Recent content by Jack Kowalski

  1. Jack Kowalski

    PRIVATE All The King's Horses | Jack Kowalski

    Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova Jack listened again, and his face showed a hint of regret. Perhaps even shame, but, he didn't respond. He said more with his eyes, more with his gazes he averted than the ones he did make. He was conflicted as ever. Sure, he had taken a life in the line of duty-...
  2. Jack Kowalski

    PRIVATE All The King's Horses | Jack Kowalski

    Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova As he listened, her piece about classical music brought something to the forefront of his mind, the Commendatore scene from Don Giovanni. Don Giovanni lamenting to the statue of the Commendatore- his murder victim, only for the statue to come to life as the...
  3. Jack Kowalski

    PRIVATE All The King's Horses | Jack Kowalski

    Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova He listened intently as he always did. A somber look crossed his face. Not everything was black and white, but murder was still murder. Right? "No more allegories. No more deceit, doublespeak, Ładna kobieta." He said, taking a deep breath. He spoke in his own native...
  4. Jack Kowalski

    PRIVATE All The King's Horses | Jack Kowalski

    Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova Jack wondered for a moment where her tangent was going. His eyes flicked to the cigarette, an old vice from an older world. Nowadays the vices were electric, stimulants, replacement of what made them human. He wondered if she had any of that, cyberware, replacement...
  5. Jack Kowalski

    PRIVATE All The King's Horses | Jack Kowalski

    Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova Night City never let a good man win. Jack didn't take too long to reply, but there was a pause. A flickering of the eyes. He rubbed his nose, leaning forward and taking a deep sigh. "Because I wanted someone to tell it to you. You're gonna get away with it. You...
  6. Jack Kowalski

    PRIVATE All The King's Horses | Jack Kowalski

    Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova Jack clicked his tongue, picking up his coffee, finishing it, before setting it back down. He leaned back in the chair. And he took a different posture, slightly defeated, even. He took another deep breath, looking out the window, pointing to the crime scene. "He was a...
  7. Jack Kowalski

    STAFF Rumors & Gigs Board

    Rumor: "That Kowalski kid? No Aug, no nuthin', went into the bank and took out the Cyberpsycho. Not MaxTac. Picture that. A Cyberpsycho getting bodied by a regular beat cop- no augs." Source: Overhead between passing NCPD Officers on foot patrol by a local fixer. Details: Public information on...
  8. Jack Kowalski

    PUBLIC Calling All Cars

    Tags: @Ivo "Ironhand" Lasko l MaxTac came in hard, came in fast, and was moving through the bank. Jack and the other Officers followed, flanking them, taking out the stragglers here and there. MaxTac was ruthlessly efficient, not a thing escaping them. The bank was surrounded, every exit...
  9. Jack Kowalski

    PRIVATE All The King's Horses | Jack Kowalski

    Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova Jack's eyes didn't move much after that, in fact, nothing moved. He just stared. He took the coffee into his solitary off-hand (his gun hand always free to react). He took a quiet sip, closing his eyes. He took a moment before speaking. "Before I came to your house, I'd...
  10. Jack Kowalski

    PRIVATE All The King's Horses | Jack Kowalski

    Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova Sing-song. That's how she described the events following her husband's death, to him, at least. Just a rhythm, a steady streams of facts and information relayed to the Officer. Not a lot of emotion given after. Maybe rehearsed, maybe annoyance. But her question brought...
  11. Jack Kowalski

    PRIVATE All The King's Horses | Jack Kowalski

    Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova Perfectly. She moved like a dancer, a graceful poise and pose in every step. Every movement was flowing, every movement was like she moved through water. She made every movement perfect. From the way she poured the coffee to the way she asked him. He spoke in her...
  12. Jack Kowalski

    PRIVATE All The King's Horses | Jack Kowalski

    Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova The long ride back to the station was quiet. He gripped the steering wheel tight. Calls came in, reports were filed, and two uses of force were used before the end of Jack's shift. He knew he'd come back. He just wasn't sure when, or when he would make the time...
  13. Jack Kowalski

    PRIVATE All The King's Horses | Jack Kowalski

    Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova Jack watched for a while, the woman- Lizaveta Isakova, speaking. She spoke elegantly, despite her accent. In fact, he could've spoken to her in her mother tongue. She might've known that, she might've not. But he wanted to catch her in a lie, catch her in a tumbling...
  14. Jack Kowalski

    PRIVATE All The King's Horses | Jack Kowalski

    Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova These types of calls weren't uncommon, but they were always- always, suspicious. Just a few years on with NCPD and Jack had been to enough of them to warrant a cautious approach. However, the initial toxreport from the paramedics were the usual. Alcohol, mixed with...
  15. Jack Kowalski

    PUBLIC Calling All Cars

    KA-THUNK. Jack didn't take the time to guess as to why he was pointing it at him. Jack dove down and away from his cruiser- which was violently lifted. It rolled along slightly, skirting as the explosive pressed against the armored door, sending shrapnel flying to and fro. He grit his teeth...