Clean Cop, Dirty City
- Eddies
- 421

Jack didn't hate this time of year- but it did get dark early. It was cold, it was windy at night. During the day the temperatures weren't too bad, but lately he had grown to be annoyed by wearing a T-shirt during the day and a jacket at night. That, and the lack of Officers meant that he was held over and put on overtime moreoften than not. He was driving around- he wasn't actively being proactive, having just come off a series of calls. Two shootings and a robbery report, with a footchase with a punk that ended with him tackling him and an hour of processing for paperwork and inventory. His patrol car's lights skipped across the slightly-wet surface of the road, flashing lights mirrored in the dirty water collecting on the ground.
He skimmed over them with his vehicle, taking a deep breath, rubbing his eyes. Tired already? He needed another coffee to get through the next five hours of his shift. His radio, however, had better ideas.

Jack took a deep breath, and flicked on his lights, buckling up as he hit the gas. He grit his teeth, flying through the streets, weaving between cars, dodging some inattentive pedestrations, and slowing down just enough at the red lights to safely clear the intersection. Not that he would've really cared if he smashed some asshole's car, he just wanted to get to the call safely and not deal with the paperwork. Jack did his best to keep his teeth unclenched. The last trip to the dentist wasn't good. Got chewed out by an elderly woman about his teeth grinding-
Just another added stressor.
He heard the gunshots as he got closer. Multiple shooters, in his mind, implied a few. Just a few, a handful. Standard bank robbery crew. However, this looked more like an entire gang of them. Aug'd up assholes with automatic weapons right near closing time, and on the busiest time of day. He stepped on the gas, rounding the corner by pulling on the parking brake. One of them was in the street, a machine pistol in her hand, laughing as she was advancing on two Officers, ducking and weaving behind their patrol car.
He stepped on the gas. She must have had some sort of armor upgrade or something to that effect, one of the Officer's sidearms didn't penetrate her, only caused her to stumble and laugh. Not quite a cyberpsycho... but unpleasant to deal with nonetheless. She swung the pistol around to his car, hitting the hood of his vehicle with a barrage of bullets. Jack ducked, leaning over into the empty passenger seat-
And accelerated.
Cops tend to forget that they were driving a weapon itself. Deadly force was authorized at this point, so why care about the method?
Turns out, just as Jack suspected, her body, while standing up to small arms well enough, didn't stand up too well to a full-impact of a car going almost 65. She rolled under his car, his front right tear lifting up, then both after he ran her over. He quickly got out of the vehicle, grabbing the shotgun and racking a load into it as he got out of the car, bullets bouncing off of his vehicle as he exited, from both the street and inside the bank. Who knew how many there were, really?
He walked over to the woman he ran over, crouching behind his car. She was still kicking, somewhat, her cybernetics not liking the impact. Wiring, blood, tissue, skin, all mixed together while she was crying out, screaming, cursing. He put the shotgun near her head-
And ended that threat right then and there.
He clicked on his radio.
"Calling all cars, calling all cars- be advised, well over twenty suspects, send everyone!"
Are you coming to help? Just in the area? Or inside the bank? Or taking advantage of the Chaos inside to get to the cash that these hooligans are also after?OOC Note:
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