a neatly pressed suit. His posture was straight, but his voice had a metallic rasp to it. He lost his lungs to cancer a few decades back - smoking will do that to you eventually. "Your patience - hell, our patience - is about to get rewarded." Georgy gave Boris a weary smile, as if he had finally been rid of some invisible weight that had thus far weighed him down. Over the past few decades, Boris had not been idle - far from it. While not working for the 'Kirilov Crime Family', he had turned over a new leaf with the NCPD, selling out a few mid level gangsters from the Family in exchange for a reduced sentence. While that'd normally make him a rat, was it really snitching if it was in the service of protecting his Boss? While NCPD and Militech were busy chasing those idiots, Georgy finished his final play to disappear forever with his family. Eventually the cops turned away from Boris, looking at bigger fish who made a lot more noise. So Boris made a 'legitimate' name for himself as a Fixer, who ran a few uh... establishments on the sly. He gave the right guys a piece of the action, so he never got arrested or even rung up on charges.
A part of him believed that Georgy would give him leave to start his own gang of some sort, strike out on his own after years of faithful service. But this guy was getting credit for 'laying the groundwork'? Sure, Dmitri had some bonafides, and had proven himself on several occasions - even bailed Boris out of a tight spot here and there. But this guy? Really? He was half Boris' age. What was Georgy trying to tell him anyway...?
"Dmitri is starting fresh, with the backing of our associates in Moscow. I will be his sovietnik, and I can think of no one else to be the other man at his side then you... as a brigadir."
'OH FUC--' His internal outrage was cut off by his quick wit and lips: "It would be my honor. I mean, you've always been the boss to me." Boris flashed a toothy grin again, the gold in a few of his teeth glinting from the artificial light. Inside, he was anything but happy. 'This man-whore doesn't know the first thing about running a family.'
"You've always been family Boris. I've got big plans, and you're a big part of them." Dmitri chimed in, with his deep smooth voice that could charm the pants off of a nun. Contrary to what one might think if they were able to hear his thoughts, Boris didn't dislike Dmitri per se. But his pride had been wounded. He'd get over it and move on, but that didn't mean he had to like it right now. Hell, he didn't. But he respected Georgy enough to not fly off the handle and take matters in his own hands. Maybe Dmitri would surprise him... and if he failed along the way, Boris could find his 'way to the promised land' in his own way.
"I guess I better start callin' you boss then, eh?" A boisterous laugh followed Boris' statement, with Georgy flashing a reassuring smile, echoed only slightly by his grandson, whose eyes were devoid of any mirth. Boris' laugh died off after a few seconds, and he took a sip from the whiskey glass he held in his hand.
Dmitri spoke again: "I need you to meet with 6th Street."
Boris froze. 6th Street? Those gun-toting militia bros? This time, it was Dmitri's turn to smile...
Part 2: Does this Rain Smell Like Piss?
Location: Vista Del Rey
The sun was setting on the day as Boris ambled from the driver's seat of his car and rose to his feet. He had a few days to mull over how to approach this meeting; no matter how long you waited, it was never easy to 'piss on someone's head and tell them it was raining.' I mean, if anyone could do it, Boris could. But that didn't make it any easier. 6th Street wasn't exactly known to be an understanding bunch - hell, it wasn't uncommon for them to roll up alongside a rival gang boss's car and threaten them with a pistol in hand. He had hoped to whatever God was above that Dmitri hadn't gone completely gonk-brained. The idea wasn't idiotic necessarily, but Boris had serious doubts that they'd go for it. But he had an angle that might work... if he played it right. The real trick was to not get shot.
A small bit of exposed chrome from his leg prosthetic glimmered in the fading sunlight, which drew attention to his very noticeable limp. One would think that a cybernetic leg would remove such an impediment, but he was living proof that such a notion was not the case. He left his car on the curb, walking over to the meeting location. A second car door slammed, with another man in a suit falling in step behind him. He didn't come alone, which meant he wasn't wholly unprotected. But one bodyguard was hardly enough to prevent himself from getting killed if things took a turn for the worse. Iron wouldn't get him out of this. No, Boris had to play this one smart.
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