Recent content by Omega

  1. Omega

    Income Guide & Updates

    Name: @Omega Reason: Monthly Income Thread: N/A Money Earned: 3,000ed Netrunner lvl 7 Subtract: Monthly Premium for Exec/Gold lvl Trauma Team Package Coverage - 500/1,000ed(Unsure what the rate used here is @GehennaUponUs Please Advise) Net Income Addition: 2,500/2,000 ed Pending Trauma Team...
  2. Omega

    PRIVATE Professional Friends

    Red's Office in The Parlour She was never happier to see Red's drink girl reappear with more tall glasses filled with ice water than she was right now. Oh she was thirsty, no doubt. Every time she got to do a lil work her heart started hitting harder and she gets a flush. This time tho, she...
  3. Omega

    PUBLIC A Night To Remember | Lizzie's Bar | OPEN

    And it begun! The concert she'd braved the dregs of humanity tonight to see. She'd throat punch anyone who said the words aloud, but she was a closet Corporate Culture fangirl from wayyy back. Ya know, for like 8 months now. A freakin' lifetime when you're a venerable 20 years young. When the...
  4. Omega

    PUBLIC Calling All Cars

    She was doing her best ever impression of a jumping bean on a week long synthcoke bender. From her very tenuous hiding spot behind what once identified as tall, robust and statuesque was little more than an ugly stump in the floor that didn't do shit for cover. Omega's optics worked a frantic...
  5. Omega

    Income Guide & Updates

    Income Update Name: @Omega Reason: Monthly Income Thread Title: N/A Money Earned: 2,000eb Link to Thread: Staff Approved: @Nefadar
  6. Omega

    LFG Black Dog | Sign Up & Discussion

    In as @Red Bulloch eye in the sky
  7. Omega

    FIRST REPLY Player 2 - insert coin

    Abra, Abracadabra... Omega really wants to reach out and stab ya... There she was, folks. Happier than a pig in shit and bending the code she'd made it this far by never bending. Yeah, that got blown to shit as the adrenaline built higher and higher while the duo gelled well. In bout 3 minutes...
  8. Omega


    GENERAL INFORMATION Name: (What is the NPC's name?) Alias/Callsign: Nana Role: (What role does the NPC serve? Example: Fixer, Merc, Corpo Exec, Street Dealer, etc.) Affiliation(s): Primary Purpose: Omega's Only Family Member; Background support Nana has a "Secret Identity". She's also the...
  9. Omega

    FIRST REPLY Player 2 - insert coin

    To Be, or Not To Be... A Parasite That was the thought hanging round the back of Omega's mind, while the front was working like a crackhead 30 seconds after a fresh rip. The whole having a partner thing was uber stressful, but nobody tells ya that part. Get a partner, they said. It'll be good...
  10. Omega

    FIRST REPLY Player 2 - insert coin

    Omega did have an accent, Russian, and spoke English like she'd been doing it her whole life. Which she had, and that lead to some confusion in people hearing her speak when she's excited and natural, just flowing. Like now. She doesn't try and hold her accent back, so it shines thru bright and...
  11. Omega

    FIRST REPLY Player 2 - insert coin

    Arcade... This was her kinda vibe, most definitely. She was gangly knees and elbows when she was in the "grown up" clubs. Those places where sex, drugs and big money called the shots. Usually it was just money, the sex and drugs helped you swallow your humanity and feel better about being a...
  12. Omega

    PUBLIC A Night To Remember | Lizzie's Bar | OPEN

    En Route... Most nights, she would probably be scrambling to throw more gas on the ever burning cesspool of quasi-humanity that is Night City and launch Molatovs on her way outta town. Not tonight tho! Tonight, she was all jacked up on Mt Dew and the show she was gunning towards. She'd heard...
  13. Omega

    PRIVATE Professional Friends

    Step into my parlour, said the Spider to the fly... Got me fucked up, Omega spouted silently to herself as Red gave her, not surprisingly, few deets at all on job numero uno. Have docs, will scan. Her head tilted to one side all a sudden, as she considered whether #HAVEDOCSWILLSCAN could be...
  14. Omega

    PUBLIC Calling All Cars

    Outside, Making Her Way Into the Bank Well, hell's bells, would you look at that? MaxTac was dropping in for tea, and suddenly Ivo's dance card just got a lil too busy for Omega's liking. She may just be a gutter rat from a hood that makes Compton look like Mr. Roger's neighborhood, who didn't...
  15. Omega

    PUBLIC City of Dreams // OPEN

    If you paid any attention at all, you might think it a lil strange how quick Omega made to create space between her and the unholy object of her chrome fixation. Honestly, if the bike had been solo, there's a 99.9% chance she'd have hopped on, just to feel what it's like to have that much speed...