Recent content by Joseph "Grey" Graham

  1. Joseph "Grey" Graham

    PRIVATE 7 Minutes Or...

    He was on his feet and running as soon as the words left Malachi's lips. A series of short, sharp popping sounds filled his ears as he ran, head down, chin to chest. It was the sound of small arms fire. Close. By the time he reached the other side of the street, the tempo had picked up again...
  2. Joseph "Grey" Graham

    Income Guide & Updates

    Name: @Joseph "Grey" Graham Reason: Monthly income + successful extraction of client Thread Title: Calling All Cars Money Earned: Professional Operative (7000eb monthly) + payout for successful extraction (How much? You decide!) Link to Thread: Here Staff Approved:
  3. Joseph "Grey" Graham

    PUBLIC Calling All Cars

    'Is the client ready to move?' 'Ready and fuckin' able,' the man in question growled, refusing Inoue's offer of assistance as he forced himself to stand on shaky legs. His eyes -cybernetic implants- glowed a light blue as he made contact with someone outside the room. A boss, maybe, or a...
  4. Joseph "Grey" Graham

    PUBLIC Calling All Cars

    The blast didn't knock him unconscious, but it sure took the wind right out of him. 'Shit! Graham! You okay, choom?!' Gritting his teeth, Joe sat up, dust and debris pouring off him. Fragments of glass and stone adhered to his scrubs, small, sharp bits digging into the aramid weave that had kept...
  5. Joseph "Grey" Graham

    PRIVATE 7 Minutes Or...

    It was like it happened in slow motion. One second, the Aerodyne was there, descending from the heavens, machine guns blazing. The next, it was gone, torn apart by the kind of military-grade ordinance used by Militech or Arasaka or any one of the myriad corps who sought to rule the world, and...
  6. Joseph "Grey" Graham

    PUBLIC Calling All Cars

    They hit the stairs. With Webber in front, and Meyer and Inoue behind, Joe took the time to weigh their options, his G-58 held in a ready position against his chest. Alarms blared as they made their way down to the ground floor. Their client was supposed to be down there, tucked up tight in some...
  7. Joseph "Grey" Graham

    PUBLIC Calling All Cars

    'Well, ain't this about a bitch!' 'Chill, man, chill! No need to go gettin' your panties in a bunch.' 'Oh, yeah? Are you even listening to the radio traffic?! There's a fuckin' cyberpsycho down there! Y'know, in the bank our man's gone and got himself trapped in.' 'Actually, yeah, that does...
  8. Joseph "Grey" Graham

    Income Guide & Updates

    Name: @Joseph "Grey" Graham Reason: Monthly Income - Professional Operative Thread Title: N/A Money Earned: 7000eb Link to Thread: N/A Staff Approved: @GehennaUponUs
  9. Joseph "Grey" Graham

    PRIVATE 7 Minutes Or...

    Joe could see the guy didn't like it, but what choice did he have? Better to follow orders than to get left behind. 'How long?' Joe cast about for the Medtechs, 'Meyer! Inoue! How's the client lookin'?' The man in question had taken a bullet to the chest, maybe two. If not for the protection his...
  10. Joseph "Grey" Graham

    PRIVATE 7 Minutes Or...

    Gunfire welcomed them the moment they set down. Jumping from the running boards, Joe returned fire as his weapon's targeting system picked up targets. A dozen figures, each with a diamond covering his or her head. It didn't matter who they were or why they shooting. The client's safety was the...
  11. Joseph "Grey" Graham

    PRIVATE 7 Minutes Or...

    Two minutes. Estimated time of arrival. Not long at all, in the grand scheme of things. But long enough for whatever poor gonk they were on the way to rescue. Some suit, probably. Usually was. Sat back, harness engaged, Joseph counted down the seconds as the AV-4 banked sharply between...
  12. Joseph "Grey" Graham

    CHARACTER Joseph "Grey" Graham

    Name: Joseph Graham Alias/Handle: "Grey" Age: 29 Ethnicity: American Birthplace: New York Appearance: 6', toned, Joe favours dark tones and practicality over comfort. His body bears signs of past trauma; bullets and blades, mostly, with chemical burns marring his hands and forearms. The...